
Summer - 2023 “Our mission is to protect, restore, and improve our lake’s water quality and fragile ecosystem. We will create and nurture a community of lake stewards, educate users on lake safety, and always be mindful that human needs must be balanced with the needs of the natural environment.” Little Sebago Lake Association Lake Association

Centennial Announcement Page 13

Annual Meeting Page 17

Raffle Fundraiser Back Cover

And More!



President Pam Wilkinson

Vice President Andy Mayo

Treasurer Jim McBride

Secretary Cheryl Alterman

Other Members Rod Bernier • Diane Burnell • Steve Davis • Tim Greer • Kevin Kaserman Gary Kenny • Sharon Lamontagne • Debra Lavoie • Kevin Murphy Arnie Rosario • Barbara Sawhill RESOURCE HELPERS LSLA Assistant Sharon Young LSLA Merchandise Tammy Rosario Pirate Parade Organizer Deb Gellerson


Member Communications Steve Sayian Gwen Sayian

Historical Committee Kim McBride Jan Stilkey Loon Committee Sharon Young Betty Caton

Island Committee Barbara Sawhill Water Quality Committee Janet Slack Watershed Committee Bob Desrosiers Kevin Ronan

Dam Committee Jonathan Bernier Justine Beaudoin

HONORARY MEMBERS Bruce Micucci, Past Damkeeper • Carol Ann Doucette, Past President Rick Sullivan, Water Quality

Membership Address Updates Please contact Cheryl Alterman @ info@littlesebagolake.com with corrections to addresses.

CONTACT INFORMATION Little Sebago Lake Association

P.O. Box 912, Windham, ME 04062-0912 • 207-809-4706 info@littlesebagolake.com • www.littlesebagolake.com


Contents... Visit our website to enjoy our interactive color version of this newsletter @ https://littlesebagolake.com/about-us/#newsletter

Mission Statement ......................................... 1 LSLA Board Members .................................... 2 Membership Address Update ........................ 2 Contact Information ....................................... 2 Little Sebago Lake Interesting Facts ............. 3 Introduction From The President President’s Message ...................................... 4 Little Sebago Lake Environment 2023 Spring/Summer Hopkins Dam Report ... 5 Invasive Hybrid Variable Milfoil Program ... 6-7 Waterfall - Watershed- Ways to Protect ...... 8-9 Water Quality Report .............................. 10-11 Courtesy Boat Inspection ............................. 12 Help Wanted ................................................ 12 Little Sebago Lake Engagement LSLA - 100 Years of Lake Stewardship ....... 13

2024 Calendar - Photos Needed ................. 13 LSLA Treasurer’s Report ............................. 14 LSLA Annual Budget .................................... 15 LSLA Merchandise ....................................... 16 2023 Annual Meeting ............... 17/Back Cover Plant Giveaway at the Annual Meeting ........ 17 LSLA Endowment 2024 ............................... 18 Education & Topics of Interest Historical Committee .................................... 19 Safety Patrol Program 2023 ................... 20-21 2023 Little Sebago Loonacy ................... 22-23 What’s Happening Around My Lake? ..... 24-25 2023 LSLA Membership Contributions ... 26-29 2023 LSLA Endowment & Memorial Giving . 30 LSLA Functions & Finance .......................... 30 Thank You to our Supporters ....................... 31 LSLA’s 2023 Online Raffle Fundraiser ......... 32

Little Sebago Lake Interesting Facts

2009 acres . 30.7 miles perimeter 54 feet at the deepest point . 5.76 miles long as the crow flies 6.72 miles from Twin Brooks to Hopkins Dam 22 private islands . Cold and warm fresh water fish


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President’s Message 2023

Yikes! It seems that each winter has a new story nothing is normal anymore. March came in like a lamb indicative of the two preceding months with rainy Fridays followed by one 50 degrees below weekend in February. The story goes that March is in like a lamb- out like a lion and the winter really began soon after the first week of March. With these challenging warm conditions, the winter lake community was finally able to get out and play on the ice. Ice-in was January 5 th and people have placed their bets already on when the ice will go out. In January key initiatives were set as priorities for the year. The exciting news is we are gearing up for the 2024 Centennial celebration for next year! Our emphasis will focus on gathering historical captures and providing fun events. The next focus will be on providing education regarding watersheds, shoreline protection and water quality. For our lake to be sustainable and resilient each of us needs to be part of the incremental improvements to make accumulated positive impacts ensuring future generations can enjoy what we have. Sustainability for programs comes from your generous donations and we thank you for that. Another avenue and goal is to spread the word about how endowments (planned giving) that can set aside funds to eventually be able to fund programs using only interest. Our safety patrol will always be in the forefront of priorities. As boat usage on Little Sebago Lake waters increases each year, it is necessary to make sure all types of usage are protected and the fun on the waters stays fun. Our safety patrol will be stewards who pass out informational brochures and the visibility will remind us that we all need to be good stewards.

