
BRIDGTON Ace Hardware & Rental, (207) 647-3342 Brill Lumber, (207) 647-3776 Campfire Grill, (207) 803-2255 Chalmers Insurance Group, (207) 803-2624 JP Gallinari Electric, (207) 647-9435 Knight’s Recreational LLC, (207) 831-0189 Laird’s Family Tire & Service, (207) 647-2471 Lakes Region Fiberglass, (207) 749-9676 Macdonald Motors, Inc, (207) 647-3304 Main Eco Homes LLC, (207) 647-3883 Mainly Melts, (207) 803-8459

DW Leavitt Construction, (207) 848-7777 Generation Improvements, (207) 944-7368 Hand’s General Contracting, (207) 848-2324 Hank’s Repair, (207) 848-5118 Hermon Motor Co, (207) 848-3531 Hickory Dickory Decks, (207) 852-4488 Leonard Automotive, (207) 949-4319 Mystic Valley Campground, (207) 478-3235 Phil’s Towing, (207) 299-3170 Potters Transmission, (207) 848-7568 Quality Carpentry, (207) 570-3335 Stepping Stone Farm, (207) 848-5310 TGP Enterprises, Inc, (207) 848-2284 The Village Market, (207) 848-2225 Witham’s Paving Inc, (207) 745-1940 WorkStore, (207) 947-1100 R&M Painting, (207) 944-3509 Rick’s Mini Mart, (207) 848-3624

MSA Business Members Support Maine’s Snowmobile Trails Thank them by using their services

Somatex Inc, (207) 487-6141 DEXTER Bears Den Motel Restaurant & Tavern, (207) 564-2380 Brooks Tire & Auto, (207) 924-7149 CL Lancaster Foundations LLC, (207) 924-5423 Complete Denture Center, (207) 735-3249 Dexter House of Pizza, (207) 924-7910 Dexter Print Shop LLC, (207) 924-0028 Dexter Subway, (207) 924-7202 George Howard & Co., Inc, (207) 924-7461 Grant’s Plumbing & Heating, (207) 341-2651 Grant’s Plumbing & Heating, (207) 341-2651 Harmony Home Décor, (207) 278-2782 Huff Forest Products, Inc, (207) 487-3338 Littlefield’s Garage, (800) 924-6616 Moon Hing, (207) 564-8448 Moosehead Trail Powersports, (207) 368-5377 Mountains Market, (207) 564-2814 P&L Country Market, (207) 924-5000 Route 7 Crafts, (207) 564-7777 Stewart’s Property Management, (207) 717-5172 Subway, (207) 924-7202 The Farmer’s Table, (207) 278-0085 DIXFIELD Blouin’s Automotive, (207) 562-4921 Mountain Valley Sports, (207) 562-7164 P’Zazz, (207) 562-8387 The FITCH Company, (207) 364-7441 The Lure, (207) 507-1655 Wil’s Autobody, (207) 357-9707 DIXMONT Orcutt’s Variety, (207) 234-2401 DOVER-FOXCROFT 207 Powersports, (207) 557-3725 AE Robinson Oil Co Inc, (207) 564-8131 Chris Lancaster / State Farm Agency, (207) 951-0176 Mountains Market, (207) 564-2814 Northern Line Construction, (207) 852-1881 Sebec