From The Executive Board
club is time as MSA has all the prizes for you. October will soon be here and with it is show time! The NH show is Oct 6-8th in Epping. Mark your calendars for the MSA Show in Augusta on Oct 20-22. Come see the new sleds and purchase items from the vendors. Check out the MSA booth and buy your 50/50 tickets from the MSA Scholarship booth. It is always a great weekend and we hope to see you all there. Until October, Renew your membership, join a club or two or three or more, register your sleds, winterize them and get ready for the snow to come! Eileen Hope this new season is a cold & snowy one. Everyone start doing your snow dances now! Happy thoughts Gail Rya n US Postal or it can be emailed but it MUST BE THERE. The scholarship committee then scores the applicants and picks the winners. These scholarships are for ANY MSA MEMBER OR THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILY who is either planning to go to col lege, or already enrolled in a degree program or pursuing a Masters Degree. A family mem ber is defined as a legal dependent living in one household. You can apply each year. If you are re-applying you must complete the entire application again, including submit ting all the letters, etc. The scholarships are awarded in January after confirmation from the student and school of enrollment in the second semester. To view the entire scholarship application and eligibility , please go to www.mainesnow mobileassociation.com, click on membership, scroll down to MSA forms and then scroll to scholarship. The updated version of the application will be available on the website by December first of the year you are applying. WHO CAN I CAN CONTACT? Harvey Chesley, Co-chair - harv.chesley@gmail.com Barry Ryan, Co - Chair- skidoo6000ber@gmail.com Larry Lafland- L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com Eileen Lafland- L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com Mike Grass Jr- mgrassjr@gmail.com DID YOU KNOW THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND ACCEPTS DONATIONS? In order to continue awarded these scholar ships to our members the fund needs to gener ate money. The Scholarship Fund has a booth at the MSA Show each October selling 50/50 tickets. It also accepts monetary donations at any time from individuals, clubs, organiza tions, etc. These can be sent to MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332 atten. Scholarship Fund I sent get-well cards to Jon Holmes, Jerry Major he had heart surgery, Barbara Lord, Liz Mahaleris she had heart surgery too, and there’s probably someone I’m forgetting. I’ve sent a thinking of you card to Aleta & Roger Rioux. Now for the sympathy cards! Stacey Seymour lost her mother, Gary Dial ing lost his wife, Joel Bosselost his son, Brad Barker lost his mom, Don Hammond lost his dad, Rich Armstrong lost his dad, Jay Emery (Reggie’s Skidoo)lost his dad, Reid Mclaugh lin lost his mother, Bill Dougherty lost his wife, Elaine Brown lost her husband of 64 years, Bob Flagg & Linda Spydell they lost his mom, Carl & Nancy Gerow his brother passed, the family of Dave Sylvia, family of Kathy Gray, family of Harold Garnett, Linda Spydell & Bob Flagg they lost her dad, Lisa & Bill Sawyer lost her dad. I’m hoping this next year is a year of new babies, birthdays, anniversaries, just thinking of you cards and lots of happy events..!! But I’ll make sure to get out those sympathy cards as well. Bob Lafontaine- bobiswim@gmail.com Gail Ryan - s kidoo6000@gmail.com
H ello Everyone! Well, the summer sure was a wet and wild one, wasn’t it? So much rain and so many flooded and damaged areas in the state and it is still happening as I write this in mid-Au gust. Snowmobile trails statewide have taken a beating that’s for sure. Clubs will be work ing overtime trying to repair damages and, in some areas, it will take many, many dollars and man power. PLEASE, PLEASE if you are able and hear of a work detail in your area, volunteer to help. Club trail crews are going to need as many hands as they can get, so why not volunteer a few hours to them? Eastern region clubs- All memberships packets were packed a ready for delivery We will continue to promote proper signage with our workshops. If you would like to host a workshop in your area, feel free to reach out. The Farmers’ Almanac is saying we’re in for a snowy winter with less mixed precipita tion. That works for me, but I’ve always said weather historians are way more accurate than weather forecasters. All for now… Brent a “High Peaks National Wildlife Refuge” in the Rangeley/Flagstaff region. While con servation and protection of natural resources remains a high priority of the Maine Snowmo bile Association, there is significant concern about the potential impacts to recreational access that come with a national wildlife refuge. Many towns in the region, as well as area legislators and organizations like MSA, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, Maine Pro fessional Guides Association have expressed opposition to the proposed refuge. In August, Senator Collins, Senator King, and Congress man Golden also wrote to U.S. Fish and Wild life Service voicing serious concerns about the proposed refuge and asking them to terminate its evaluation of the High Peaks Region for inclusion in the National Wildlife Refuge sys tem, and to instead work with local conserva tion entities and the State to address wildlife