Our friendly wardens will assist us as well.

These are only a few of the over 15 program initiatives that the LSLA Board of Directors work on throughout the year. Thank you for volunteering your time with your care, concerns, professionalism, and dedication. LSLA also thanks various committee members who work on special projects that make it possible to achieve our mission statement. A special thanks to you! Soon the docks will appear, boats will be put in and the rest of summer prep hopefully won’t take too long. As we count down the days before you can do that, take a moment to read all the educational information within these pages and let us know how you can become involved. You can make a difference and we welcome that! Mark your calendar for annual meeting July 8 th , details to follow.

On behalf of the of the LSLA BOD, Have a safe and memorable summer.

Pam Wilkinson LSLA President


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2023 Spring/Summer - Hopkins Dam Report Rod Bernier

Memorial Day Weekend. Since there isn’t much of a snowpack, we’ll be reliant on Mother Nature to provide the rain to fill our lake back up. The 133 year-old Hopkins Dam survived the winter very well. The new gate and operating system are working great. There are a couple very small sink holes on the surface of the 135’ by 30’ earthen dam structure. There are currently minimal leaks in the sidewalls of the sluiceway. In addition to performing our regular maintenance, we plan on mulching and vegetating the eastern side of the dam where equipment was staged during the major repairs done last year. We’ll also be repairing/replacing the safety buoys that broke free from the northern side of the sluiceway this winter. Our next major project will be performing maintenance of the riprap on the north side of the dam. We evaluate the status of the riprap yearly. We are still projecting that this will be required in the next 5 to 10 years. Justine Beaudoin has continued to lead our communication efforts with information postings on Facebook. She will post water levels on Facebook on a weekly basis this spring as we bring the lake level up. Gary Kenny and Justine continue to partner with me on the darn Dam Committee. Many thanks to them both for all of their volunteer efforts. Thanks also to the Board of Directors of the Little Sebago Lake Association and to all of the membership for your tremendous support. We’ll be providing a full Hopkins Dam report during our Annual Meeting in July. I hope to see you there. Rod Bernier Hopkins Dam Keeper

I am thrilled to report that Hopkins Dam is in excellent condition. Little Sebago Lake ended March of 2023 with a lake level 18” below our Summer lake level. The winter drawdown began last fall two days earlier than the State mandated date of October 15 th . We opened Hopkins Dam early because we were at our Summer lake level of 289.2’ above Portland Harbor mean low tide on October 13 th and the forecast called for a major rainstorm. Despite the dam being open, the Fall rains quickly increased our lake level by 5”. As the rains subsided, the lake level started to lower and we were back at summer level by the end of October. We continued to draw down and were 17” below summer level by Thanksgiving. Late fall rains kept the lake at that level for most of December despite the Hopkins Dam being wide open. The storm just before Christmas brought the lake up another 5” bringing the lake to 12” below Summer level. The lake level gradually decreased until we hit our Winter low of 19” below Summer level on March 12 th . This is a reflection on the very unusual weather we had this Fall/Winter. We usually hit our Winter low water level in January or February. Hopkins Dam will be closed to the State mandated minimal flow on the State mandated date of April 15 th . Our goal, as always, is to have a full lake by


Invasive Hybrid Variable Milfoil Program- 20 Years Later Coordinators: Pam Wilkinson & Tim Greer 131 tons removed- Surpasses 1 Million Dollar Removal Cost

In 1999 invasive milfoil was reported. After a few years it had exploded in various coves and DEP analyzed it was a hybrid form of invasive milfoil. After a few years using volunteer hand pulling the efforts were beyond making a difference. A suction dredge assisted with divers’ hand-pulling the roots was developed by Bill Shelley and his crew. Twenty years later we have made a big difference. Originally a daily haul could be up to 80 twenty-pound bags, then in a few years 40 and today occasionally we will get 9 bags. The plant is aggressive and left unchecked will grow back to the dense patches we once had. That’s why your continued support is imperative to maintaining our special place on the lake and property values. If you see unusual plant growth in the lake it probably is native. Plants have a cyclical cycle and ever so often they will appear more abundant. If you have concerns and question what is in your area, please contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake. com to come and identify if it is in fact invasive. Thanks to one report we found a new dense bed

behind Rope Swing Island- 30 bags retrieved in 2021, 9 bags taken in 2022, we now revisit that area often. Our milfoil crew will be on the lake from June to September. Please stay at least 200 feet away from the milfoil pontoon operation. There have been several near misses with boats going too close to the diver, especially in coves, and the wave action compromises the suction intake causing operation shut down and milfoil escaping back into the lake. Please slow down for the safety of the crew and operation. On the top of the next page is a grid of amounts taken, hard costs and volunteer in-kind costs. Thank you to DEP, Towns of Gray and Windham, our membership, milfoil crew and volunteers who make this program a success.