Marine & Sports, Treeline Storage & Shring Wrapping, (207) 299-6613 DURHAM Jack’s Property Service, K&K Residential Services, (207) 751-5166 EAGLE LAKE GP Construction, Inc, (207) 444-3437 MJ’s Pub & Grub, (207) 444-7000 Raymond Construction Inc RT Price Paving EAST MILLINOCKET Baxter Park Inn, (866) 633-9777 Calvary Temple Assembly, (207) 746-5274 Carl’s Auto Parts Inc, (207) 794-6778 Coastal Auto Parts Crandall’s Hardware, (207) 746-5722 Eastmill Federal Credit Union, (207) 746-3428 Katahdin Kritters Pet Resort, (207) 746-8040 EAST WATERBORO Binette Insurance Agency, (207) 247-6211 F.M. Abbott Power Equipment, Inc, (207) 247-5278 Lakeside Market Inc, (207) 247-8440 RSD Graphics, (207) 247-6430 EAST WILTON Mountainside Power Sports EASTON Boondock’s Grille, (207) 472-6074 Brent Flewelling, Inc, (207) 551-0678 Bruce Flewelling Inc, (207) 488-6188 Center Farms Inc, (207) 488-2211 Chesley Property Care, (207) 649-5072 Country Farms Market, Dan Ferris Inc, (207) 488-6089 Northeast Tree Harvesting, (207) 316-3356 One Stop, (207) 488-6100 RX Sourcing Strategies, (636) 236-8782 The Maple Moose EASTPORT Moose Island Marine, (207) 853-6058 Seaview RV Resort, (207) 853-4471 Voisine Machine & Fabrication ,LLC, (207) 214-6397 EDDINGTON B&F Road Service-Truck/Trailer Service, (207) 974-7696 LP Williams Construction Inc, (207) 852-5282 Peavey Manufacturing Co, (207) 843-7861 WINGSReality EDU, (207) 479-5409 EDGECOME Bowley Excavation, (207) 272-2428 ELLSWORTH Brown’s Communications, Inc, (207) 667-2254 Coastal Interiors, (207) 667-7166 Complete Tire Service, (207) 667-5344 Friend & Friend Inc, (207) 667-4688 Main Street Auto Care, (207) 667-6068 EMBDEN Ernie Falcone - Keller Williams Realty, (207) 612-1488 Jake Electrical Services, Inc, (978) 352-2140 Michael E Witham Trucking, (207) 431-1604 Stevens Electric, (207) 399-6638 The Works-Builder/Contractor-George Yodice, (207) 578-8247 ETNA Electrify Maine, Inc., (207) 416-7205 EUSTIS Casey Cote, Realtor DK Vacation Rentals North Branch Sporting Camps, (207) 670-4476 Northwoods Concrete Rustler’s Steakhouse, (207) 892-8808 EXETER Circle-D-Spray Foam Inc, (207) 461-3686 Exeter Agri Energy, (207) 379-2963 Fettinger Fuels, (207) 379-3320 Rawcliffes Sunoco, (207) 862-4141 Stonyvale Inc, (207) 379-2963 FAIRFIELD Casey’s Redemption, (207) 453-6808 Cayer Security Services Inc, (207) 453-9177 B&C Pit Stop Inc, DR Logging Inc, Fish River Lodge, (207) 444-9078

