Intergovernmental revenue 1,369,747 - 652,671 2,022,418 Charges for services 279,775 - - 279,775 Investment income 30,886 3,636 444 34,966 Licenses and permits 74,117 - - 74,117 Other revenue 63,718 - 154,506 218,224 Total revenues 11,589,209 3,636 807,621 12,400,466
Transfer station 268,597 - - 268,597 Education 5,698,997 - - 5,698,997 County tax 391,716 - - 391,716 General government 1,298,271 - - 1,298,271 Public safety 801,474 - - 801,474 Public works 1,143,012 - - 1,143,012
Debt service 362,710 - - 362,710 Transfer station 268,597 - - 268,597 Education 5,698,997 - - 5,698,997 County tax 391,716 - - 391,716
Culture and recreation 211,442 - - 211,442 Other 1,238,292 - 141,974 1,380,265 Debt service 362,710 - - 362,710
Total expenditures 11,414,511 - 141,974 11,556,485 Culture and recreation 211,442 - - 211,442 Other 1,238,292 - 141,974 1,380,265
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 174,698 3,636 665,647 843,982 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in 880,861 348,357 1,050,224 2,279,442 Operating transfers (out) (1,398,581) (82,500) (798,361) (2,279,442) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 174,698 3,636 665,647 843,982 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in 880,861 348,357 1,050,224 2,279,442 Operating transfers (out) (1,398,581) (82,500) (798,361) (2,279,442) Proceeds from issuance of bond payable 450,000 - - 450,000 Total other financing sources (uses) (67,720) 265,857 251,863 450,000 Net change in fund balances 106,978 269,493 917,510 1,293,982
FUND BALANCES - BEGINNING 4,733,843 1,121,373 1,918,580 7,773,796 FUND BALANCES - ENDING 4,840,821 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,836,090 $ 9,067,778 $ Proceeds from issuance of bond payable 450,000 - - 450,000 Total other financing sources (uses) (67,720) 265,857 251,863 450,000 Net change in fund balances 106,978 269,493 917,510 1,293,982
Intergovernmental revenue 1,369,747 - 652,671 2,022,418 Charges for services 279,775 - - 279,775 Investment income 30,886 3,636 444 34,966 Licenses and permits 74,117 - - 74,117 Other revenue 63,718 - 154,506 218,224 Total revenues 11,589,209 3,636 807,621 12,400,466 Property taxes 8,404,590 $ - $ - $ 8,404,590 $ Excise taxes 1,366,376 - - 1,366,376
FUND BALANCES - BEGINNING 4,733,843 1,121,373 1,918,580 7,773,796 FUND BALANCES - ENDING 4,840,821 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,836,090 $ 9,067,778 $
Total expenditures 11,414,511 - 141,974 11,556,485
Statement 4
Major Fund Other Nonmajor Total General TIF Governmental Governmental Fund District Funds Funds
General government 1,298,271 - - 1,298,271 Public safety 801,474 - - 801,474 Public works 1,143,012 - - 1,143,012 EXPENDITURES:
Property taxes 8,404,590 $ - $ - $ 8,404,590 $ Excise taxes 1,366,376 - - 1,366,376 REVENUES:
Statement 4
Major Fund Other Nonmajor Total General TIF Governmental Governmental Fund District Funds Funds
Governmental Funds
Town of New Gloucester, Maine
For the Year Ended June 30, 2022
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
Governmental Funds
Town of New Gloucester, Maine
For the Year Ended June 30, 2022
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.
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