Processing Operation to Invasive Plant Stay 200 feet away for operation safety

Processing Operations DA-HIPPO-Diver Assisted Hydraulic Invasive Plant Processing Operations

Milfoil Team at Work Photo taken by Virginia Micucci


Invasive Hybrid Variable Milfoil Program- 20 Years Later Coordinators: Pam Wilkinson & Tim Greer 131 tons removed- Surpasses 1 Million Dollar Removal Cost

Native Elodea

Invasive Milfoil and Plant structure


Waterfall – Watershed- Ways to Protect

while reducing excessive nutrients including phosphorus out of the water. It is important to understand that the watershed area surrounding a lake or river may differ greatly depending on wither the watershed is underdeveloped or developed. An underdeveloped watershed creates multiple layers of vegetation from the trees, shrubs and ground cover which filters rainfall hitting the forest floor. This loose layer is referred to as duff capable of absorbing water and nutrients while minimizing flow directly into a body of water. A developed watershed which we have on Little Sebago Lake has developed residential neighborhoods, roads, manicured lawns, paved driveways, parking lots which create an impervious surface preventing rain from soaking into the ground. This results in the rain creating channels increasing soil erosion. Human activity makes impermeable surfaces that do not allow rain to soak into the ground, increasing the overland flow of rain water that pickups nutrients such a phosphorus and deposits them into the lake where they can feed unwanted algae growth .The development of culverts , ditches and storm water drains can assist in reducing erosion while directing the flow of rainwater. Let’s now discuss the presence of phosphorus in our lake water. You can find phosphorus in many places including pet waste, fertilizers, and household cleaners. However, the biggest source of phosphorus is the sand and soil that is washed into the lake after a rain event. This is a naturally occurring element that feeds lake algae and plant life in the water. Too much phosphorus can put the lake out of balance feeding massive algae blooms that smell terrible, turn the water green, degrade

A lakes watershed refers to the land surrounding the area which serves to channel the snowfall and rainfall from streams, creeks, rivers, storm drains and groundwater to the lake. The watershed supplies important nutrients and organic matter as well as the critical water supplies needed to replenish the lake while supporting life with critical elements. The lake’s watershed keeps the lakes and streams clean by absorbing and filtering rainfall


Waterfall – Watershed- Ways to Protect wildlife habitat, make plants grow out of control including the invasive milfoil that is presently in the lake, and potentially harm humans and pets.

LSLA is offering to assist with your erosion remediation project with up to $500.00 towards the cost of your project. All you need to do is fill out a form, document the project area prior to and after work has been done, submit the total project cost for committee consideration. This includes adding water diverters called rubber razors which can guide water to a sloped spot or water garden. We have the resources to make them according to your needs. Reach out to info@littlesebagolake.com with subject Rubber Razor. Kevin Ronan

As homeowners we can all make a difference in protecting our lake’s water quality. The LakeSmart Program helps address these various water quality concerns. What is LakeSmart ? This is an educational and outreach program for lakefront property owners who maintain their homes in ways that protect lake water quality. The program is free, non-regulatory, and voluntary. Homeowners are not under any obligation to participate. The LakeSmart Program partners lake association volunteers to access lakeside properties checking for erosion around structures, in the yard, and along the lake. Site visits can include LakeSmart Volunteers offering recommendations to the homeowner for what they can do to reduce erosion and protect the lake. For more information or see how you can make improvements to your property, reach out to info@littlesebagolake.com with the he subject LakeSmart Program and/or go to the link for Little Sebago Lake’s Guide for Lake Friendly Living (http://littlesebagolake.com/ conservation/).


