S e b a
L i t t l
g o L a k e E n g a g e
n t
m e
Do you have any amazing photos capturing year-round activities, sunrises, sunsets, wildlife, etc. on our beautiful lake? I am always accepting high resolution .JPEG formatted pictures for consideration for the LSLA calendar. I am ready to start saving potential selections for the 2025 edition. (cut off date is June 2024) Please send your favorite pictures to Diane at dburnell@littlesebagolake.com . 2025 Calendar - Photos Needed
Road Association Contacts Little Sebago Lake Association maintains a list of the road associations that surround the lake. The contact information is updated every year and appears on LSLA website for members’ reference. I have begun the annual process already this month. Thank you to all who have replied. If you are the contact from last year and have not received or replied to my email, please contact Diane dburnell@littlesebagolake.com to advise me of the current contact information. Thank you.
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