
MSA Club News

we’ll ask that you RSVP so they can accurately prepare for us. The invites will be mailed out at the end of November. It seems like everyone I’ve talked to is expecting a good winter so keep your fingers crossed that we do get one! Happy trails, Bridget Gorton, Club Secretary

As this article is being written there exists many questions on Maine LD732 entitled “An Act to Prohibit Off-trail Operation of a Snow mobile in an Area Closed to Off-trail Oper ation” passed in June 2023. How is an area going to be defined? If posted on an ITS trail, does that imply that anything off trail for that entire 300-mile length is a violation? How much responsibility is placed on the local club to get the trail posting signage exactly right? How will a rider know if a trail is funded by a grant making the law applicable? You can see the intent of the law and how it will be imple mented leaves a huge grey area. On the more positive side, it’s time to thank your local Trail Coordinators out of the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands Snowmo bile Office. Working together we have the best chance to succeed during the upcoming riding season. Our thanks to Joe Higgins and his team. Follow us on our Facebook “Moosehead Riders Snowmobile Club” for the latest trail news. Thanks for your support. Bob Ludwig, Secretary raludwig184@gmail.com KENDUSKEAG STREAM RIDERS sc Kenduskeag, ME Welcome to NOVEMBER fellow snowmobilers... As we transition further into the 2023 / 2024 snowmobiling season , looks like the weather has to get colder AND drier, so we can get some of these trails ready for some “RECORD BREAKING SNOW AMOUNTS”( according to weather forecasters ) .. The club has added a “ NEW “ to us piece of equipment. This is a side by side 4-wheeler that be used for trail work and with tracks, could do double duty grooming trails as well.

B. has been able to get his mini-excavator into some our trails that have needed trees stump and rock removal for a long time, certainly beats knocking out stumps and rocks by hand. Thanks to Tommy B. for getting out there with us to do some brushing (our youngest member).

www.andoversnowvalley.com andoversnowvalleysno-goerssnowmobileclub Contact Informatio n President……………......………..Richard Merrill 207-392-3481 Vice President ………………..…. Brad Donovan 207-233-1569 Treasure……….…………………Jen McPherson 207-392-1956 Trail Master………..…………. Wade McPherson 207-381-0509 Administrator……………...……Sherry Donovan 207-233-0468 Directors: Mac Grant Fryeburg Fair Wrap up Well, another year at the Fryeburg Fair is behind us. Revenue was down slightly this year, but that is a part of the commitment, we have to take the bad with the good. It was an overall good week weather wise, except for Saturday, which should have been our biggest day. Senior citizen day is always slow but at least we stayed steady most of the day. Thurs day was slow with lots of quiet time between short burst of players. Saturday was not a wash out but the forecast definitely discouraged attendance. It was nice to see all of our friends and Patrons old and new, snowmobilers from all over New England and beyond, folks who come to the fair just to support us and play “Dice in the Dish”. We always have so much fun. It has been said, it is the most fun you can have at Fryeburg Fair. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who pitched in to make this year’s event another successful fundraiser. Thank You, Ernest Perreault, for dedicating yourself to almost as much time as yours truly. At 87 years young you are still the grand poobah in this club. Keep up the good work. Thank You, Mike and Kelly Willette, strangers to the club from Steep Falls, answered my face book plea for help. Mike didn’t let Kelly know that he had volunteer them until she got there. She was a little hesitant at first ,but within minutes she was running the boards like a pro, Mike on the other hand took a little long to get the hang of things. Thank you both. It was a pleasure to meet and work with you. They have just joined the club. Thank You, Bill and Kim Sorenti, the evenings are always are busiest time and having staff to keep up with demand is a big plus. Bill’s booming voice gave my strained vocal chords some much need relieve. And Kim is an energizer bunny, just get out of her way or she will run you over. Thank you, Stacy Noble, for giving up your own responsibilities and coming straight in from work to help out. And thank you for roping Rich in to help out as well. Thank you, Rich Holden for giving up half a busy work day to help out, and more importantly take over calling duties, as my voice was little more than a scratch at this point. Thank you, Phil Johnson it is always a pleasure to work with you and we have so much fun. Thank you, Mike Wolloman three nights shifts and your fresh voice is always welcome relieve. Thank you, Ron, and Diane Barrett for Saturday you usually have to leave early and sit for hours in traffic just to get there, not the case this year you drove right in. Unfortunately, due to the forecast we did a lot of sitting around once you got there. Thank you, Larry Sorenson for keeping us sup plied with ice thru out the week. Thank you all, without your help this event would not be successful. That’s it. Now we can start doing our snow dances. Hoping the winter will be as snowy as the summer was rainy, we need a good dumping. Stay safe, ride right and often. Hope to see you on the trails. EASTERN REGION Rusty Parker Darrin Jodrey Administrator, Sherry Donovan BURNT MEADOW sc Brownfield, ME

