
Club Members: Calendar listings run in the Maine Snowmobiler as space allows. Visit the MSA website, www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com, for the complete calendar. Submit your club events to: www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com. S n o w m o b i l e r ’ s C a l e n d a r

Snow Valley Snow Goers Club Meetings at 6:30pm at the Hut in Andover on 10/4, 11/1, 12/9, 1/3, 2/7, 3/6, & 4/6. (Pot Luck Supper on 12/9 & 4/6) Bridgton Easy Riders Club Meetings on the Second Friday of each month at 6:00pm at the Bridgton Community Center on Depot Street in Bridgton (Sept-April). Club Meeting at 6:45

Northern Region

Central Region

from 6am to 9am or until we run out. Cost $10 pp. Membership applications available, Cost $40. (available online) Cast & Blast Gun Raffle tickets available, drawing at 9:00am. Cost $10/ ticket or 6/$50 (available online). Western Region ☛ Recurring Norway Trackers Pot Luck & Club Meetings on the 1 st Tuesday of each month at 6:15pm at the Norway Town Hall on 19 Danforth St. in Norway.

☛ Recurring Anson North Anson snowmobile club Craft Fair at the Carrabec High School at 9am on Main Street in North Anson on 10/4 & 11/4. September 24, 2023 Ripley Trail Riders Annual Auction at the Town Office on Rt. 23 in Ripley.

☛ Recurring Madawaska SC Monthly Directors Meet ing at 6pm & Membership Meeting at 7pm at St. David on 19 Fournier Road in Mad awaska on 10/2, 11/13, 12/11, 1/8, 2/12, 3/11 & 4/8. (Election of Officers on 4/8) September 30, 2023 Madawaska SC Cast & Blast Breakfast and Gun Raffle Drawing on 19 Fournier Road in Madawaska. Breakfast served

The Maine Snowmobiler is an official publication of the Maine Snowmobile Association

The Maine Snowmobiler Vol. 55, No. 1 September 2023 • ISSN-0195-2870


207-622-6983 • fax. 207-622-7669 mainesnowmobileassociation.com



To purchase Advertising Space in The Maine Snowmobiler, contact our Office Manager, 207-622-6983, mainesnowmobileassociation.com The Maine Snowmobiler welcomes submissions from MSA members, including but not limited to, club news, calendar listings, photographs, letters to the editor, articles of general and technical interest. Submissions may be edited. Address to: Editor, Maine Snowmobiler, PO Box 80, Augusta, Me. 04332, mainesnowmobileassociation.comAll opinions expressed by contributing writers in the Maine Snowmobiler are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication. POSTMASTER: Send address change to: The Maine Snowmobile Association, PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332 The Maine Snowmobiler (USPS #859-920) is published 7 times a year by the Maine Snowmobile Association, Inc., 7 Noyes St Place, Augusta, Maine 04330. Periodical postage paid at Augusta, Maine and additional offices. Seasonal subscription provided to MSA members as a benefit of their annual dues. $3.00 of the $15 membership fee is applied to the cost of the publication. Subscriptions are available to non-members at a cost of $30/season. r r r r r

MAINE SNOWMOBILER CLASSIFIED AD Deadline: the 15th of the month preceding publication

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