conservation needs. At the time of this writing, we understand that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser vice is in the process of determining its next steps, and I will likely have more updates for you later this fall. We thank Senator Collins, Senator King and Congressman Golden, the many state legislators, local communities, and our outdoor partners for their leadership and support on this issue. The next legislative session is soon approaching and I’ll be back in the State House in January working on legislative issues of interest to the Maine Snowmobile Association. In the meantime, we’ll be meet ing with key stakeholders to continue build ing relationships, finding areas of common priority, and educating lawmakers about the needs of the MSA. If you have questions or feedback, please always feel free to reach out to me at jcote@bernsteinshur.com. Have a great fall! James Cote The trails committee has already had its first meeting of the year and many clubs have been contacted by our members. The ITS MAP will have minimal updates with the only major change on ITS CONN 115, which will move off the west side of Rt 27 to the east side and once again connect Kingfield with Carrabas sett. A shout out to the Lexington Highland ers SC for stepping up and taking on the new responsibility. Also, note that ITS 87 will not run through downtown Bingham as in the past. There will be a spur trail into town for fuel access. As many of you have witnessed firsthand, this summer’s rain has wreaked havoc on our trail system. Clubs are diligently addressing the issues and will hopefully be able to keep our usual routes open. A BIG THANK YOU to those working to mitigate Mother Nature’s ire. challenges and interactions with our MSA family.
Capitol Report
Scholarship Committee
James Cote MSA Lobbyist
Harvey Chesley, 207-314-0637 25 Hillcrest Dr, Clinton ME 04927 harv.chesley@gmail.com
H appy Fall Everyone! As I sit at my desk this morning, I can’t help but look at the thermometer that says 52 degrees. It’s hard to believe that summer has rapidly passed us by, and my only hope is that all of this rain we have been getting will turn into lots of snow for our upcoming riding season. The Legislature finally adjourned in August, and I’m pleased to report that MSA’s legis lation, LD 732, An Act to Prohibit Off-trail Operation of a Snowmobile in an Area Closed to Off-trail Operation, which was sponsored by Senator Russell Black, passed and was signed by the Governor. This bill would pro hibit a person from riding a snowmobile in an area that has been posted as closed to off-trail snowmobile operation and provides for a fine of not less than $100. This legislation is seen as a critical deterrent to trail access abuse and an added layer of protection for our landowner partners who so graciously allow us trail access across their land. Additionally, I wanted to report on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal for
NEWS FROM THE MSA SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Last season the MSA scholarship commit tee awarded three $1,000 scholarships to MSA students. Thomas Watt, Kathrine Smith, and Alicen Higgins all received this award. Con gratulations to these three as they continue their education. FREE MONEY FOR MSA MEMBERS That’s right free money!!! Each year the MSA Scholarship committee awards two $1,000 scholarships to eligible MSA members and/or their immediate family member. Last year we awarded three scholarships because the year before we only gave away one scholarship. To be eligible for free money you have to be a MSA member for the previous two years, and fill out the application completely . THE DEDLINE IS BY THE CLOSE OF BUSI NESS ON APRIL 1ST . This means it has to be in the office by that day. It can be sent by
Trails Committee Chair Report
Hospitality Committee
Brent Spaulding, MSA Trails Chairman 207-944-7762 41 Madison Ave Brewer ME 04412 msatrailchair@gmail.com G reetings from Brewer, For those of you unaware, I was recently appointed by President Al Swett as the MSA Trails Chair. Many of you may know me from my previous role as Membership Chair. I have been involved with the trails committee for several years and have been the Eastern Region Chair for the past 5 years. I am excited about my new role and look forward to the
Gail Ryan, MSA Hospitality 207-478-6821 207 Lancaster Brook Rd, Glenburn, ME skidoo6000@aol.com
H i everyone,
by the end of August. In order to attempt to save postage fees, which keep going up and up, regional directors and others were given packets in their areas to deliver. If you are reading this now and haven’t received your 2023-24 club membership packet, please con tact me directly and I will track it down. Also, if any Eastern Region club needs Super Raffle tickets, please contact me directly as I have a supply on hand and will make arrangements to get them to you. It is best to contact me a week before you need them so we get them to you on time. I know of quite a few clubs who are already out there selling Super Raffle tickets and doing quite well. It’s an easy way for clubs to raise funds and the only cost to the We are going to try something new this year. I’m going to let you know about all the cards I send out this year. First here’s a recap of the past season’s cards.
Eastern Region VP
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com
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