
What’s Been Going On By Al Swett

S eptember was a very success ful month for our clubs! We had events all over the State. Here’s some notable ones… We kicked off with a traditional chicken barbecue in Lexington put on by the Lexington Highlanders SC lots of Raffle Tickets were sold and the chicken!

North New Portland Fair was another Raffle Sled weekend involv ing Lexington Highlanders, Wire Bridge SC and the Kingfield SC.

Back to Ripley for their Landown ers lunch in was a great afternoon and the food was second to none, all homemade from beans to salmon to prime rib fresh vegetables and even fresher potatoes from just down the road in Dexter.

Ashland Grass Drags had a big fol lowing with folks from all over New England there along with the Raffle Sleds. Wassokeag SC.They were at the hot dog festival in Dexter and sold lots of raffle tickets.

The New Hampshire Grass Drags had a big MSA display manned by some dedicated folks that made us all proud to call Maine home.

Off to the Ripley Snowmobile Club’s annual auction which was a huge success many folks showed up and supported the Club.

Then came Bridgton! What a great time over there.The area had a Brew fest with lots of beverages and some great food!The Club did an awesome job selling Raffle tickets it was a won derful day!

And probably the icing on the cake. You all know that little club hidden in the Western Mountains with the atti tude “I think I can I think I can” well they did it I’m proud to announce the Lex ington Highlanders SC got awarded a $10,000 grant from POLARIS! YES! They did! A little paper work and a little time made it happen. Polaris is a great company and they know the what it takes to make great trials and club’s nationwide. This is a very happy time for all of us and congratulation’s to the Lex ington Highlander’s!

Off to The Fryeburg Fair. That club got it done, the rain held off until the end of the week then the sun came back out and it was all business sell ing Raffle tickets.


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