2024 “Barnie Robichaud” Groomer of the Year Awarded to Gary Marquis - Presented by Brent Spaulding
flat white ribbon, the area is exem plary of a great product for snow mobile enthusiasts. As we all know, this doesn’t happen by accident or by magic. There is a dedicated, passion ate individual behind it. In this case, for over two decades, Gary Marquis has been striving to accommodate landowners, busi nesses, and snowmobilers alike. He is always aware of landowner require ments and concerns and is keenly aware of his options for any reroutes. He has been an advocate for creating sled access to local businesses and is always working to produce a safe and enjoyable experience for all snowmo bilers. Gary can be seen many nights out in the groomer and coordinates the rest of the crew in his absence. According to the City Manager, his daytime job as Superintendent of Parks and Recreation along with his diligence and dedication to snow mobiling has made Caribou a better place to live, work, and play. It is my distinct pleasure to congrat ulate Gary Marquis as the MSA 2024 Barnie Robichaud Groomer of the Year.
L ast summer we lost an icon in our sport. Vernon” Barnie” Robi chaud was passionate about our sport and could be seen out groom ing for the Mattawamkeag Road Runners even at 100 Years old. There was a discussion and a vote after his passing that the MSA Groomer of the Year should be renamed. And so this year’s winner will be the first recipi ent of the Barnie Robichaud Groomer of theYear award. If you’ve ever ridden in the County, you’ve experienced the awesome trails of the Caribou system. As the Plourde and Plourde GM states.” When we ask customers about their ride, they always say the grooming in Caribou is the best”. From well marked corridors through potato fields, to informative signage at inter sections and, of course the wide and
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