

Volunteer Opportunities at CIHS! Please joinus inthe work of preservingthe past, to better understand the present, while we plan for the future! It doesn’t matter if you are year-round or seasonal, a newcomer or an old timer, youngorold,theMuseumisanexcitingplacetobeandthereare lotsofways tohelp,suchas: shopping for merchandise ~ researching ~ creatingnewsletters~ writing articles ~ enhancing technology ~ being a docent ~ volunteeringintheMuseumShop~helping with collections ~ developing outreach programs ~ planning an exhibit ~ organizing a house tour ~ working onacookbook~identifyingphotographs~givinga lecture~ planning an event ~ fundraising ~ and so much more! We hope to hear from you!

Comings and Goings We are delighted to announce that three members of the Chebeague community have recently joined the CIHS Board of Trustees. They are: - Ted Ballard - Jeff Drew - Corie Meehan. Welcome aboard! We also wish to express our thanks and best wishes to Pat Festino, who has stepped down as Trustee after a number of years of devoted service.

History is not was, it is.

For more information about how you can help please email: Anne Brenton to be new CIHS Shop Coordinator

Please welcome our new Museum Shop Coordinator Anne Brenton . We are very happy that she joined our team. Anne jumped right in, and has already attended the NE Made Trade Show. Be on the lookout for some new and exciting things in our Museum Shop, and come in and say hello when we open. Beth McNulty , CIHS President

Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture “ Subterranean Ancient Clues: Activities in Casco Bay Archeology, 2022 - 2024" Presenter: Thomas Bennett Monday, April 22 7 p.m. By Zoom only:829-6247-6056

Mystery Photo This remarkable photo comes from a postcard in the Museum ’ s collection. Tell us all you know about it!

Email: chebeaguehistory@gmail.com

The winning entry, along with last month ’ s Mystery Photo winner, will be revealed in next month ’ s issue .



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