
We usually organize a Fall Foliage trip each year but were unable to have one this year. If anyone has any ideas of where we might go in the future, please let us know. We usually have a Halloween party in the Hollis gym with games and a costume contest for a minimal fee. We also held an event at the Sports Complex with ghostly lights along the walking path and a bonfire and s’mores and a Haunted Mile walk. There was also some pumpkin carving. We hope to make this a yearly event prior to Halloween. WINTER: The Recreation Department offers two leagues for girls’ Basketball. There is a 2 nd - 4 th grade League, and a 5 th & 6 th grade league. We also have a Sunday league for girls and women, 7 th grade through adult. We support a team for senior women (over 50) who play 3 on 3 half court. That team practices on Mondays from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Hollis Gymnasium. All boys’ teams are offered through Bonny Eagle Boys Youth League. We also offer pee wee basketball clinics (co-ed for K – 2 nd ), indoor soccer, and floor hockey after school in the winter months. SPRING: Spring Track is usually held on Mondays and Fridays after school. We have meets with Buxton, Wells, and Old Orchard. This program includes running, jumping, and throwing. We also usually offer a Spring Bus trip for adults. We are always looking for new ideas for trips, so please share your requests and ideas with us! The State stocks Memorial Pond by the Community Building with trout so that we can host a fishing derby for children under 15 each May. YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer the following year round programs: Adult exercise: 8 – 9 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 – 10 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Kindergym: 10 – 11 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (gym class for preschool, crafts, and snack) Senior Women’s Basketball (50 and over): Mondays 7:00 – 8:30 pm at Hollis Gym Men’s Open Gym Basketball: 8:30 – 10:00 pm at Hollis Gym Monday & Wednesday Senior Luncheon/Cribbage: Twice a month on Tuesdays (check website for dates)


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