2023 MSA Supporting Business of the Year Awarded to The Bunker Inn Presented by Mike Grass Jr
T he 2023 MSA Supporting Business of the Year was nominated by the Limestone Snow Hawks. Here is the nomination letter. “It is with great pleasure that the Limestone Snow Hawks snowmobile club nominate The Bunker Inn for consideration for the 2023 MSA Supporting Business of theYear Award. In addition to providing lodging for snowmobilers at a reasonable rate in a clean, comfortable environment, Tim and Sandy McCabe demonstrate a commitment to the club as well as to the community through their civic support by supplying their banquet room at no cost, continued business membership to the club and promoting tourism by being great stewards for all the area has to offer. One of the many examples of this is how they welcome and encourage feedback from their guests about trail conditions and share the information with the Limestone Snow Hawks. They also keep their lobby open 24 hours so the groomer can stop in to use the facilities, make a coffee and/or enjoy a snack. They provide space at no cost, make donations during fundraising activities and are very welcoming to all that enter the Inn. This not only cultivates a positive, local image and experience but also brings in external business, contributing to the overall reputation and wellbeing of the community at large. The Limestone Snow Hawks are pleased to be able to nominate The Bunker Inn because of their continued support of snowmobiling not only for limestone but the entire County. Their professional and friendly demeanor towards their guests promote goodwill and we feel a big boost to our local economy through repeat visits and positive comments.” They also received another letter of
support from the Limestone Chamber of Commerce. With all that said, I have more to add to this nomination. In February of 2022, I attended the ISC Northeast Chapter Meeting in Vermont as the MSA representative. It was eye opening to say the least, meeting all these Presidents, VPs, Executive Directors and leaders from our surrounding states and provinces. After meeting them, I opened my mouth and asked if they wanted to have next year’s meeting in Maine. Before I could finish that statement, there was a resounding “YES”. Now, next year’s meeting was in Maine and I took on the challenge of making that happen. With now President Al Swett’s support, I started making plans and itineraries. We needed a hotel big enough to hold 40 plus snowmobilers. As you know, things fill up a year in advance so I knew that would be a challenge. I called Sandy at the Bunker Inn and explained what I/we were trying to accomplish and she immediately rose to the challenge. Sandy and I worked together for the next
9-10 months trying to get head counts, group numbers, state representatives and everyone “landing” in Limestone, pun intended, accommodated for the event. She literally moved people into the “work out room”, brought in extra beds, came up with a plan for breakfast right at the Bunker Inn for all the folks and a dinner/meeting room on short notice after a late itinerary change so folks could ride more and meet at night vs. day. Sandy and Tim made it all happen flawlessly and I/we couldn’t have had a better partner for MSA and the 2023 ISC Northern Chapter ride and meetings. Your 2023 MSA Supporting Business of theYear isThe Bunker Inn in Limestone, Maine!
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