
TABLE 6 Maine Waste to Energy Income Statement with Prior Year Comparison

As of 6/30/2023







Operating Expenses: Payroll 217,187 26.9% 179,773 19.7% (37,415) (17.2%) 2,381,412 25.4% 2,489,607 23.6% 108,195 4.5% Payroll Taxes 16,600 2.1% 13,548 1.5% (3,051) (18.4%) 179,134 1.9% 187,764 1.8% 8,630 4.8% Benefits 55,178 6.8% 53,536 5.9% (1,643) (3.0%) 543,385 5.8% 542,530 5.1% (855) (0.2%) 1.5% (3,051) 5.9% (1,643) 0.2% 708 0.2% 87 0.1% 888 0.0% (103) 1.9% (177) 1.5% 38 0 2.3% 620 0.5% (27,120) 0.1% (1,950) 0.0% (316) 0.4% (3,514) 0.2% (1,404) 0.2% 526 0.2% (1,618) 0 9.5% (34,784) 0 72,101 17,865 100.0% 18,588 100.0% 723 0 17,865 100.0% 18,588 100.0% 723 0 0 71,378 Page 8

Depreciation 17,865 100.0% 18,588 100.0% 723 4.0% 214,380 100.0% 221,037 100.0% 6,657 3.1% Amortization 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Total Non-Cash Expenses 17,865 100.0% 18,588 100.0% 723 4.0% 214,380 100.0% 221,037 100.0% 6,657 3.1% OTHER Post-Retirement Benefit 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% (Un) Realized (Gain) Loss 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Net Gain/(Loss) (31,110) 40,268 71,378 (392,469) (288,288) 104,181

Disposal/Transportation 280,373 34.8% 475,639 52.2% 195,266 69.6% 3,136,093 33.4% 3,603,578 34.2% 467,485 14.9% Rolling Stock 7,532 0.9% 4,018 0.4% (3,514) (46.7%) 42,973 0.5% 51,922 0.5% 8,949 20.8% Chemicals 7,086 0.9% 17,875 2.0% 10,789 152.3% 197,509 2.1% 210,686 2.0% 13,177 6.7% Safety Supplies 2,073 0.3% 4,990 0.5% 2,917 140.7% 39,611 0.4% 51,875 0.5% 12,264 31.0% Shop Consumables 3,348 0.4% 1,944 0.2% (1,404) (41.9%) 107,135 1.1% 97,954 0.9% (9,182) (8.6%) Shop Equipment 1,341 0.2% 1,867 0.2% 526 39.2% 32,800 0.3% 59,627 0.6% 26,828 81.8% Contract Maintenance 3,465 0.4% 1,847 0.2% (1,618) (46.7%) 20,849 0.2% 62,831 0.6% 41,982 201.4% Spare Parts 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 179,134 1.9% 187,764 543,385 5.8% 542,530 9,247 0.1% 21,611 4,934 0.1% 10,135 18,898 0.2% 17,640 995 0.0% 1,266 525 0.0% 87 194,508 2.1% 214,683 0.3% 160,125 1.7% 257,787 392 0.0% 205 3.1% 247,209 2.6% 245,635 0.4% 83,879 1.2% 163,088 0.2% 24,331 0.0% 9,913 0.1% 5,740 0.5% 51,922 2.1% 210,686 0.4% 51,875 1.1% 97,954 0.3% 59,627 0.2% 62,831 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% (178,089) (67,251) 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% (392,469) (288,288)

Outside Fees 20,200 2.5% 20,820 2.3% 620 3.1% 247,209 2.6% 245,635 2.3% (1,574) (0.6%) Environmental Compliance 629 0.1% 2,091 0.2% 1,462 232.4% 38,067 0.4% 83,879 0.8% 45,812 120.3% Outside Services 31,669 3.9% 4,548 0.5% (27,120) (85.6%) 109,234 1.2% 163,088 1.5% 53,854 49.3% Office Supplies 2,731 0.3% 781 0.1% (1,950) (71.4%) 16,556 0.2% 24,331 0.2% 7,775 47.0% Health & Safety 140 0.0% 702 0.1% 562 401.4% 4,002 0.0% 9,913 0.1% 5,912 147.7% Housekeeping 490 0.1% 174 0.0% (316) (64.4%) 5,378 0.1% 5,740 0.1% 362 6.7% (17.2%) (18.4%) (3.0%) 0.5% 3,652 285.5% 81.6% 0.0% (100.0%) (1.0%) 0.0% 0.2% 1,462 232.4% 38,067 (85.6%) 109,234 (71.4%) 16,556 0.1% 562 401.4% 4,002 (64.4%) 5,378 (46.7%) 42,973 2.0% 10,789 152.3% 197,509 0.5% 2,917 140.7% 39,611 (41.9%) 107,135 39.2% 32,800 (46.7%) 20,849 0.0% 0 (28.6%) 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0