Little Sebago Water Quality Report

The days of effortless great water quality in Maine lakes are gone. Today our lakes, including Little Sebago, are facing threats to their ongoing health. There are more people, more dwellings, more boats and more impacts on the lake than ever. Here’s how our lake stands now. The waters of Little Sebago have been studied since 1985 thanks to Bruce Micucci who handed it over to Rick Sullivan in 2013. For years, each of these men faithfully tested the lake for dissolved oxygen and clarity every few weeks throughout the summer months. These two

tests are very important because they are early indicators of problems in a lake and are quick, relatively inexpensive tests to do. A healthy lake has clarity deep into the water and has sufficient oxygen far into the lake even during the hotter months of the year. In 2022 Jan Slack offered to manage the program. When a lake is stressed, there can be algae blooms. Algae are tiny plants that need water, light and nutrients to survive. These conditions are all present in lakes, but a key nutrient for algae growth, phosphorus, is usually not present


Little Sebago Water Quality Report

to that information, the LSLA is investigating potential sources of phosphorus including sampling the streams entering the lake. The health of a lake depends on a very delicate balance in a complicated system. When one part of the lake system changes, everything else is impacted and must shift. For example, the temperature of the lake changes greatly with the different seasons. As this happens, the plants and animals living in the lake must adapt. The chemistry of the water itself then changes in response to both the temperature and the changes of the living things in the water. Your actions, on the lake and on your property, make a difference to the fragile balance of Little Sebago. Every little improvement you make will make it easier for the lake to maintain its healthy balance. Let’s all try to shift our lake in the positive direction. None of us like the algae that can appear in late summer or increased plant growth around our beaches. Each of us can help prevent that by limiting our phosphorus impact. A healthy balance takes all of us. Here are steps you can take to help Little Sebago: • Maintain your septic system • Prevent soil and sand from eroding into the lake • Avoid phosphorus containing fertilizers on your property • Keep a buffer of plants at the edge of the lake to act as a sponge for phosphorus • Never allow detergents or soaps in the lake • Pick up and dispose of animal waste when walking along roads and while ice fishing • Volunteer for the water quality team

in sufficient quantities. This is why it’s crucial to the health of our lake to limit the amount of phosphorus going into the lake. In 2020 due to increasing algae problems, the LSLA and St. Josephs College entered into a partnership to add monitoring of phosphorus and chlorophyll in Little Sebago. Grant funding was pursued to help defray the costs of this work. Students from the college and LSLA volunteers sample at the deepest part of each basin of the lake every two weeks from May until late September. The students analyze the samples and report results to the association. We now have two-summers worth of results that tell us more about the health of our lake. There are higher levels of phosphorus in the lake than there should be at times. In response

Jan Slack


Courtesy Boat Inspection- Mt. Hunger Shore Road - Pam Wilkinson Need a summer job? We are looking for a person to inspect for invasive species two days a week (Wednesday and Thursday) 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weather permitting. Inspection training is required. It is necessary that you have computer skills for data entry. If interested please contact info@littlesebagolake.com with the subject of CBI application. Soon the dock will be going in and Jim and Jackie will greet you on the weekend days. It is imperative that all of us inspect our boat for plants or organisms that are invasive to our lake whether you enter via the ramp or your personal property. If you have questions regarding what to look for visit https://mainelakes.org/ invasives/courtesy-boat-inspections /.

Need something to do? Contact info@littlesebagolake.com

Volunteer for: ● Milfoil Operation Assistant - Work with a rewarding program ● Become an IPP-Invasive Plant Patroller - Training available ● Scuba divers to retrieve trash from the lake-You might find something fun! ● Environmental Educational program for Kids - Develop fun projects around the lake ● LakeSmart Watershed Program - Training available Paid Positions: ● Looking for diver for Milfoil- Diver certification required- milfoil training provided ● College Intern to assist with programs based upon grant funding acceptance ● Courtesy Boat Inspector - computer skills required


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LSLA – 100 Years of Lake Stewardship

As stated in pre vious newslet ters, the LSLA will celebrate its 100 th birthday in 2024- that’s next year! Last summer we de

Many things have changed since that first meeting in 1924. The LSLA now resembles a small business and deals with many issues- milfoil, dam maintenance and lake use safety to name a few. We are also a fiscally sound lake association and we would not be where we are today without the support of our membership. To say “thank you”, the Centennial Committee is busy planning an array of fun activities for all to enjoy for the summer of 2024. Stay tuned for more updates on the Centennial celebration! Sincerely, Cheryl Alterman

buted our beautiful new Centennial logo and now it’s time to start using it. The new logo will appear on all correspondence and we’ll start to incorpo rate it into our merchandise as well. You may re call that the logo was designed by Little Sebago’s very own Emily Benedict and we hope to use it for the next 100 years.

LSLA, 2024 Centennial Committee calterman@littlesebagolake.com

2024 Calendar - Photos Needed To all of our incredible photographers - it’s time to start submitting photos for the 2024 Annual LSLA Calendar. I’m looking for a variety of images capturing all 4 Seasons on our beautiful lake. If you have .JPEG formatted, high resolution (MB) pictures, please submit them to me for consideration at dburnell@littlesebagolake.com . The cut-off date for submissions will be July 31, 2023. This timing ensures that the calendars will be ready for the Labor Day Weekend Sale.


