Pleasant Point Park Pleasant Point Park consists of approximately 47 acres located on Simpson Rd. One side of the park borders the Saco River. Visitors enjoy a variety of recreational activities. During warmer months people swim, fish and kayak. Some enjoy a meal or simply take in the pristine views from one of the picnic tables. During winter, folks cross country ski and snow shoe. The hiking trails are used year-round by people going for a walk, many with their dogs. The Cemetery Trail located on the south side of the park loops around an ancient burial ground for the Woodman family, early settlers. Near the cemetery is a bench, ideal for enjoying a magnificent view of the Saco River. Three other benches can be found on or near the trail. Last summer, two new gates at the entryway to the park were installed and an enclosure was put around the port-a-potty near the parking lot. New signs marking each trail were placed. Charts identifying animal tracks, trees, different fish species and facts related to the park were put on the two kiosks, built by the Boy Scouts. The trustees give a big “shout out” to our wonderful Public Works Department for clearing several trees that fell on the trails last fall. In addition, they made some much-needed improvements to a section of trail. Future plans include continuing improvements to the trails and an erosion control project where a section of park borders the river. Pleasant Point Park is open to all and their dogs daily between 7am and 8 pm. Two port-a-potties are available including one handicapped accessible located by the river. No motorized vehicles are permitted beyond the parking areas. Everyone is asked to please pick up after themselves and their dogs. Enjoy!! Donna Beal, David Field, Julie Gamelson
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