

Volunteer Opportunities at CIHS! We hope you will join us in the work of preserving the past, to better understand the present, while we plan for the future! You can be are year-round, seasonal, a newcomer, an old timer, young or old, the Museum is an exciting place to be, and there are lots of fun ways to help such as: shopping for merchandise ~ researching ~ creating newsletters ~ writing articles ~ enhancing technology ~ being a docent ~ volunteering in the Museum Shop ~ helping with collections ~ developing programs ~ planning an exhibit ~ organizing a house tour ~ working on a cookbook ~ identifying photographs ~ giving a lecture ~ planning an event ~ fundraising ~ and so many more! We hope to hear from you! For more information about how you can help please email: chebeaguehistory@gmail.com Housing Needed for Island Fellow Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture Monday, February 26 at 7 On Zoom: 829-6247-6056 Rachel Church , whose work was February Mystery Photo Binkie Boxer identified the February Master Photo. She wrote: The Island Market when Uncle Earle and Aunt Jo ran it. Those beams are now covered by the suspended ceiling, and the way those cans stayed on the shelves was against the law of gravity.

Employment Opportunity! CIHS is looking for a Dear Chebeague Island Community, As we look forward to spring on the island, the Chebeague Island Historical Society (CIHS) is fi lled with gratitude for the collective support of the community and to all those who have contributed to our success. It has been 40 years since our founders began their work to make CIHS what it is today. Now we are at a time of transition and excitement for the future. Last fall our community-wide survey provided CIHS insight on our past and current efforts, along with suggestions for the future of the organization. We received 190 responses with recommendations for exhibits and programs, increasing our value to the community. Half of the respondents were seasonal residents, over a third were year-round residents and close to twenty percent were frequent visitors or guests of families on the island. There was a strong response from the younger generations with enthusiastic suggestions for us to consider. The community endorsed the popularity of the Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series and shared its appreciation for the Sloop’s Log. We heard many ideas for programs ranging from fi shing and boat building, to climate change and the in fl uence of environmental factors on the development of the island over the last few centuries. There were speci fi c suggestions for youth programs and stronger connections to school age children, both year-round and summer. We are thrilled with the enthusiasm, feedback and ideas! Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey and for your willingness to provide honest and constructive feedback. More details of the survey can be found by following the link on our website atchebeaguehistory.com. Looking forward, we are eager to embrace the possibilities that 2024 holds. We are in the process of building a new exhibit that opens in July. We will be bringing back the popular House Tour on August 13 th . And, a summer celebration is in the works to recognize Donna Damon as she steps back from her curator position and to thank her for the many years of service and devotion to the CIHS. Museum Shop Coordinator , which is a part time seasonal position, March to September, to oversee the operation of the Museum Shop, including supervising staff and working with the Merchandise Committee. Duties include: Ordering merchandise, pricing, updating Square for Retail, stocking, arranging merchandise, and working in the Museum Shop at least two days a week. Position starts in March and hours will increase when shop opens in June. For more information please contact : Beth McNulty at mcnultyb2@gmail.com

CIHS is applying for an Island Fellow, and we need a place to rent from September 2024 thru August 2025. Accommodations could range from a rental house to a room in an island home. If you can help please email: Beth McNulty at mcnultyb2@gmail.com

recently published by Maine Historical Society, will discuss the importance of community cookbooks, focusing on the 1961 Chebeague Ladies Aid Cookbook . She is a USM PhD candidate and grand daughter of former pastor, Tom Merrill and his wife, Beverly who worked on the 1961 cookbook. March Mystery Photo Earle Doughty

Earle is fondly remembered by generations of kids because he was always able to find bubble gum behind their ears!

Mystery Photos January left ~ February below Tell us all you know about the photograph below! Email: chebeaguehistory@gmail.com Please email chebeaguehisto ry@gmail.com with the: Who, What, When,

Where, and Why of the March Mystery photo!

Billy Calthorpe wrote the following about January’s mystery photo: It would be in December of either 1990 or 1991...never got above zero that whole month, and it is Carleton Nida on the bow of his boat, which Herb Rich built and was later owned by Patti and named Resistance...forget what Carleton named her... the Coast Guard came down to bust the ice out. I think it is Herb Rich's boat off the stern of Cartsie’s boat and Alex Todd's boat, the Predator is in the back ground. I was scalloping with Alex and Stephen that winter, and we had a few days where we walked out to the boat. We will be working on our website and updating our technology for the community and members. Our museum shop will be full of interesting items and fabulous gifts. All of these are exciting opportunities for CIHS. We look forward to working with all the island residents and visitors and we are poised to step forward on this journey with your support. Sincerely, Beth McNulty, President

Don’t miss the March Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture when Earle Shettleworth returns to tell the history of Portland through postcards! Monday March 25, 7PM on Zoom: 829-6247-6056



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