
Registrar of Voters 07/01/2021 – 06/30/2022

The Registrar of Voters and Deputy Registrars had a busy year maintaining voter registration records, certifying petitions, attending training sessions and servicing elections. October started the election process as people requested absentee ballots for the November 2 election. This election resulted in 1,858 ballots cast in person and 768 absentee ballots cast which equals 2,626 total ballots cast and a 39.12% voter turnout. On December 1, 2021, a Special Town Meeting was called to vote on four different zoning ordinances and to reconcile a budget. All passed except for Article 6 which was a zoning issue concerning the Town being able to have an electronic sign out-front. On February 2, 2022, a Special Town Meeting was called to vote on issues concerning upgrading the Town’s phone system and the Rescue’s transport equipment. All issues passed. On April 27, 2022, a Special Town Meeting was called to vote on appropriating money for railings at the transfer station and money for the purchase of a trash truck. The railings money was voted in but money for a trash truck was not. On May 26,2022, the School Budget Meeting was held to validate the district’s budget. On June 14,2022, the Primary Election, Annual Town Meeting, MSAD#6 Election and Budget was held. Of the 6,688 registered voters, there were 208 absentee ballots cast and 841 ballots cast in person resulting in 1049 ballots cast and a 15.69% turn out.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth M. Scheibenpflug Registrar


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