
Hollis Christmas Fund Committee 2021

The Christmas Fund Committee is thankful for this opportunity to submit a report to the townspeople regarding the progress of the Fund. It is with heartfelt pleasure that we would like to recognize the many residents and businesses that contributed whole heartedly to our neighbors in need. So many of you have supported this effort generously and selflessly every year, for that we thank you all. In 2021, the Hollis Christmas Fund accepted applications from 18 families and was able to provide Christmas gifts for 43 Hollis children. Our secret shoppers outfitted each recipient with 2 warm winter outfits and footwear if requested. Lots of families asked for bedding, winter coats and toiletries. While we make sure each family has the necessities, we also strive to provide toys, games, books and even gift cards for the older kids. This year the community responded exceptionally well to the Giving Trees. The Salmon Falls River Tap & Grill and Your Country Store were instrumental in hosting Giving Trees. We also set up Giving Trees at Town Hall and during the Recreational Department’s Deck the Hauls’ Christmas Lights event in December. Tags on the Giving Trees listed items that were on the participant’s wish lists. Donors shopped for the items and returned them. The Fund was then able to distribute all the items and families picked them up in time to enjoy a great Christmas. In the past few years, the number of participants in this program has decreased. We hope it is because family situations have improved, however we want families to know that the Fund plans to continue to assist our neighbors as needed. We all know that situations can change in the blink of an eye. The Hollis Christmas Fund is here to help. This is a very caring community and we all do our part to assist when and where needed. This is a cumulative effort that would not be possible without the help of all of us. On behalf of the Hollis Christmas Fund, thank you.

Respectfully submitted by,

The members of the Hollis Christmas Fund Committee


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