2023 Sabbathday Lake Water Quality Report
Total phosphorus at Sabbathday Lake was measured by collecting an "integrated core sample" from the epilimnion of the lake (representing the water column from the surface of the lake to the bottom of the epilimnion). During the summer of 2023, the epilimnion ranged from 5 - 6 m in depth and was determined based on the dissolved oxygen and temperature profiles (see next section). Single value TP readings in Sabbathday Lake have ranged from 3 ppb (1995) to 15 ppb (2000). In 2023,
Total Phosphorus (ppb) Years Table 4. Average Annual Chl-a monitoring results for Sabbathday Lake, Station 1 (1975-2023). Table 5. Average Annual TP for Sabbathday Lake, Station 1 (1982-2023). Annual TP Mean Min 6.0 Max 9.0 2023 Sabbathday Lake Table 2. Average Annual TP for Sabbathday Lake, Station 1 (1982-2023).
7.7 6.4
Historical Average (1982-2023) 10-Year Average (2014-2023) Avg. Maine Lakes
TP in Sabbathday Lake increased over the course of the summer at 6 ppb in July, 8 ppb in August, and 9 ppb in September. Average TP over the past 10 years is 5.9 ppb, slightly lower than the average over the historical sampling period. The lowest annual average TP on record is 4 ppb (2018). Statewide, TP ranges from 1 - 426 ppb with an average of 11.2 ppb. The data indicate that Sabbathday Lake has low levels of phosphorus compared to lakes statewide , and phosphorus concentrations have remained consistent over the historical monitoring period (Table 2, Figure 4). However, 2023 had the highest annual average TP since 2007- higher than both the historical average and 10-year average (Table 2). Average annual TP has only reached this concentration in four other years since sampling began (1996, 1998, 2000, and 2007). The higher TP concentrations in 2023 correlate with the lower water clarity readings and high levels of precipitation. Chlorophyll a
Table 3. Average Annual Chl-a monitoring results for Sabbathday Lake, Station 1 (1975-2023).
Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) is the third trophic state indicator, and measures the green pigment found in all plants, including microscopic plants such as algae. It is used as an estimate of algal biomass; higher Chl a equates to greater amount of algae in the lake. Chl a in Sabbathday Lake was measured by collecting an "integrated core sample" from the epilimnion of the lake, representing the water column from the surface of the lake to the bottom of the epilimnion. Chl-a in Sabbathday Lake has ranged from 1.6 ppb
Chlorophyll a (ppb)
Years Figure 4. Average annual water quality data for trophic state indicators (water clarity, total phosphorus (TP), and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) for Sabbathday Lake, Station 1. Table 6. Average Annual Chl-a monitoring results for Sabbathday Lake, Station 1 (1975-2023). Annual Chl-a Mean Min 6.0 Max 12.0 2023 Sabbathday Lake 8.7 3.9 2.0 8.7
Historical Average (1975-2023) 10-Year Average (2014-2023) Avg. Maine Lakes
3.5 5.7
2.0 0.1
(1998, 1999, 2000) to 12 ppb (2023). In 2023, Chl-a increased over the course of the summer from 6 ppb in July, and 8 ppb in August, to 12 ppb in September. Average annual Chl-a was the highest on record in 2023, with the highest daily Chl-a value on record in September (12 ppb). The only other daily Chl-a value greater than 10 ppb was recorded in 1998 (10.6 ppb). Statewide, Chl-a ranges from 0.1 - 208 ppb with an average of 5.7 ppb. The 10-year average for Sabbathday Lake is slightly lower than the historical average despite the unusually high readings in 2023 (Table 3). With the
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