Town of Buxton Public Works 185 Portland Road Buxton, ME 04093 Office (207) 929-4400 Fax (207) 929-3592 Email: kkimball@buxton.me.us
The Buxton Public Works Department has had another great year. I’d like to dedicate our annual report this year to Ed O’Neil, for his 20 years of service with Public Works Department. Ed is responsible for all our safety inspections and summer mowing as well as plowing through the winter months. He does a great job, has a great attitude, and is a pleasure to work with. We hope to continue to keep the roads safe in the winter, the trucks well maintained and the drainage working correctly. We would also like to welcome our new mechanic Jonathan Fogg to the team. He does an excellent job with the fleet maintenance and assisting with plowing during snowstorms.
Kevin Kimball Public Works Director
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