Hinckley General Store, (207) 453-9812 L.N. Violette Co, Inc, (207) 453-9323 Stanley’s Septic Service, (207) 453-9819 FALMOUTH Enbridge - M&N Operating Co, (207) 650-4085 Keniston’s Motor Sports, (207) 878-5776 Pickrell Electric Inc, (207) 776-2381 Viola Ventures, (207) 420-1515 Wilshore Farm, (207) 776-8812 FARMINGDALE Brown’s Exit 27 Salvage, (207) 582-7002 D&H Motors, (207) 582-3860 FARMINGTON Cushing Motorsports, (207) 778-4206 Cushing Stables, (207) 320-3266 Farmington D, (207) 778-6880 Farmington Towing, (207) 778-9916 Harris Real Estate & Auctions, (207) 778-1494 Home Auto Group Farmington Ford-Franklin Chrysler, (207) 778-3334 Mount Blue Motel LLC dba Colonial Valley Motel, (207) 778-6004 Platinum Tanning, (207) 897-2220 Ripley and Fletcher Preowned, (207) 778-5607 FAYETTE Growers Exchange Co, (207) 473-7861 Phil Killcollins Farms, (207) 557-4879 Thibeau Farms LLC, (207) 472-5151 Turner Sanitation LLC, (207) 476-5095 FORT KENT Acadia Federal Credit Union, (855) 692-2234 Albert’s Jewelry, (207) 231-4622 Aroostook Postech, (207) 249-2019 B. Charette Logging Inc, (207) 316-3130 Becky Caron, (207) 436-0067 Cabin in the Trees, (207) 322-5313 Corriveau Arctic Cat Plus, (207) 834-5713 County Home Inspections, (207) 834-3862 Crossroads Cabins, (207) 249-4750 D. Plourde Logging Inc, (207) 834-6539 Deep Gash Sportsman’s Lodging, (207) 316-4653 Deep Gash Trucking, (207) 212-6392 Fort Kent Power Sports, (207) 834-3607 Fort Kent Powersports, (207) 834-3607 Frank Martin Sons Inc, (207) 834-3171 H.O. Bouchard, (207) 949-0900 John’s Food Store, (207) 834-5181 Katahdin Trust Co, (207) 834-2438 Lee Pelletier Trucking, (207) 231-0109 M & M Service Station Mike’s & Sons INC, (207) 834-6310 Norstate Federal Credit Union, (800) 804-7555 Northern Door Inn, (207) 834-3133 Ouellette Logging, (207) 834-3839 Overlook Motel & Lakeside Cottages, (207) 444-4535 Paradis Shop N Save, (207) 834-3020 Pelletier Timber Harvesting, (207) 316-6592 Peter Niro, (860) 983-7429 Renee Daigle, (207) 808-9344 Rock’s Family Diner, (207) 834-7888 Roger’s Sport Center, (207) 834-5505 Roy Auto Parts Inc, (207) 834-3903 Swampbuck Restaurant & Lounge, (207) 834-3055 TDT Inc, (207) 316-2689 VTS, (207) 834-951 FORT KENT MILLS CanAm Crown FREEMAN TWP Dana’s Maintenance Service, (207) 491-8798 FREEPORT Dave Kenney Builder Inc, (207) 329-4344 FRYEBURG DW Electrical Contractors Inc, (603) 733-5333 Northeast Snowmobile Rentals, (800) 458-1838 Osgood’s Outdoor Power & Auto, (207) 935-2121 The White Gables Inn, (207) 591-5157 Webb Law Firm, (207) 283-6400 White Mountain Overhead Doors, (207) 935-4666 GARDINER McGillivary’s Plumbing Services GILEAD Caribou Springs LLC, (207) 215-3119 Countryside Landscaping, (207) 357-3139 Tuckerland Company LLC, (207) 899-9001 GLENBURN Frost Properties, (207) 944-9456 Glenburn Landscape & Supply Company, (207) 573-1201 Harvey RVs & Marine, (207) 990-5081 Clyde Watson Inc, (207) 935-3444 Curt’s Car Care, (207) 890-5446 James Hook & Co, (617) 423-5500 King’s Arrow Co, (207) 215-1775 FORT FAIRFIELD

