Report from the Hollis Planning Board for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
The Planning Board has seven members appointed by the Select Board. We review subdivision proposals, conditional use applications, and proposed shoreland zone development. We meet with applicants, administer projects through the permitting process, consider public input and consult with experts in planning and design when needed. Our goal is to be fair and unbiased, and balance the rights of the property owner with concerns of the public. We follow the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, along with other applicable State and Federal laws. We also work to promote changes in local ordinances when it is appropriate.
Over the past year we made the following actions:
Subdivisions Approved: - Harmon Farm Estates Subdivision #2202-4236 - Noble Ridge Subdivision #2202-4247 - Pelletier Springs Subdivision #2202-4249 - Point of View Subdivision #4404-4250 Conditional Use Permits Approved: - Brookfield Angler Access CUP #2201-4139 - Brookfield Hydro, revision of CUP #2201-4139 - Brookfield Energy Storage CUP #2201-4155
Shoreland Zoning Permits Approved: - McGarry Tea House Shoreland Zoning Permit #2201-4149 - Brookfield Energy Storage Shoreland Zoning Permit #2201-4156 Actions taken under the Marijuana Business Ordinance: - Approved Pine Tree Maine Two Adult Marijuana Store #2201-4143 - Denied Pine Tree 4 Marijuana Manufacturing #2201-4144 - Approved Green Roots Medical Marijuana Store #2201-4145 - Approved Moment’s Peace Farm Tier 1 Cultivation #2201-4146 - Approved Moment’s Peace Farm Tier 2 Cultivation #2201-4147 - Medication Station Medical Marijuana Store #2201-4148 - Approved Maine Only LLC Adult Marijuana Store #2201-4150 - Approved Moment’s Peace Farm Manufacturing #2201-4151 - Approved Medical Medication Station Marijuana Cultivation #2201-4152 - Approved Medical Marijuana Green Roots Cultivation #2201-4154
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