
Hollis Fire-Rescue 34 Town Farm Road Hollis , ME 04042 207-727-3623 Office of the Fire Chief

We continue to have great success with our training and retention program, one of our Full-Time staff completed their Paramedic training last year, One completed their Advanced training last year, along with another per-diem member. Two of our Full-Time members completed their fire Instructor training, the first step on the way to obtaining their Fire Officer certification. All of our current officers have completed their Fire Instructor and Fire Officer certification trainings. We have another Full Time staff member beginning enrollment in paramedic school for the coming year. We also continue to improve our in-house training programs to include low angle ropes rescue, advanced extrication techniques, water and ice rescue certified trainers and Emergency Vehicle Operator instructors to keep our staff trained to the highest standards. Hollis Fire-Rescue has shown great growth and advancement over the past several years, the need still continues to increase, and we strive to continue our progress and improve the service we provide to our community. The citizens of Hollis should be proud of the dedicated men and women of your Fire and EMS Department. I want to thank the citizens of Hollis for their continued support of Hollis Fire-Rescue and for the opportunity to lead this department. Hollis Fire-Rescue has a very dedicated staff, many of whom are cross trained iLni cbeontshe df i rPeaar na md Ee dMi cSs. ,O4f aoruer l ti oc et anlssetda fAf do vf a4n0c, e3d0 EaMr eTt’ rs aai nn ed d6 f ai rreef ilgi chet ne rs se ,d1B3 aasri ec EMT’s. I am proud to say that Hollis Fire-Rescue has made a name for itself as a lPeraorgnri anmg ahnads abdl ovsasnocme me de, natnfdo cwues ecdo ndtei pn aurotums el yn ht . aOvue rmReemc rbuei trms aecntti vaenl dy Re ne rt eo nl l tei do ni n ab da sviacnEc Me mT esncth toroali na inndg .t wC uor irne nf itrl eyf, i wg het ehra vr oe of ok ui er smc heomobl . eLras sitnypeaarrasme ve edri ca lsmc heomo lb, eornse i n p v at e r t o r e s v n e i d d d e e i d n r e c e g l v a u o s l s l a v e r i s n d t g e o p t b e a c e r h c tm o n m i e q n e u t e F w s i r t i e d h e a In t t s r m t a r a i u n k c i e n t o u g r s t s o b a e o s t u w t r e e r m l a l e t a m s s e b F r e i v r r i e s n O g to f t f h k ic e e e e c r p o c m o la u m s r s u e s n t s a . i t f W f y . w e ell It is my intent to continue these trends of improvement for our department ay ne adr c. oI nwt ii snhu et ot or eocfof eg rn it zhee tbhees dt es edri cvai ct ee dp, ohsasri db l we toor koiunrg ci onmd imv i ud nu iatlys ewahc ho ma nadk ee vuepr yo u r av me r ayzpi nr go us dt aaf fnfdo ra pc op nr et icni auti invge toof pa rl lotvhi ed ewpornodf ee sr sf ui ol nmael ms ebr ev ri cs eotf oHooul lri sc oF mi r em- Ru en si tcyu. eI . a m Respectfully submitted with pride, Chris Young Fire Chief Submitted with Pride,

Respectfully, Chris Young Chris Young Fire-EMS Chief

Chief Chris Young

Chief Chris Young


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