LSLA Treasurer’s Report - Jim McBride

A summary financial report showing 2022 results compared to budget is attached. It also shows the proposed budget for 2023. Despite some economic uncertainty and volatile market conditions, we ended the 2022 year in very good financial shape due to ongoing support from our members and friends, and prudent fiscal management from our board. We completed a major upgrade of the dam in 2022 that was estimated to cost $76,000. The repairs were completed under budget, and fully funded from our Reserve Investments with no impact on the operating budget. Here are a few other highlights: • Total 2022 income was $264,193 which was under budget by $9,007. Excluding the dam upgrade, the revenue went down by $7,596. Donations under our membership appeal were $1,463 lower than expected, and endowment gifts were $4,060 below budget. We were also below budget in raffle fundraising and merchandise revenue. But grants were $1,500 over budget due to a new grant from the Davis Conservation Foundation. Other than the dam, we did not need to transfer interest/growth from our reserves and endowment investments to fund operations. • Our budget for 2023 shows total income of $185,800. Excluding the dam upgrade, that is $3,804 lower than 2022 actual. It reflects a 2% increase in donations but flat endowment giving to be more conservative. We project $10,000 lower grant revenue from Maine Community Foundation, Windham, and Gray who had increased grant support to help with the dam upgrade. Our budget assumes $4,000 in funds taken from the Reserve investments to balance the budget. • Total 2022 expenses were $231,908 which were below budget by $39,883 excluding the dam upgrade. We were under budget in almost every category. Milfoil expenses were under budget almost $19,000 since we did not complete a planned milfoil survey last year. We were also under budget in water quality and watershed management. • Our budget for 2023 shows total expenses of $185,800. Excluding the dam upgrade, that is $28,482 higher than 2022 actuals. The largest increase is $17,000 for the rescheduled milfoil survey. The budget also has increased funding for water quality testing, watershed management, and routine dam maintenance. • Total Income Less Expense: We ended 2022 with strong positive cash flow and a net surplus of $32,285. Our 2023 budget shows a balanced budget with no deficit or surplus. As noted before, we will use up to $4,000 from the interest/growth generated by our Reserves. But we will not tap into funds from our Endowment. • Net Worth – at year-end 2022 we had total assets of $407,738, just about $101,000 lower than last year. This was due to the $74,590 used for the dam upgrade, and losses in invested funds for the endowment and reserves managed by the Maine Community Foundation due to market corrections. • We are incredibly grateful for the strong support from our members and friends who make donations, give to the endowment, join the raffle, and purchase merchandise that helps us keep Little Sebago a safe and healthy lake for all to enjoy! We are also very appreciative of the important grant support provided by the towns of Gray and Windham, the State of Maine DEP, the Maine Community Foundation, and the Davis Conservation Foundation.


LSLA Annual Budget - Jim McBride

Little Sebago Lake Association 2022 Actual and 2023 Budget



Difference Budget




2023 Notes:


$ 80,000 $ 78,537 $ 30,000 $ 25,940 $ 10,000 $ 8,004 $ 60,700 $ 62,200 $ - $ - $ 76,000 $ 74,590 $ 16,000 $ 14,867

$80,000 a $26,000 a


$ (1,463) $ (4,060) $ (1,996) $ 1,500 $ (1,410) $ (1,133) $ (444) $ (9,007) $ (1,600) $ (2,477) $ (3,265) $ 695 $ (18,698) $ (14,732) $ (1,410) $ 195 $ (41,292) $ -

Endowment Gifts Fundraising Raffle Grant Revenue

$ 8,000

$52,200 b $4,000 c $- d

Interest/Growth from Investments

Transfer Reserves to offset dam upgrade

$ 15,500 $ 100 $ 185,800

Merchandise Revenue

$ 500 $



$ 273,200 $ 264,193

Total Income

Disbursements - by Program:

$ 10,900 $ 9,300 $ 15,300 $ 12,823 $ 22,600 $ 19,335 $ 15,000 $ 15,695 $ 72,600 $ 53,902 $ 28,900 $ 14,168 $ 76,000 $ 74,590 $ 31,900 $ 32,095 $ 273,200 $ 231,908 $ - $32,285

$ 9,600

Admin & Overhead

$14,900 e $21,000 f

Courtesy Boat Inspection Marketing & Communications

$ 15,500

Merchandise Milfoil Removal

$69,500 g $22,800 h $- d

Other: Dam, Loons, Narrows, Water Qual Dam Upgrade (offset by Reserves)

