
Next Generation Ride Event Linneus Sno-Sports 45 Mill Rd • Linneus ME 04730

L inneus Sno-Sports added a brand new event to their line-up this year. The Next Generation Ride event was an idea implemented by club direc tor Leonard Wilde while riding with his 3-year old grandson Jaxon and Corbin, who is an 8 year old and son to Darren LaPointe, a member of our club. Leonard was impressed at the massive improvement from Corbin’s group riding during a short period of time last winter and that’s where the idea was born. The main purpose of our new event is to stress the importance of safety at a young age so that as our youth grow to love the sport of snowmobiling, they will be familiar with snowmo biles, trail systems, signs and safety. Our event is split up into 3 months, meeting once a month with a main theme or focus each month. Our first month focused on snowmobiles, with an actual hands-on snowmobile inside the clubhouse where Rick Tidd

went over all of the snowmobile parts with the kids using a paper diagram. The kids were very receptive to his questions and enjoyed Rick’s session. Debbie Henderson, who is our club Treasurer and Membership Secretary, hosted a Paint Party during the event, using the club logo as her paint design. The paint party was followed by lunch and then a short club ride in the sur rounding area of the clubhouse. Next month’s February meeting will focus on trail education, signs, prac tice riding as a group on a groomed trail and March will end the event with an actual group trail ride & an outdoor hot dog roast. We were very pleased with the participation of our youth and how happy the parents were with the event. It will only grow from here as we plan on doing this as an annual event!

Submitted by Debbie Henderson Treasurer/Membership Secretary


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