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Snowmobile Destinations:

#1 - BorderTrail ITS-81, also know by locals as The Border Trail, is located northeast of Lime stone. This is a well-known destination ride due to the unique ability for riders to transverse the United States and Canadian border without having to formally go through Customs. While traveling north, you’re frequently on the Canadian side and traveling south keeps you in the United States. Granite pillars delin eate the border and are common picture points for snowmobilers.

#2 - “The Allagash” For those seeking a view of the northern Maine woods, ITS-120 through the Allagash presents countless miles of trails winding through the forests of northwestern Maine. Traveling west from Fort Kent, ITS-85 transitions into ITS 92 using an abandoned railroad bed that brings you into the remote land of dense trees and picturesque lakes.While there are no mountains in excess of 2,000-feet, the land scape includes numerous small mountains and rugged ridges scattered along the trail. Snowmobiling through the 100-mile Allagash loop brings unique insight and per spective to the history of the northern Maine woods.

#3 - LostTrains For the adventurous snowmobiler looking for one of the ultimate destinations hidden deep within the expanse of the northern Maine woods are the remains of a pair of 100-ton steel locomotives and their fuel cars. These so-called “Ghost Trains” occupy a clearing in the woods adjacent to the abandoned railway that once ran down to Umbazooksus Lake. The remains lie on the northern side of Cham berlain Lake and are only accessible by snowmobile during the win ter months. Depending on your starting point, access to these trains will be on groomed logging roads or through a mix of tight wooded trails, both with long stretches of frozen lake. This memorable des tination is definitely worth the trip!

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