
Maine SnowmobileTrail Fund Stickers: WhatThey Are and WhyYou Should Buy One

I f you’re a snowmobiler in Maine, you’ve probably seen the Maine Snowmobile Trail Fund stickers on other sleds. But what are they, and why should you buy one? The Maine Snowmobile Trail Fund is a program that helps to maintain and improve the state’s snowmobile trails. The fund is supported by donations from snowmobilers, businesses, and other organizations. When you buy a Maine Snow mobile Trail Fund sticker, you’re helping to support this important program. The stickers are avail

$50 or $100 each. Proceeds from the sale of stickers go directly to the Maine Snowmobile Trail Fund. In addition to supporting a good cause, Maine Snowmobile Trail Fund stickers also look great on your sled. They’re a great way to show your support for snowmo biling in Maine and help to main tain and improve the state’s trail system. So what are you waiting for? Buy a Maine Snowmobile Trail Fund sticker today! Visit www. maine.gov/ifw

able for purchase online at the Maine IF&W store under dona tion/Maine Snowmobile Trail Fund. Trail Fund stickers come in three different support levels $25,

Safety Signs Available

T hank you to our sponsors Hammond Lumber and Bath Iron Works for the production of this year’s safety signs. Without their generous support, these signs would not be possible. Please feel free to email msa@mesnow.com if you would like to order signs for your club.


Chris W. Langille, Pres ident of the Walker Sid ing Snowmobile Club, creating new ways to maintain the snowmo bile trails. This equip ment was purchased in part with some of the funds from the Disas ter Relief program. This machine will help improve safety and vis ibility throughout the Walker Siding system.


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