NORTH FRANKLIN sc Phillips, ME Find us on Facebook

Hello, Well, we held our first club meeting in Octo ber with a good turnout. Lots of discussions on work details with most of our efforts going to bridges. First the bridge on ITS 84 just off Route 145 in Freeman was just plain deterio rated. Two volunteers went out on a rainy Sun day and completely stripped the bridge. The following week we had a good turn out and completely rebuilt the bridge (A Huge Thank you to all involved). Our Trailmaster also went off the Cross Road and with the help of an excavator realigned a bridge that Mother Nature moved downstream a ways on Connector Trail 115. We still have a few culverts to replace along with re aligning Black Brook bridge on ITS 89. Then our regu larly scheduled trail brushing can commence. I know I sound like a broken record on this issue but we sure could use some help on these work details. All are welcome to join us every Sunday morning at George Berry’s garage 132 Miles Square Road in Phillips @8 AM. The following dates are for the remaining club meetings for the 2023/2024 sled season. November 5th, December 3rd, January 7th, February 4th, March 3rd, and April 7th. Meet ings are held at Shadagee meeting room Phil lips, Maine. Potluck to start at 5 PM meetings to follow. That’s it for now hope for snow! David Greely Vice President SNOW VALLEY SNOW GOERS Andover, ME Hello from Andover Maine, welcome to fall, such a beautiful time of year. We don’t have much foliage up our way this year, I suspect Mr. Rain had something to do with that. It is a wonderful fall regardless, the trees are still beautiful, the woods are becoming bare, and the flowers are still in bloom and getting ready for the winter season. We want to thank the anonymous donor that donated a 2013 Skidoo Scandic super wide track worth $5K to our club. The snow machine only has 3 miles on it! Can you image? This is a very generous donation to say the least. Thank you again. We also want to Thank Lone Mountain Camp ground for putting on our Landowners Supper & BBQ this year. Hurricane Lee was cruising around a few days before, by the time it was to reach us up here in good old Andover, Maine they were talking about heavy rain and high winds. This did not deter everyone from coming, as we still had 60 or so people join in on the fun. The rain held off until later that night, but we did get some wind that kept us on our toes. We had live music Thank You to The Acoustipallans, you did a wonderful job and kept us all entertained. I hear that it went over so well that Lone Mountain wants to do this again for us next year. All the proceeds went to our snowmobile club. We do have some good news, our hut is back on its foundation, thank you to all the people and members that helped with the repair. We do still have a lot to do. The plumbing and electrical still need to be done and of course getting the inside cleaned up for the winter so you all have a great place to stop on your trips through Andover. We also want to thank those that contributed monetarily through our go fund me page, every little bit has helped and will continue to help us build back a little bit of money to keep our trails groomed this year. Keep your fingers crossed we don’t have any major breakdowns this coming winter. I hope everyone has their firewood in, it’s almost time to start those wood stoves. I can’t wait for the wood heat and the smell of the wood fire in the air! As it’s getting colder each day up here maybe just maybe we will see some of that white stuff for hunting season. Please see our Web Site and/or Facebook page for upcoming events and trail updates.

Tommy B. -getting in on some firsthand experience on GLRSC youngest member on the roster -future GLRSC TRAILMASTER? Stay tuned for coming attractions

Gene B. Working on a local trail in GLENBURN

The next meeting will be at DALE and JOANNE ‘S house -NOVEMBER 9th at 7:00P.M. THANKS again to you two for opening up your home for the meetings ... Dale C. and Greg L. will be leading the trail crews -meet at the FIRE STATION @ 9:00 A.M. on SUNDAYS -we have a lot of water issues, brushing to do, trees to be cut and bridges to re -install and check out. We have ALL the tools -just need the volunteers to show up and participate... Wrapping this up for now - like riding nice, wide, safe, groomed trails? Then get involved and join your local clubs -it’s worth your time and effort. That’s all for now -keep doing the “SNOW and COLD “dances. THANK-YOU... This “new to us “ side by side was acquired by the KENDUSKEAG STREAM RIDERS S.C late this sum mer -really looking forward to utilizing this piece of equipment to maximize trail work this season and many seasons to come. THANK-YOU DALE & GREG...

Marion P., Polly G. and Barry R. are still selling MSA SUPER RAFFLE TICKETS on FRIDAY nights at VILLAGE VARIETY. We were fortunate to have 1 of the trailers and 2 of snowmobiles that are some of the top prizes in this year’s raffle (we had our best FRIDAY night ever -a little more than 250 TICKETS sold ).Also a much deserved THANK -YOU to Nicky at VILLAGE VARIETY for helping out as well... We also hosted our LANDOWNER APPRECIATION/ BUSINESS MEMBER Dinner on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th -although the turnout was sparse -we had a full crew on hand and plenty of steak and chicken (need to get the announcement out better next year). A big THANKS to ALL the crew, SPE CIAL THANKS to Dustin for stepping up and cooking on the grill. As we progress further into upcoming sea

Barry E. Ryan Club Reporter


Greetings from “ the BURN”. As we say goodbye to OCTOBER and we welcome in NOVEMBER and drier/ cooler weather, we are still currently trying to get the water out of the trails along with some brushing, tree blow downs, rock and stump removal. We have had another addition to our TRAIL CREW. GENE

MOOSEHEAD RIDERS sc Greenville, ME Find us on Facebook

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