
WhileYou Were Sleeping By Mike Grass Jr.

I t’s been a long week. It’s Friday. It’s payday. Call the wife, hus band, significant other and ask them “Where are we going for dinner tonight?” Well, that’s the case for many people on Friday. Figuring out dinner plans with the significant other. Also, a lot of people are thinking “and then on Saturday, I’m going riding!” Sounds good to me. I’ve actually done it myself many a time. But while you’re ordering your appe tizers and funny drinks, quite a few people are checking the oil, track condition, bearings, extra tools, extra clothes, topping off the fuel tank and scarfing down a bologna sandwich getting ready

to groom the trail YOU plan to ride tomorrow. When you get home and slide into bed, groomers, to the tune of 290 +/- clubs and projects, are heading out to spend their eve ning/night grooming the trails for your ride tomorrow. They will make sure it’s flat and firm with proper signage for your ride tomorrow. While you’re sleeping they will push all the road cross ings back, pull the corners in and take out the wash boards. While you’re sleeping, these VOLUNTEERS will make sure your ride tomorrow is the best that it can be because they love snowmobiling as much as you

do, maybe more. They will make that endless ribbon of trail for you and your buddies to ride on and respect, not go braap brapp and tear it up leaving a mess for the next rider. If the trail is good, try to leave it good for the next rider. Next time you sit down to dinner on Friday night and plan to ride the next day, take a minute to think about all the groomers who don’t have the opportunity to sit down to dinner because they are making sure your ride tomorrow is a good one.They won’t ask for thanks, but all snowmobilers should thank a groomer every chance they get. It sure would be a bumpy ride with out those groomers.


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