Major Maintenance 121,621 15.1% 86,837 9.5% (34,784) (28.6%) 1,890,158 20.1% 2,133,872 20.2% 243,714 12.9% Contingency 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Page 8 69.6% 3,136,093 33.4% 3,603,578 34.2% 467,485 0.5% 8,949 2.0% 13,177 0.5% 12,264 0.6% 26,828 0.6% 41,982 0 1,890,158 20.1% 2,133,872 20.2% 243,714 0 12.9% 9,381,127 100.0% 10,548,246 100.0% 1,167,119 110,838 4.0% 214,380 100.0% 221,037 100.0% 6,657 0 4.0% 214,380 100.0% 221,037 100.0% 6,657 0 0 104,181 2,381,412 25.4% 2,489,607 23.6% 108,195


Income Statement with Prior Year Comparison PRIOR % ACTUAL % VARIANCE % PRIOR % ACTUAL % VARIANCE % Recruiting 1,279 0.2% 4,931 0.5% 3,652 285.5% 9,247 0.1% 21,611 0.2% 12,364 133.7% Education/Training 868 0.1% 1,576 0.2% 708 81.6% 4,934 0.1% 10,135 0.1% 5,201 105.4% Public Relations 1,590 0.2% 1,677 0.2% 87 18,898 0.2% 17,640 0.2% (1,258) (6.7%) Board Expense 0 0.0% 888 0.1% 888 0.0% 995 0.0% 1,266 0.0% 271 27.2% Travel 103 0.0% 0 0.0% (103) (100.0%) 525 0.0% 87 0.0% (437) (83.3%) Insurance 17,654 2.2% 17,477 1.9% (177) (1.0%) 194,508 2.1% 214,683 2.0% 20,175 10.4% Utilities 13,187 1.6% 13,225 1.5% 38 0.3% 160,125 1.7% 257,787 2.4% 97,662 61.0% Security 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 392 0.0% 205 0.0% (187) (47.7%) As of 6/30/2023 CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE 16,600 2.1% 13,548 55,178 6.8% 53,536 1,279 0.2% 4,931 868 0.1% 1,576 1,590 0.2% 1,677 0 0.0% 888 103 0.0% 0 17,654 2.2% 17,477 13,187 1.6% 13,225 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 20,200 2.5% 20,820 629 0.1% 2,091 31,669 3.9% 4,548 2,731 0.3% 781 140 0.0% 702 490 0.1% 174 7,532 0.9% 4,018 7,086 0.9% 17,875 2,073 0.3% 4,990 3,348 0.4% 1,944 1,341 0.2% 1,867 3,465 0.4% 1,847 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 121,621 15.1% 86,837 0 0.0% 0 0.0% (13,245) 58,856 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% (31,110) 40,268

Total Operating Expenses 806,343 100.0% 910,763 100.0% 104,420 12.9% 9,381,127 100.0% 10,548,246 100.0% 1,167,119 12.4% Net Operations (13,245) 58,856 72,101 (178,089) (67,251) 110,838 NON-CASH EXPENSES: 1.8% 8,630 5.1% (855) 0.2% 12,364 0.1% 5,201 0.2% (1,258) 0.0% 271 0.0% (437) 2.0% 20,175 2.4% 97,662 0.0% (187) 2.3% (1,574) 0.8% 45,812 1.5% 53,854 0.2% 7,775 0.1% 5,912 0.1% 362 0.9% (9,182)

217,187 26.9% 179,773 19.7% (37,415)




l Compliance





280,373 34.8% 475,639 52.2% 195,266






ng Expenses

806,343 100.0% 910,763 100.0% 104,420



Maine Waste to Energy 0

sh Expenses

nt Benefit (Gain) Loss



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