MSA Club News
out on the trails are enjoying good times, good food and are gathering around the fire pit when it’s burning on weekends. Besides serving the basics of cheeseburgers, jumbo hot dogs, and grilled cheese, we also serve steak and cheese turnovers (or chicken pot pie turnovers), breakfast sandwiches all day (choice of meats), French Fries, chili, soups, and chowders, plus a wide variety of tasty specials: Reubens, Poutine etc. Follow your meal with on-premises made and baked chocolate chip cookies, ginger/molasses cook ies, apple turnovers and whoopie pies, etc., along with fresh coffee all day. We are feeding up to 60 deer twice a day. Patrons have been generous with the Trail Groomer and/or the Deer Feed jars and we thank you. Aaron and Mike are grooming the trails on a regular basis to Route 66 and to Kineo. Also, to Lobster Lake. Oh, by the way, are you doing your snow dance? Deer Ole Me Once again, hello fellow snowmobilers... Well, here it is FEBRUARY 20 th , as I am sitting at the kitchen table (seems to be a LOT of that going on this season) versus GEEZ, I really don’t have any time to sit and write a bunch of stories and send pictures to share with all of you. That is entirely NOT the case this year, with all of the trail work FINALLY completed for the umpteenth time, there seems to be a little lull in the routine of waiting for the SNOW to fall, grooming the SNOW, and actually getting some riding on the SNOW. We actually have been doing more about the former than the latter. The above paragraph really says it all. Just about anywhere you go across the state of MAINE this season, it’s some good riding, (NOT GREAT as we are accustomed to) some of “what to heck am I thinking,” and a lot of “ probably a good day / night to stay at camp and play cards / cribbage”. But still with that being said, it is truly AMAZING, IMPRES SIVE, and FANASTIC what the groomers can do with the sparse amount of SNOW that has been available to us this season. Many thanks to our local club for getting out there when you can to get the trails in the best condition possible. Just to about wrap it up for this time, a couple more items; Thanks AGAIN to Dale & JoAnn C. for opening up their home for the FEBRUARY 8th meeting- it was WELL attended (11 members present). Treasurer STEWART was doing a “ LIVE REMOTE “ from HOLLYWOOD SLOTS CASINO and gave us our updated financial report. Thanks for all you do as well, but you missed the GREAT snacks that JoAnn and Gail provided, maybe next month. The next KSRSC MEETING is sched uled for MARCH 14 th , 7:00 PM at DALE & JoANN’S house. Just a reminder - please bring / send ALL your work time sheets (Regular and FEMA) and any receipts that you would have for club related expenses. THANK-YOU. Also find attached a few pictures and short paragraph of the recent work that GREG L. and his crew accomplished out on the trails a KENDUSKEAG STREAM RIDERS sc Kenduskeag, ME
Okay, here we go. No, you are not re-listen ingWell, usually at this time of year we are in mid-season mode with getting some miles on the SNOW sleds. THIS will be a season to look back and reflect on year’s past and remember some of the best rides. Those are the ones that really get you psyched up for next year. Even though this year is NOT what we are accustomed to (boy, we really are spoiled aren’t we) -this season will too, give us our share of memories. Some of the pre-season trailwork has already paid off, with trails that are smoother, wider, less rock and stump cluttered, as well as SAFER. Again, a big THANK-YOU goes out to ALL of the VOLUN TEERS that made that happen. The long-term goal is for that work to continue as the weather allows this coming year. We are in the process of getting our grooming sleds overhauled, serviced, updated, and gradu ally upgrading our KUBOTA side by side with tracks, and some updates, too. Along with a cou ple of new drags (thanks to DON P.) This is really the best time to do this, as we are usually in full swing with grooming at night and riding during the day. Just be a little more patient Gene, the season isn’t over, yet. I would be remiss if I didn’t take the oppor tunity to mention AGAIN -a big THANK-YOU to ALL of our LANDOWNERS for allowing us to use their property for our trail system, we at GLRSC really appreciate it. On that same note, AGAIN a big THANK-YOU goes out to ALL of our local businesses (NEW and OLD) that have supported GLRSC again this year. Although this continues to be a difficult financial year, every time we knock on your door -you graciously say YES and join for the season, for this we say, THANK-YOU. We are residents in this community and will continue to patronize your establishments. Speaking of difficult years, our water crossings (LANCASTER BROOK and KENDUSKEAG STREAM) as in some previ ous seasons have been reluctant to freeze over. This is due to the fact that the temperature has NOT been conducive to making ice of moving water. PUSHAW LAKE has some areas of SAFE ice and some of NOT SAFE ice, please use cau tion and use common sense -always ask and test the ice-FIRST....ALL of our water crossings are being marked with a STOP SIGN, and verbiage that reads; TRAIL ENDS, PASS AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you are NOT 100 % sure of the ice, DON’T GO THANK -YOU... Just a few more things to wrap up: Thanks Eddie P. for bringing Marion P. up to the EBSC SUPPER and MEETING -I know she really appreciated it and was a welcome addi tion as always. Now with that being said, only 1 more “AWAY” meeting this season (EASTON) -APRIL will be “ HOME “in BREWER -just saying. The GLRSC MARCH MEETNGS will be; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6th and MARCH 20th @ 7;00 P.M.