Statement 3
Cash and cash equivalents 4,934,238 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,563,092 $ 8,888,196 $ Accounts receivable 237,953 - - 237,953 Prepaid expenses 830 - - 830 Interfund receivable 1,784 - 274,783 276,567 Taxes receivable 4,356 - - 4,356 Tax liens receivable 141,162 - - 141,162 TOTAL ASSETS 5,320,322 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,837,875 $ 9,549,063 $
LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable 37,079 $ - $ - $ 37,079 $ Accrued payroll 28,243 - - 28,243 Interfund payable 274,783 - 1,784 276,567 Total liabilities 340,105 - 1,784 341,888 Deferred inflows of resources: Taxes collected in advance 28,397 - - 28,397 Uncollected property taxes 111,000 - - 111,000 Total deferred inflows of resources 139,397 - - 139,397 Fund balances: Nonspendable 830 - - 830 Restricted - see footnotes - 1,390,866 788,480 2,179,346 Committed - see footnotes - - 2,047,611 2,047,611 Assigned - see footnotes 14,077 - - 14,077 Unassigned 4,825,914 - - 4,825,914 Total fund balances 4,840,821 1,390,866 2,836,091 9,067,778
Interfund receivable 1,784 - 274,783 276,567 Taxes receivable 4,356 - - 4,356 Tax liens receivable 141,162 - - 141,162 TOTAL ASSETS 5,320,322 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,837,875 $ 9,549,063 $ LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable 37,079 $ - $ - $ 37,079 $ Accrued payroll 28,243 - - 28,243 Interfund payable 274,783 - 1,784 276,567 Total liabilities 340,105 - 1,784 341,888 Deferred inflows of resources: Taxes collected in advance 28,397 - - 28,397 Uncollected property taxes 111,000 - - 111,000 Total deferred inflows of resources 139,397 - - 139,397 Fund balances: Nonspendable 830 - - 830 Restricted - see footnotes - 1,390,866 788,480 2,179,346 Committed - see footnotes - - 2,047,611 2,047,611 Assigned - see footnotes 14,077 - - 14,077 Unassigned 4,825,914 - - 4,825,914 Total fund balances 4,840,821 1,390,866 2,836,091 9,067,778
TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES 5,320,322 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,837,875 $ 9,549,063 $
Major Fund Other Nonmajor Total General TIF Governmental Governmental Fund District Funds Funds
ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 4,934,238 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,563,092 $ 8,888,196 $ Accounts receivable 237,953 - - 237,953 Prepaid expenses 830 - - 830
TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES 5,320,322 $ 1,390,866 $ 2,837,875 $ 9,549,063 $
Governmental Funds June 30, 2022 Major Fund Other Nonmajor Total General TIF Governmental Governmental Fund District Funds Funds
Balance Sheets
Town of New Gloucester, Maine
Governmental Funds June 30, 2022
Balance Sheets
Town of New Gloucester, Maine
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