$ 32,500 $ 185,800

Safety Patrol Program & Wardens

Total Expense Total Income less Expense

$- i


a) Donations & endowment dropped in 2002; expect slight 2% gain in 2023 b) 2022 grants from DEP, Gray, & Windham plus $5k for dam and extra $5k from Davis Conservation Foundation c) 2023 budget uses $4,000 growth from Reserve investments to balance budget d) Major $76,000 dam upgrade in 2022 funded exclusively from Reserve investments e) Increased staffing coverage for extra days using interns f) Increased outreach efforts to attract and retain members, also history & centennial projects. g) Milfoil staffing for divers & crews, boat upgrades, plus $17k for milfoil survey offset by grants h) Budget increased for dam maintenance, water quality, & watershed protection programs i) 2022 actual results showed over $32k surplus; 2023 budget assumes balanced budget

Little Sebago Lake Association -- Balance Sheet as of Year-end

12/31/2021 12/31/2022 Difference $ 145,406 $ 146,727 $ 1,321 $ 32,785 $ 44,510 $ 11,725 $ 330,710 $ 216,501 $ (114,209) $ 508,901 $ 407,738 $ (101,163)



Operating Account


Total Assets


$ - $ - $ - $ 508,901 $ 407,738 $ (101,163)

Net Worth:


We have many merchandise choices to fulfill your fashion needs while enjoying our wonderful lake! Many of our items are available with either a screen print logo or embroidered logo. Some of our choices are as follows: Sweatshirts for those cooler evenings – hoodies, crew neck and full zip. T-Shirts – long sleeve and short sleeve. A popular newer item is a long-sleeve T with SPF protection – A great choice for water activities this summer. We also have an assortment of polo shirts, sweat pants, tank tops and baseball caps. We have youth, toddler and infant items in stock. In addition to the available apparel, we have laminated lake maps, coffee mugs and Christmas ornaments. If we don’t have your size or color choice, we can place orders with our vendors. Embroidered orders are typically filled within two weeks while screen print orders can take a month and sometimes longer. Our vendors continue to experience some supply chain issues which can affect availability of some sizes and colors. There are a few 2023 calendars available at the reduced price of $15. You will still have 8 months use of the calendar and you can also enjoy the twelve months of beautiful photographs. We will once again bring a selection of our merchandise to the Association’s annual meeting on July 8, 2023. Please use the contact link at the bottom of the association web site to inquire about merchandise! Arnie and Tammy Rosario


2023 LSLA Annual Meeting ✔ Mark your calendar LSLA Annual Summer Meeting on July 8, 2023 American Legion Hall • 15 Lewiston Rd~ RT 100 • Gray, ME

Doors Open at 8:00 • Meeting 9:00 – 11:00 See “Rally Up Raffle” on back cover.

Plant Giveaway at the Annual Meeting Once again -with the help of O’Donal’s Nursery we will be providing 100 large 10 inch potted native plants for you to improve your buffer with. First come – first served to any supporting member of LSLA.


LSLA Endowment 2024

The Little Sebago Lake Association (LSLA) will mark its 100th year with a fundraising initiative called 100 for 100 and will ask your help. Since 1924, people have gathered as neighbors and friends to safeguard the lake and its environs. A brief history of the Association, found at https:// littlesebagolake.com/lsla-history/, describes how road repair and maintenance were the major concerns. The $5.00 membership fee addressed these and other concerns. Securing rights to and then maintenance of the dams dominated the agenda in the late 1940’s and early ‘50s. Shoreline property sales accelerated in the post-war years, and increasing numbers of families were able to enjoy the lake. The shoreline is very different today than it was 100 or even 50 years ago. The ecological challenges are very different. Instead of road repair, the Association has taken the lead on addressing milfoil control, water quality, and native habitat protection for birds, relying on the good will and volunteer time of members to achieve goals. Safeguarding the lake properly costs money, and annual dues contribute heavily to paying the bills. The Association board has excelled at securing government and private grants to help underwrite the costs that dues do not cover. There were, however, times when unexpected costs exceeded expenses, and this led to anxious moments. In 2011, the board agreed to establish an endowment that could be used as a financial safeguard to protect the Association from the up and down cycles of costs versus revenue. An initial challenge of $150 by one member was matched with another $150. Ten additional contributions resulted in a total of $3,121.00. The money was invested through the Maine Community Foundation, which manages the funds. As of the year 2023, this amounts to $146,727.

