Saco River Community Media Television Saco River Community Media Television officially began providing televised and online media services to the Town of Buxto n in September of 2000. 23 years ago, town leaders may not have fully understood what community television could offer a rural town like Buxton. Community Television was something new and unknown. The selectboard ultimately agreed to become part of SRC-TV’s six-town consortium and they were wise to invest what is now a well-established local information station focused specifically on the interests and concerns of Buxton’s citizens. Community television provides Buxton’s citizens with “government in the sunshine.” Town government meetings are available for viewing on cable channel 5 and Livestream . Accessibility matters - Buxton, citizens have the option to join town meetings the time honored way (in-person) or they can watch from the comfort of their own homes, a particularly valu able service during Maine’s harsh winter months when travel can be hazardous. In a rural area with few media outlets, local information is particularly important. Here and elsewhere, newspapers continue to decline or shutdown altogether. Mainstream television is largely focused on stoking division and sensationalizing or simplifying the news. Conversely, community television (and livestreaming online) provides directly relevant local information about issues facing the town. For example, last year, Brookfield Renewable announced they were taking steps to remove the his toric Bar Mills Dam . Homeowners along both sides of the Saco River have a direct connection to this issue. SRC-TV was proud to help produce, and broadcast clearly stated information about this controversial plan. Saco River Community Televisions media center is a volunteer-driven organization located at 564 Plains Road in Hollis . Local libraries and churches have been utilizing our services for years. Pro duction equipment, training and studio space are freely available to the public. Our free equipment rental inventory provides Buxton residents with, among other options, a high-quality public-address system, digital cameras, audio equipment, a projector and screen and portable lights. We’ve always been proud to help people learn how to create their own media. When a volunteer is unavailable, our experienced staff will do our best to make sure events like the annual Dorcas Fair and parade, Wreaths Across America and Buxton Historical Society presentations get promotional help with professionally produced public service announcements and on-location coverage. Give us a call at 727-5702 if you’d like to learn how SRC-TV’s community media center can help your organization. Our award-winning staff is happy to train local people how to produce public service announcements and community focused programming on any topic or cause you choose, on a non-discriminatory basis, free of charge. Give us a call at 207-727-5702 and we will patiently and skillfully take your video concept from pre-production to completion. With every good wish for a healthy and successful 2023-2024, Patrick Bonsant Executive Director, Saco River Community Television
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