-CLUBHOUSE, located at the cor ner of OHIO STREET and PHILLIPS ROAD -see you there ...P.S. -just a reminder to bring ALL of your work time sheets (REGULAR and FEMA) as well as any receipts for re -imburse ments for club related expenses, Well, the riding was excellent for a few weeks in January and February. Despite the crazy weather our trails were covered and smooth but the sunny days in the 50’s took away a lot of the cover. Our base is pretty flat so a few inches of snow will get our trails back in shape. If there is a bright side to losing snow maybe it’s that with less snow, and the recent frigid temps, the lakes and trails are making a lot of ice. Moosehead Lake had inconsistent ice so the lake trails were not staked as early as usual. Remember that near the mouth of the Moose River, on either side of the island, is never safe. Also, the northern end of Kineo Island at Hardscrabble Point is unsafe. There is a buoy off the west end of the point that marks the shallow water and there is enough current (Continued on Page 24) THANK-YOU... BARRY E. RYAN GLRSC VICE -PRESIDENT BLUE RIDGE RIDERS sc Rockwood, ME
planned club family day early February due to the weather. The club is working on deciding a substitute activity for a later date, stay tuned. Our club had an unexpected & much appre ciated fun event happen in February. Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs was honored in a short ceremony by the Town of Lisbon & the State of Maine for our 50 years as an active snowmobile club. We were presented with a beautiful plaque by Rep. Rick Mason & Senator Jeff Timberlake. We just know our beloved founders Louise & Gordon Curtis were smiling from above at this well-deserved recognition on their behalf! Hopefully you can join us at our next meet ing, we meet every second Tuesday of the month at 6pm, at the clubhouse, and dinner will be served! Until next time, stay safe, help work on those trails, find a fun Spring activity- I’ll be working at getting my greenhouses up and running and trying to train 2 GSP puppies who have joined our family! Respectfully submitted, Libby Nilsen, club reporter Hello everyone, I’d like to start this letter by sending a huge thank you to the North Fryeburg Community Chapel for once again hosting our poker rally/ bonfire and to Louise and Ike for giving us access when we needed it. We weren’t able to ride the route on sleds but so many people still came out to show their support and we had a very successful day! Thank you to Bobbi-Jo and Tammy ~ Bin ny’s Mini Donuts for the delicious treats and to Larry and Deb for making chili and whoopie pies for the occasion, they were so good! Thanks to Deb and Maureen (Mo) for help with selling poker hands and raffle tickets and Larry for helping folks pick their poker hands. The best hand was a Queen high flush of hearts, 2 nd place was 3 of a kind (9’s) and 3rd place was two pair (Aces & 9’s). The 2nd and 3 rd place winner donated his winnings back to the club as did the 50/50 winner! Thank you to Wayne, Scott, and Marty for helping in the kitchen. You guys did a great job! Thank you to Nate and Cliff for manning the bonfire and big thanks to everyone (including my daughter-in-law Savannah) who helped with the set up and clean-up which was no small task! The following businesses donated gift cer tificates and prizes to help raise more money with our Chinese Auction: Steph’s Barber Shop, Saco Valley Sports Center, Fryeburg House of Pizza, Stow Corner Store, Curt’s Car Care, Lake Region Energy, Northeast Snowmobile & ATV Rentals, Richard Went worth Towing, Fryeburg Napa, Trumbull’s Hardware, Osgood’s Automotive, 302 West Smokehouse & Tavern, Fryeburg Kitchen & Marketplace, Napa Redstone, The Valley Originals and Key Bank Bridgton. Thank you everyone who came out to show your support. We couldn’t do all this without you and our landowners! Sincerely, FRYEBURG AREA SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION Fryeburg, ME
Mats on the trailer are on Cushman Road. The tractor on the mats in place on Corinth trail south of Cushman Road. The crew was Dale, Kyle, Mike, Stewart, Hunter, Dave, Greg.
few SUNDAYS ago-GREAT JOB!! Looks like GREG L. will be still be putting out the call for trail work / projects to continue on SUNDAYS @9:00A.M. -fire station, until it’s over.... looks like that’s all for this time. See you on the trails ...... BARRY E. RYAN KSRSC CLUB REPORTER
EASTERN MAINE SNOWMOBILERS Holden, ME EasternMaineSnowmobilers.com Find us on Facebook
We are definitely not quitters here at EMSC! The trail crew has been out steady working both weekdays and weekends. This season has been one struggle after another first from storm damage and then we had good snow that all kept disappearing. Finally had cold enough string of weather to get to places with our work sleds that we were unable to get to in the fall. The gates were open for a while and all the trails were groomed well on our 107 Connec tor and some Club trails. Currently we are in an on-hold status waiting and praying for snow to come at the end of February and early March. Upcoming Events Sunday March 17 th Board of directors meeting 5:00 p.m. Board of directors meeting 5:00 p.m. Club dinner 6:00 p.m. Annual meeting 7:00 p.m. Saturday May 11 th Annual spring dinner and auction! This is a fun one! We have a nice meal and an auction of goods from local supporting clubs and area businesses. Details to follow on our Facebook and website. Do your snow dance, pray for snow, or whatever it is ..... We need it! Troy G Trail Grunt Club dinner 6:00 p.m. Club meeting 7:00 p.m. Sunday April 14 th Annual meeting (election of officers/ directors)
Bridget Gorton Club Secretary
NORTHEAST CARRY sc Northeast Carry, ME Follow us on Facebook and Instagram It seems like all the snowmobilers that are
Hudson trail northeast of Potter Road
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