The LSLA policy on the endowments states, The income generated by the endowment may be used as part of the general operating fund of the Association and can be used to pay any reasonable expenses as determined by the Board of Directors or the Treasurer within their relative authorities. In recent years, LSLA has never taken any funds out of the endowment account to help cover general operating expenses. In the most recent years, LSLA funds have shown a budget surplus, so the board decided to leave the earnings in the endowment to continue to grow. We want to present a bold challenge to the Association members. We would like to raise $100,000 for the endowment to celebrate 100 years of remarkable citizen stewardship. Can you help us meet this challenge? A hundred thousand new dollars to the endowment would enable the Association to provide support for projects that further enhance water quality as well as flora and fauna in the lake ecosystem. Other projects discussed in the past included scholarships for student interns to conduct relevant environmental research in coordination with their school or college. There are several ways you can help build this endowment: 1. Checks written specifically to support the endowment. 2. Checks written to honor a special person. 3. Include a gift in your will known as planned giving. All contributions are tax deductible. Anyone from the LSLA board can assist with any questions. We will be providing updates at the Annual Meeting.


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Historical Committee

The Historical Committee continues to be on the lookout for old postcards, maps, photos and — perhaps most important — personal memories about time spent on Little Sebago that deserve to be shared with the community. If you have something you would like to share, please email us at memories@littlesebagolake.com We also need your help: the committee is currently investigating the following topics and needs help from the lake community. Feel free to email any info you might have to the email address above:

1) Where did the name Mumford of Mumford’s Cove come from? 2) Do you have any stories, newspaper clippings, or family memories about the flautist for the Pennsylvania Orchestra named William Kincaid? He lived in the middle lake area in the 40s and 50s. 3) Do you have any information on “the great freshnet of 1814” and its effects on Little Sebago? And finally, we LOVE old postcards and the memories they bring back. Here is one that I found recently. Can you tell us where it was taken? Email us @ memories@littlesebagolake.com


Safety Patrol From Sharon

The Patrol Boat , with our experienced crew of newly appointed Captain Steve Sayian, along with John and Mary Bernier, Jeff Viola, Dale Brunell, Katie Martin, Dave Cole, Peter Bailey and Bud Minott will be out on the water most days this summer. You might even catch an occasional glimpse of Roger LeBlanc! Years back when we had the Cumberland County Deputies on board, they did the enforcement and citation writing. But now that we have the Maine Warden patrolling separately, we are all about public relations and education. Our primary role is to observe boating behavior and educate when we see a rule infraction, to promote the association, to provide life preservers or whistles, assistance when needed, and to be a constant reminder that safety matters. We will be at the Public Boat Launch on Saturday, Sunday and holiday mornings to meet and greet newcomers, day trippers and renters. We will remind them the lake is patrolled by State of Maine Game Wardens and we will advise them on how to have a safe and citation free day. If we can, we will remind them to check registration, fishing licenses, the number of life preservers and other things that they may not know about. It can be a very expensive day if they don’t! We will also distribute The Welcome to Little Sebago pamphlet which has everything they need to know to have a great day on the lake. It has the important telephone numbers for them to call in an emergency or to report an incident. We will also be closely monitoring all of the private islands to be sure there is no trespassing and nesting sites to protect our beloved loons. The State of Maine Game Wardens will be on the lake most every Saturday and Sunday and also during the week of the fourth of July. Our lake is getting busier and more crowded each year and having them on the water seems to keep most of us in check and on our best behavior. Last year they were here 23 days and put in 155 hours on the water for us. They checked a total of 824 water crafts. During these checks 30 summonses were issued and 35 warnings for violations of state laws. Most were for not enough personal floatation devices and or registration violations. A few other notable interactions were for trespassing issues on islands,

The summer of 2023 is fast approaching and the Lake Associations Board of Directors are diligently gearing up to do our part to make sure that it is a safe one. The Safety Patrol Program has evolved over the years to a point that this year for the first time ever, we are not expanding or changing anything. The statistics show that it is working extremely well to minimize accidents and keep us all safe. It is important to understand that this is not a policing program. The key elements of the program are Education, The Patrol Boat, The Wardens and The Predetermined Emergency Exit points around the lake. The Education piece is in my opinion the most important. Each year more and more Mainers are taking the National Association of Safe Boating Law Class than ever before. By end of year 2021, over 12,000 of us had completed the course. We encourage all of you to take a Boating Law class, regardless of your age or experience level. The Maine Legislature passed a bill that will become effective in 2024 which will require all boat operators born before 1999 to take a class and become certified. The numbers are going up each year and it is my opinion and the legislatures that education is playing a huge role in reducing accidents. Cumulative Students Completing NA SBLA Approved Courses




