MSA Club News
ter comes out, we’re hoping for some cold weather to firm up the ground ahead of what we hope to be a huge snowfall winter. We can only hope as the past few years have been dis mal in this part of the state. We are overdue for a good winter down here. Cheers, Doug Doherty, President Like us on Facebook or message us at sebagobranchduckers@gmail.com Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is excited for the upcom ing snowmobile season!We had our season kick off meeting recently. Along with club news and trail planning, we enjoyed pizza and friendly banter. We collected club dues, reviewed club finances and prioritized trail maintenance. We have a few bridge projects planned along with routine work. We also held our yearly elections. Our first trail maintenance day was on Oct. 15 th Thank you to those who volunteered their time! We prepped a new trail on Long Hill and removed a deteriorating ramp on Poors Hill. We are excited to welcome a ‘new’ Polaris Titan to the club. Thanks to Chris Anderson for picking it up and prepping it for use this season. As a reminder, meetings are held the 1 st Wednesday of each month at the old town hall. Hope to see you there! Be Safe on the Trails! Jim LaPointe Happy November!! What a summer we’ve had here in Windham! Record amounts and heavy rain has left a lot of work for clubs all over the state. Bridges, Bridges, Bridges!! So many clubs have reported damaged or completely destroyed bridges throughout their systems. We have been working hard to rebuild, lengthen, move President: Chris Anderson Vice President: Tim Smith Trail Master: Jim Beahm Treasurer: John Gillis Public Relations: Jim LaPointe Thanks to those who came out! WINDHAM DRIFTERS Windham, ME SEBAGO BRANCH DUCKERS Sebago, ME
and replace several bridges in our system as well. Along with bridge work we have been servicing equipment, mowing portions of the trails that aren’t under water, obtaining landowner permissions, mailing membership forms as well as many other tasks. We have had some scheduled trail work days and are making good progress to ready the trails for the coming season. November and December are very busy months for our club. There are many tasks that need to be completed to get our equipment and trails ready for the snowmobile season ahead. We welcome those who can lend a hand with these tasks. Please follow our Facebook page and frequent our website for weekly plans and upcoming work days. Regular meetings are taking place and there’s been a decent attendance. If you didn’t receive a membership form in the mail, you can purchase one easily from our website. The club would like to recognize the land owners in Windham, we couldn’t provide trails for all to enjoy without their generosity. Lastly, a special Thanks to those dedicated officers and members who work year-round for our club. Happy Thanksgiving!! Follow us on Facebook and visit our web site windhamdrifters.com THINK SNOW!!! Ride Right and Ride Safe! Till next time, Shane Spencer-Club Reporter Welcome to Fall! Club members are excited about a real Win ter this year. After a monsoon of a Summer let’s all hope precipitation turns white soon. Alna S.C. held its first official Club Pot Luck Meeting on October 12 th (one week later due to Fair Week!) with 20 members in atten dance. Election of Officers, bridge repair and upcoming Trick or Trunk, and the MSA show were all on the agenda. With our very wet Summer a main bridge washed down stream and needs to be affixed back into place as well as many downed trees and updating signage around town will take place this Fall. Our club was lucky to be drawn to sell tickets at • On the trail, New Sweden camp sleeps 6. • On the trail, Millinocket camp sleeps up to 8. 3-day minimum. • Call for rates at 603-404-4785 and speak to Andy CAMP RENTALS ALNA sc Alna, ME
the popular MSA show at the Augusta Civic Center and Wiscasset Raceway is holding its very popular trick or trunk on the track again which our club likes to participate in. Officers remained unchanged. We also voted to donate funds to the Alna Fire Department who gra ciously let us host our meetings. Our meetings are held the First Thursday of the month at the Alna Fire Station on Rt 218. Our meetings are always pot luck meeting, so bring a dish, drink, or dessert to share and plan on joining in. I know the Entertainment Committee has a few fun surprises coming up for Christmas. Membership is $30.00. See everyone soon! Club Reporter: Joel Verney In September we held our Landowner Appreciation Dinner and had a very good turnout. As usual, we feasted on lobster, clams, corn & cake! We have been working to update our landowner list and have identified sev eral new landowners as property has changed hands over the last few years. If you own land in Jefferson and our trail system crosses your property, please reach out to us so we can ver ify and add you to next year’s invitation list! A quick reminder: it’s time to renew MSA memberships! We mailed out existing mem bership forms that the MSA provided us, but if you would like to join our club and receive the MSA newsletter, download & fill out our mem bership form (found on our website here:https:// www.snopackers.com/join-the-club) along with a check for $25, and we will get you set up! Anyone who lives in Jefferson (or the sur rounding area) and would like to get involved with a local club, you are MORE than welcome to come and join us! We meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Jefferson Fire Station at 6:00pm. We each bring a small snack to share and socialize over after our meetings. We are a small contingency of active members and just a few more would allow us to do a better job at trail maintenance (and have more fun!) Trail maintenance will start on Sundays in November, If you’re interested in coming out to help on those days, please email us and we will CLASSIFIED JEFFERSON SNOPACKERS Jefferson, ME Quadcounty Snowmobile Club is selling a 6.5 x15 foot Sure-trac drag with pintle hitch and extra ram steering hitch, two three point hitches for either hitch set up and a pintle, $4000 or best offer 207-738-3400.
let you know when and where to meet up with us. As always you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SnoPackers - Give us a LIKE to follow our updates! Reporter is: Phil Morneault Vice President/Club Trail Master mpilihp@gmail.com It’s 70 degrees on October 26th as I write this report. Great weather for bush hogging and bridge repairing. Not feeling much like fall today. Hopefully the weather turns colder soon and the flakes will be falling! We recently elected Officers and as luck has it, the same suspects retained their seats with unanimous votes! We are now busy with trail and equipment maintenance. Jason has been out knocking down the weeds and get ting the system ready for its first coat of snow (which doesn’t look like it will come any time soon). Mark has been busy getting our equip ment cleaned up and ready to head out for bridge repairing and signage placement. We have several bridges that need to be tackled for resurfacing in the upcoming weeks. We can use all the help we can get so check our website for info on when and where help can be used. Once again, we will have our annual Christ mas party at The Frog & Turtle restaurant on Saturday December 2nd in beautiful down town Westbrook. Visit our event page for details and reservation information. That’s it for now. Lots of work to be done before we hit the trails. Happy Halloween!! >> Please join your local club!! Your dues go directly back << >> into maintaining the trails you ride!!! << * * * Ride Safe, Ride Sober, Ride Right!!! Check our calendar at www.westbrooktrail blazes.com for up to date Club info and trail conditions. Visit us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ Westbrook Trail Blazes or www.westbrook trailblazes.com Bill Bouffard – Information Officer – 207 712-4395 billybouf@yahoo.com WESTBROOK TRAIL BLAZES Westbrook, ME
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