2023 MSA President’s Award goes to Mike McNulty Presented by Al Swett
T his year’s President’s Award goes to an individual who is a hard worker, very loyal and passionate too our Maine Snowmobiling Family. He came up with an idea to promote snowmobiling in his North ern Maine County. It was a hit from the first episode. The local TV sta tion in Presque Isle does the filming from different locations they focus on events, and families riding and why they enjoy our sport so much. Recently he asked me if we’d be interested in widening it out to include the Central Maine area. The local Bangor TV station channel 5 thought it was a great idea. Although we got a late start it proved to be a hit. We look forward to many more shows. My choice for this year’s President’s Award is Presque Isle’s own Mike McNulty. He’s well deserving and I appreciate all he does for us.
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