
Hollis Code Enforcement Office Permits fees collected the past 3 fiscal years are as follows: Type Fees Fees





Building Electrical

$ 44,628.00 $ 6,180.00 $ 425.00 $ 3,100.00 $ 6,390.00 $ 150.00

$ 87,521.88 $ 6,295.00 $ 4,425.00 $ 12,560.00 $ 350.00

$242,403.50 $ 7,950.00 $ 2,850.00 $ 5,770.00 $ 11,165.00

Demolition/misc. Internal Plumbing Septic Systems Home Occupation






$ 60,873.00



The dramatic increase in building revenues FY 2021/2022 was due to a Solar Farm being built. Our philosophy of continuing to provide excellent service to our customers remains the primary goal of the Code Enforcement Office. If we are unable to provide a prompt answer, we inquire about the issue with our experts in the field. The staff is always there to listen, look for alternatives and find the best solution for any issue. The Code Enforcement Office continues to provide outstanding resources to the community as well as to both the Planning and Select Boards. Articulate and able to clearly communicate, all office staff are willing to assist with special projects as needed. Attentive to the special concerns voiced by the community, the Code Enforcement Office is prompt in returning phone calls and letting the community know that they are available and ready to serve. The Code Enforcement Office continues to uphold the high standards that need to be met to make each project that they are involved in safe and reliable in the service that is provided. At the end of this reporting period (July 2021 through June 2022), this office experienced the resignation of the Code Enforcement Officer that served for several years. We thank Tammy Munson for her services to our community as our Code Enforcement Officer July 2018 until May 2022.


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