
From The Executive Board

the most effective speaker in favor explain ing to the IFW Committee was the Colonel of the Warden Service, Dan Scott. He, Com missioner, Judy Kamuso, Deputy Commis sioner, Tim Peabody and Secretary to the Colonel, Chrystl Theriault and director, Jim Conley all collectively expressed the mes sage of we need a way to protect our trails, clubs and landowners. In addition Karla Black, Deputy Direcotr of Maine Woodlot Owners also spoke in favor even adding some clarity reflected in the amendment. It truly was an excellent presentation. Also of significant notice, there was no opposition to the bill. Just a short week later, on May 3rd, the work session was held. Again, it was a strong performance and there were a few great questions from the committee of relevance. Evidently, they supported what they heard as it came out of committee 10-0 “Ought to Pass”. The MSA would like to thank the entire “Warden Service” for their attention to detail with the explanation. It really was a pleasant thing to watch. Attached is the verbiage that was approved. The legislative analyst shared that it has been voted on and approved, but reserved the right to possibly change the language that may need to be modified for legal reasons after a formal review. The MSA will be looking for all of you to edu cate your local legislators to help get this through to help protect our great trails. Attached is the bill as it came out after committee. Thanks, John Monk weather” had us on a go, no go, go, no go type of start to our season. Rangeley, Eustis and the County are usually a good bet for a New Year’s day ride, but that was not the case this season. Late warm weather, little or no ice and barely any frost pushed back most programs start dates. This prompted many trails committee members to start the task of “inspecting by vehicle” all road crossings for proper stop and stop ahead signage. Luckily, things got going around the 1st of February for many areas. We had some new faces added to the team with the additions of Nick Morrill, Matt Stedman and Jeff Monk. Our old friend Jerry Major also made a comeback for us in the Western Region. Thank you all for stepping up to keep the team moving forward. I had plans to do a lot more riding and do more trail inspections but after a week in the County, the dreaded Corona Virus This year we had ten riders die on our trail system. One is to many. We had lots of accidents that could have been prevented. Speed and under the influence are the two biggest factors. In experienced riders that get on these high powered sleds and drive like their professionals are not mak ing it. They’re not professionals many are just novice riders that chose to go fast and endanger our lives. This has got to stop. We have meetings set up this summer with the state’s IF&W folks to come together with a plan to reduce accidents and deaths. With the help from John Nelson Presi dent of the Anson/North Anson SC we held a safety day at the Carrabec Middle School with much success. Later in the season with the help of the East Branch SC and a Game Warden we held two safety demonstrations at the East Millinocket Medway School with another great response. Let’s try to do

Steering Committee Chair Report

PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO LD 732 An Act to Prohibit Off-trail Operation of a Snowmobile in an Area Closed to Off-trail Operation

Strike lines 3-5 of the bill and replace them with the following:

27. Operating snowmobile in posted area. A person may not operate a snowmobile off of a snowmobile trail, identified by the Department of Agriculture. Conservation and Forestry, Bureau of Parks and Lands as having been funded by the Snowmobile Trail Fund pursuant to section 1893, subsection 3, where the trail is posted as being closed to off-trail snowmobile operation, without the permission of the landowner or the landowner’s representative. For the purposes of this sub-section, “Posted” means contain ing signage, placed by the landowner. the landowner’s repre sentative, who may be a local snowmobile club trail master. a local snowmobile club representative, or an employee of DIFW or DACF, which is reasonably likely to come to the attention of a snowmobiler, and indicates that’s Off-trail snowmobiling is prohibited. SUMMARY This amendment replaces likes 3 through S of the bill with text that defines a snowmobile trail as identified by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Bureau of Parks and Lands as having been funded by the SnowmobileTrail Fund. This amendment also defines “posted” for the purposes of this subsection.

John Monk Chairman of Steering Committee moparmonk@gmail.com

H ello All,

We have made some very good prog ress on our bill to help Landowners, Clubs, Wardens and Municipalities try and keep people on the trails in our problematic areas. The MSA Sponsored bill LD-732 went to the IFW Committee hearing on April 24 with our sponsor Russell Black introduc ing the bill. Quickly following were James Cote, MSA’s newly hired lobbyist, followed by Al Swett, our president. From different angles of testimony, both Matt Stedman and myself testified on different situations of why the bill is needed. With a bit of surprise,

Trails Committee Chair Report

(Covid 19) took me out for two weeks right in the middle of peak season. Luckily, I was still able to meet all my seasonal goals. I was able to ride “new to me” trail and got to ride with new people like 2022 Groomer of the Year, Dwight Flewelling, enjoying his trail system as well. Kevin Freeman of the Sled Shop in Presque Isle, Northern Region Director Denise Dupierre and Bob from Mad Town as well as Northern Region Director Nick Morrill. I was also lucky enough to ride with all the people who attended the ISC Northeast Chapter meeting in February. New to me places to eat included “Misty Meadows Organic Farm, Evergreen Bowling Lanes featuring Rendezvous Restaurant and Al’s Diner. That’s why I feel lucky, as I was able to do all that before Covid took me down for the count. Looking back at the season, the trails committee as always did a terrific job communicating with clubs on any trail Safety posters will be reordered this sum mer provided by Brookfield Power Com pany. Hopefully we can also get more of the grooming and curve signs from BIW. Remember wear your PPE when oper ating power equipment ear plugs, safety glasses gloves and a good pair of boots will make for an easier life for now and the future. Be safe out there! AL more of these next year. Their fun and the students love them.

Join the MSA & the Club of Your Choice Select the MSA-affiliated snowmobile club that you would like to support by going to https://www. mainesnowmobileassociation.com/clubs/ then fill out this membership form. Enclose your check for $30 or enter your credit card info and mail to: MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332. If you’re paying by credit card you can fax the form to 207 622-7669. $15 of your dues supports your local club; $15 supports the state association. The club is credited for your membership, and an MSA decal is sent to you. Your subscription to the MSA newspaper, the Maine Snowmobiler, begins with the issue following receipt of your membership. Season runs from October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022 As this past season turned into my farewell season as Trails Chair I want to thank Al Swett and Mark Chinnock for their continued support and thank all of the trails committee members for their continued commitment, making snowmobiling safer in Maine. A special thanks to Joe Higgins, Lana and Candice at the Dept. of ACF for their continued cooperation between our two organizations which makes everyone’s job easier. Snowmobiling in Maine Rocks and it’s because of all these dedicated people getting it done every season. I hope everyone has a great summer and is ready to “Think Snow” the day after the Maine Snowmobile Show in October! Mike issues, like a big mud hole in Greenville and a big reroute on ITS 90 in the Woodland area that happened mid-season and making sure trail signage and safety were top priority.

Mike Grass, Jr., 207-368-2316 249 Condon Rd, Plymouth ME 04969 mgrassjr@gmail.com

T he MSA Trails Committee worked hard this past season to get a lot of the ITS trail system inspected. The “unusual winter

Safety Committee Report

CLUB SELECTED ________________________________________________________________________

MEMBER NAME ___________________________________________________ DATE ________________

ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________

CITY/TOWN ____________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ______________

TEL _____________________________ DATE OF BIRTH ___________







CARDHOLDER NAME ______________________________________ TEL __________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________

ACCOUNT NUMBER _____________________________ EXPIRATION _____________

Alan Swett, 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com

CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE _______________________________________________

MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332 • 207-622-6983 • Fax: 207-622-7669. mainesnowmobileassociation.com


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