Morning Glory Diner, (207) 647-9606 Muddy River Signs, (207) 647-3011 Muddy River Signs, (207) 647-3011 Muddy River Signs, (207) 647-3011 Noble House Inn, (207) 647-3733 Noble K9, (207) 693-5504 O’Berg Insurance & Real Estate Agency, (207) 647-5551

WWFS Power Washing, (207) 848-5418 Ye Ole General Store, (207) 848-2700 CARROLL PLANTATION T Worster Logging, Inc, (207) 794-4115 Worster’s Lawn Care & Snowplowing, (207) 290-0975 CARTHAGE Bevelaqua Construction, (401) 230-3525 Nana’s Creations, (207) 504-3067 CARY Libby Lane Farms LLC, (207) 538-1770 CASCO CE Construction Inc, (207) 650-5320 Clippers OC, (207) 655-1011 Lilies Floral and Garden, (207) 655-5459 Paul’s Boutique Nursery, (207) 210-1993 Simplicity Salon, (207) 655-2555 CASWELL County Federal Credit Union, (207) 498-8756 Daigle Sport Center, (207) 728-3881 Granite Steel Equipment, (603) 731-8229 Parents Country Store, (207) 325-4182 Plourde & Plourde, (207) 496-3211 Rock Iron Repair, (603) 817-1030 Strategic Maintenance Solutions, (207) 899-4314 Tulsa Inc, (207) 868-5702 CATHANCE TWP David Lee Construction, (207) 454-0097 CHESTERVILLE Chesterville Corner Store, (207) 778-9111 Hometown Fuels, (207) 325-4634 P&E Distributors, (207) 760-8393 Precision Equipment Coating, (207) 793-8200 Wood-Mizer of New England, (207) 645-2072 CHINA MA Haskell Fuel Co LLC, (207) 993-2265 CLIFTON Clifton General Store, (207) 843-5968 Sheila’s Maine Treats, (207) 299-4668 Tradewinds Market Plus, (207) 426-8555 Weymouth Equipment LLC, (207) 660-1074 COLUMBIA FALLS Cottonwood Camping & RV Park, (207) 598-8497 Elmer’s Country Store, (207) 483-2100 CORINNA Pet Motel, (207) 278-2800 CORINTH Franklin Vending Service, (207) 949-4850 JCB Horse Sales, LLC, (207) 285-2052 Twisted Wrench, (207) 974-6498 CORNISH Clear Advantage LLC, (207) 232-2891 Hometown Builders LLC, (207) 793-4730 The Local Gear, (207) 625-9400 CORNVILLE Blanchet Woodworking, (207) 858-5741 CUMBERLAND East Financial Management, (413) 427-4429 Nash Earthworks LLC, (207) 415-1900 Rachel’s On The Green, (207) 829-2225 Royal River Boat Repair Inc, (207) 846-9577 CUTLER SWF & Son Lobster Co, (207) 259-2076 DAMARISCOTTA Hancock Lumber, (207) 563-3181 LR French Inc DANFORTH Danforth Hardware LLC, (207) 448-7215 East Grand Escape, (603) 344-2219 East Grand Ice Shack Rentals, (207) 746-8858 GLMC Fiber Solutions, (860) 690-5359 Greenland Cove Cabins, (207) 448-7739 High Class Landscaping, (207) 538-1035 Robbins Team LLC Danforth Getaway on EGL, (207) 233-6631 The Millyard, (207) 448-7119 DANVERS, MA Bernie Van Knowe & Son Plumbing & Heating, (978) 836-9898 The Trailor Shop, (978) 750-6799 DAYTON Andy’s Agway, (207) 282-2998 Dayton Country Store, (207) 499-4243 DoniLon’s Auto, (207) 229-0782 DEDHAM Atlantic Landscape Constrution, (207) 664-2600 Mark Holyoke Carpentry, (207) 951-4318 DENMARK Beacon Telecom, (781) 389-1521 George Davis Drywall & Painting, (603) 662-9169 Jimbob’s General Store, (207) 452-2100 MacFarlane LLC DETROIT S&G Construction, (207) 487-6674 Drew Excavation Inc, (207) 415-0358 Hall Funeral Home, (207) 627-4538 Honey-Do List, (207) 699-6723 John’s Autocare, (207) 577-3640 Colby Woods Cattle, (207) 491-5159 Pine Tree Lumber, (207) 645-2072 Pineau Policy Associates, LLC Town of Clifton, (207) 843-0709 Tread’s Garage, (207) 843-6126 CLINTON A-Z Technical, Inc, (207) 877-3258 Blanchard Towing, (207) 210-9089 Bug N’ Joes, (207) 426-8426 DAC Distributors, (207) 426-8402 Formtek-Maine, (207) 426-2351

Pleasant View Too, B&B, (207) 647-9578 Portland Street Auto & Body, (207) 647-8134 Rocci Plumbing & Heating, (207) 647-3940 Rolfe Corporation, (207) 647-9500 Scale Shack, (207) 647-9500 Spice & Grain, (207) 347-1703 Street Eats, (207) 693-8189 BRISTOL Bottom Line, (207) 563-5313 D&M Marine Inc, (207) 563-2490 JM Reilly Well Drilling, (207) 563-3930 King Ro Market, (207) 529-5487 M&M Foster Inc, (207) 380-4217 Ronald Pendleton Inc, (207) 677-2765 BROWNVILLE Beech Ridge Camps, (207) 965-8819

Katahdin Storage / Birddogs by Noyes, (207) 631-9409 Wildwoods Trailside Cabins & Restaurant, (207) 965-0000 Wildwoods Trailside Lodge, (207) 965-0000 BRUNSWICK Ouellet Construction, (207) 522-8445 Pat’s Pizza BUCKFIELD

Buck-it Grill & Pub, (207) 336-0071 D&D Excavating Inc, (207) 336-2927 Northeastern Firearms, (207) 225-2140 RE Lowell Lumber, (207) 336-2901 Spencer Paving, (207) 225-2159 Terry & Maxine’s, (207) 225-2221 Tilton’s Market, (207) 336-2191 BUCKSPORT Bookstacks, (207) 469-8992

