
Town of Hollis 2021-2022 Annual Report Dedication

Debra (Hanson) Silver (1961-2023) It is with great pride and honor that the Hollis Select Board dedicates this year’s Annual Report to lifelong resident Debra “Miss Deb” Hanson Silver. A school bus driver for MSAD #6 for 24 years and working determinedly as the Union Representative for the school district’s Support Staff Association, Deb will be well remembered for her dedication in providing support to the staff and students at MSAD #6. Her mantra was ‘have a gratitude attitude’ which clearly reflected her belief that the world is a beautiful place to live and people truly matter. Deb was a huge supporter for MSAD #6’s “Backpack Program” which provides food to any students that need it. Deb also proudly served many years for the Town of Hollis as a door greeter at our elections. Deb‘s favorite song was “You’ve Got A Friend In Me” and she was indeed a great friend! She was always there for anyone in need--whether it was a family member, friend, co-worker, a parent or child in distress, or merely an acquaintance. With her smile and hugs, she could make any problem immediately better and provide heartfelt support and reassurance. Regardless of the time of day or night, Deb would lend a helping hand or resolve an issue that seemed insurmountable. And she always rooted for the “underdog”!


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