
Finance Committee Report

To the Residents and Taxpayers of Hollis:

The Finance Committee consists of five members, appointed by the Select Board for 3-year terms. We are an advisory committee to the Select Board with the below responsibilities quoted from the committee’s ordinance: 1). Annual Operating Budget - The committee will review the annual operating budget with input from department heads, and will recommend or not recommend to the Select Board.

2). Annual Capital Budget - The committee will review and make recommendations to the Select Board.

3). Warrant Articles - The committee will review Warrant Articles pertaining to financial issues and recommend or not recommend to the Select Board. 4). Review of revenue and expenditures - The committee will make quarterly reviews of revenues & expenditures and present issues/questions to the select Board. 5). Other - The committee shall review and make recommendations to the Select board on supplemental appropriations, expenditures, and investments of Town funds. This year the committee worked on financial concerns of the town, such as ways to use town funds to retain town employees. This resulted in a warrant article to provide retirement benefits to employees. The committee also began discussions about ways to optimize the town’s cash accounts. The committee continued to increase its non-budgetary work in advising the Select Board about town revenue and spending. We will continue to pursue, at the request of the Select Board, other work to provide advice and oversight to the town regarding expenses and use of town money. As the chair of the committee, I encourage any residents to reach out or come to the Finance Committee meetings. We welcome public comment and participation as we execute the responsibilities of our committee.

Joshua Morse, Chairman


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