Bucksport House of Pizza, (207) 469-7511 Carrier’s Mainely Lobster, (207) 469-1011 Coastal Energy, (207) 664-1901 Coastal Marine Survey, (207) 469-5908 Ed’s Automotive, (207) 469-7554 Glenn’s Place Gray’s Lawn Care, (207) 991-1995 Hawes Trucking & Construction, (207) 944-5971 Island Pool & Spa, (207) 469-6004 John R Crooker Agency, (207) 469-3152 Orcutt Builders Inc, (207) 469-6207 Outback Towing - Tire & Lube, (207) 469-3700 Rob’s Hardware, (207) 469-2451 Roland Grindle Agency, (207) 469-3624 RW Builders, (207) 469-2011 Stone Artisans Two Rivers Realty, LLC, (207) 469-9930 Wight’s Orchard, (207) 469-37733 BURNT HILLS, NY Rotating Technologies, (518) 384-1123 BUXTON Buxton Mini Mart, (207) 929-8877 KVM Inc, (207) 229-2647 Maine-ly Batteries Inc, (207) 929-5694 PD Drywall, LLC Realtor Bean Group, (207) 632-0511 Rick Emery & Sons Electric, (207) 807-1907 BYRON Coos Canyon Lodge, (207) 380-6389 Mountain Stream Electric, (207) 364-9922 CALAIS Calais Ace Homecenter, (207) 454-2309 Calais Motor Inn, (207) 454-7111 Crumbs Café & Coffee Bar, (207) 454-8995 Due East Real Estate, (207) 454-2525 Fitzgerald’s Tavern, (207) 454-4241 Huckins Fisheries International Motel, (207) 454-7515 Pratt Chevrolet Buick GMC, (207) 454-0600 Unleashed Nutrition, (207) 952-9244 CANTON Canton Point Technologies, (207) 576-7465 Conant Acres, (207) 576-7465 RAO Enterprises Inc, (800) 916-2021 CARIBOU 180 Seal Coating & Striping, (207) 596-7325 C&J Service Center, (207) 328-7645 Cabin on the Hill- RSD Properties LLC, (860) 786-7545 Caribou Cabins Caribou Climate Storage, (207) 227-7483 Caribou Inn, (855) 229-5934 Caribou On The Run County Electric County Sports Inc, (207) 492-6072 Evergreen Lanes / Rendezvous Rest., (207) 498-8687 Gary’s Yamaha, (207) 498-2549 Griffeth Ford Lincoln Mercury, (207) 496-3111 Lakeside Cabin Rental & RV Park, Machias Savings Bank, (207) 498-6014 Mike’s Quick Stop, (207) 498-3790 New England Masonry Services Norstate Federal Credit Union, (207) 728-7555

HE Bridges Inc, (207) 942-3624 Lewis Used Cars, (207) 942-5780

Miss Tina’s Family Child Care, (207) 852-7113 Tocci’s Checkout Convenience, (207) 573-1165 Tuffy Bear Discount Furniture, (207) 947-6600 Village Variety, (207) 942-4522 White Lightning Service LLC, (207) 990-0990 WorkStore, (207) 947-1100 GORHAM Benson Farm Earth Products, (207) 892-6446 Black Electric, (207) 893-2269 G&M Electric LLC, (207) 807-0169 Gorham Septic Service GRAND ISLE

Northern Maine Brewing Company, Plourde & Plourde Inc, (207) 496-3211 Plourde Furniture, (207) 496-3521 REMAX North Realty, (207) 498-2900 RLW Management, Inc, (207) 498-3097 S.W. Collins, (207) 496-6723 Soderberg Company, Inc, (207) 498-6300 The Par & Grill, (207) 492-0988 Theriault’s Metal Fabrication, (207) 498-6731 Up North Cabins, (207) 554-6111 CARMEL Bangor Paint & Wallpaper, (207) 942-9500 Complete Property Solutions, (207) 356-5331 Deb’s on Wheels, (207) 269-2600

Davis Clothing & Footwear GRAND LAKE STREAM Canal Side Cabins, (207) 796-2796 GRAY ABC Maine, (207) 841-5217

Birchwood Brewery, (207) 657-4593 Burke’s Trailer Repair, (207) 592-9483 Clarke MacDonald Horseshoeing LLC, (207) 890-1995 Coastal Auto Parts, (207) 657-4997

(Continued on Page 10)


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