
From The Executive Board

Central Region VP

Coastal Region VP

H ere we are made it through one of the craziest seasons ever. Water more Water and even more Water best describes this season. But as usual us volunteers put our heads to the grind stone and move forward to get trails in shape and make sure they are safe. Thank you all for continuing to keep this sport alive and well. This is my last official duty as western VP I wish I could’ve done more but I have to concentrate on my little club here in Kingfield. I leave you all in good hands with Jerry Major taking over and I’m very confident he’s going to do a great job. I’ll still be around, I’m not leaving as I will stay on as a regional director. Stop by Kingfield and I’m always on the trails. All I can say is THANK YOU ALL. Jim One last thing, this will be my last season as Central VP. I will be 80 years old and I am retiring. It has been a privilege working with you. If you are interested, please give me a call. My secretary says she is sorry she has to retire also, she is 85 this year and told me not to find her a job. Keep Smiling, Be safe Jack In the meantime, please let the MSA office know of a physical address for dropping off the Membership Package. If we don’t get this, you will have to make arrangements to pick it up at the office. Mailing the packages has just gone up way too much. If you have questions, please call me and I will try to help. Now after being so pushy, I hope everyone has a great summer and enjoys the sunshine, the water, BBQs. Just be safe, I want to see all of you out on the trails next season.

organization. MSA is your voice to keep communications open between clubs, IF&W, State Legislature, and the Governor. I look at the volunteers who spend thousands of hours and years working to keep our sport moving forward. Thank you to all who dedicate a good portion of their lives keeping our sport alive and thriving for 55 years, 14,000 miles of trails throughout the state is possible because of volunteers from the clubs. From the generous landowners who allow us to ride 95% of the land in our system. The future’s looking good. Congratulations to all award winners at the MSA annual banquet. 2023/24 season is already being worked on starting with our Golf Tournament in June, Snowmobile show in October and the Super Raffle, a great list of prizes!! Enjoy your spring, summer and fall. Until next year. Dave

Jack Lord Home: (207) 672-3915 Cell: 207-717-7131 Email: jacklord5256@gmail.com

David Watson 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd ,E. Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com 2022/23 season has come to a close. I look back at not only this year but all the 15 years I have been involved with the MSA. It has been an education, a challenge and it also makes me proud to be a part of this

H i Everyone,

Well this snowmobile season is over. Time to Relax for the next 4 months. It won’t seem too long until it’s time to start brushing the trails and get things ready for our next season.

Western Region VP

Scholarship Awards Presented by Harvey Chesley

James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Road, Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com

W e have granted 3 scholarships this year. Each of the applicants are at different stages of their education and we, as a committee, have agreed that all are very deserving of this award. Kathryn Smith of Holden, ME: Kathryn is currently a freshman at Gordon College in Wen ham, MA. She is majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing & Communication Arts. Her parents are Steve and Dodie Smith of the Eastern Maine Snowmobilers in Holden. Thomas Watt of Greenville, ME: Thomas is currently in his 4 th year at The University of Southern Maine. He is completing his Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. He is going on to The University of Maine, Orono to get his MBA and hopefully finish with a law degree. His parents are Craig Watt & Leslie Ranta-Watt are members of the Moosehead Riders Snowmobile Club in Greenville. Alicen Higgins of Fairfield, ME: Alicen is currently a senior at Lawrence High School in Fairfield, ME. She will be going to the University of Maine, Augusta to enter their Nursing Program. Her parents are Joe Higgins and Buffy Higgins or Fairfield. Joe Higgins is the Director of the State of Maine Snowmobile Program in due to state ethics laws is unable to join a club. However, Alicen was highly recommended by the Fairfield Country Riders Snowmobile Club in Fairfield, ME.

IF&W Landowner Relations T he Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

has a group of warden’s have the responsibility to help out land owner’s when in need of address ing any conflict that may arise involving their property. Corporals Rick LaFlamme and Kris MacCabe are the leaders of the group. They like to meet with the landowners and solve prob

lems or conflicts that involve their property. The have the tools to help you out, rather it be signage, or a game camera put up on your land they will do what has to be done to preserve your interest.This program also has a clean-up day. Usually on a weekend they get together with area clubs and pick up trash that has been disposed on your land illegally.You can find the date on their web site www.maine.gov/ifw/programs-resources. Click on the Outdoors Partners link on the left for dates and other events they do. These two will meet with the landowner(s) and recom mend things that can be done to protect and preserve the land. Kris MacCabe kris.maccabe@maine.gov 207-557-0839 Ric LaFlame r ick.laflamme@maine.gov 207557-5244 Now is the time to get these folks involved if you have a problem or think you may have one.They also just hired a few new wardens to help make this program even bet ter. Please take advantage of this resource!

We wish all of the scholarship winners enjoyment and success in their chosen paths.


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