Please look for more information on line at https:// www.maine.gov/ifw/programs-resources/educational programs/safety-courses/boating-safety.html. If you cannot find a course, call the regional safety coordinator at 207-287-5220. We will cover the cost of any supporting member of our association who chooses to take any of these classes. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021


Program 2023 Lamontagne, Director

one OUI, fishing without a license and assisting with a reported threat to the safety boat crew. Please refer to the chart below for a complete list and comparison to other years. We work with the Cumberland County Emergency Dispatch Center to assist them if there is a call from the lake. There are predetermined access points for emergency vehicles in each of the three bays. When a 911 call is made from Little Sebago Lake, an alert goes out to us and if we are able to assist we will. Use of GPS helps them to pinpoint the location of the call and emergency vehicles are dispatched from the closest department, whether it be fire, ambulance or rescue boat. Our slogan, “Safety is No Accident” takes a tremendous amount of effort and preparation and as you can see from our budget, quite a lot of money. It is

through your generous donations that this program is possible and we promise to be as frugal and efficient as always with your funds. But we need more than just your donations. We need you to always keep safety in mind and as your first priority. Set an example for your family, friends and neighbors. Show them how much it matters. They will learn from your behavior. Count your passengers and be sure you have the proper amount of life preservers. Stay as far away from the shore and other boaters as possible. The current law says 200 feet but there is legislation in the works for more. Our shoreline is taking a beating with so many large boats. Read the laws to familiarize yourself with them. Please educate your children and enroll them in a safety class so they understand the importance. Together we can achieve our goal of NO ACCIDENTS .

Warden Service Patrol Program 2022 2021 2020





Number of Days Scheduled

34 23

35 23

20 20

20 15

19 17

14 12

7 7

Number of Days Worked (due to wx)

Vessels Checked








Average of Vessel Checks per Day








Boating Accidents

0 1

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 0

1 0

0 0

OUI Arrests



38 16

19 10

32 15




8 7 4 1 5

8 6 1 3 3

6 2 3 2 6

- PFD Violations

8 9 3 1 5 4 8 6 7 1 1

- Registrations Violations - Headway Speed Violations

3 6 2 7 4

3 3 3 0

7 3 3 4

- Towed tube/skier without observer

- Fishing w/o license

- Other








48 28

60 19 35

29 19

32 19





- PFD Violations

- Registrations Violations - Headway Speed Violations

8 6 1 5

5 1 1 3




1 5 0


- - -

- -

- Towed tube/skier without observer

- -

- Fishing w/o license


- Other



2023 Little

Spring is in the air and Loon Season will be upon us before we know it. I’d like to first fill you in on the highlights of the 2022 season and then tell you about some 2023 season goals and objectives. Just in case anybody missed us – here’s a picture of the 2022 auction winners of the “Loon Launch & Learn Tour”. We enjoyed a three hour tour viewing nests, chicks, and adult loons. Our winners had a lifelong history on Little Sebago and enjoyed learning more about the Loons we all love.

In 2022, nine of 11 known loon territories on Little Sebago Lake were occupied by loon pairs. Eight of the nine pairs nested (89%). Five successful pairs hatched eight chicks, and four survived to fledge (>6 weeks of age). Overall productivity on Little Sebago Lake in 2022 was 0.44 fledged young per territorial pair. This matches our 5-year average. The established sustainable population threshold stands at .48. Little Sebago’s five year average is close enough to that rate to not raise any alarm bells. If I may steal a phrase from our Consulting Biologist – “It was a wild and crazy year for loons last summer”, both here on Little Sebago and on other lakes with similar monitoring programs. Little Sebago suffered five mortalities in our loon population in 2022. Three of the five were loons previously banded on Little Sebago. One was killed by an intruding adult loon, three appeared to be suffering other health issues and are pending necropsy. One of those three did have an x-ray post mortem and is suspected to have died from lead poisoning from ingesting a lead sinker. The fifth was one of our chicks that had fledged and was attacked and killed last fall by what is suspected to be an eagle attack (kill site and carcass were examined and preserved). In addition to the fatalities our Loon Rangers and others observed an extraordinary amount of “wild & crazy” aggressions between loons. Due to concerns about the frequency and impacts of intrusions and aggression into occupied territories by unpaired loons (floaters), LSLA Loon Rangers began to record these events in 2022. In this first data collection year there were at least 60 documented cases of territorial intrusions. Aggression varied from none (no contact) to severe (fights). Fights were mostly, if not entirely, in territories where chicks were being reared, with recorded instances of both adult and chick

Captain Sharon & The Connolly Rangers with Auction Winners

Prior to 2022, 27 loons had been banded on Little Sebago Lake (24 adults, and three chicks). Surveys conducted in 2022 identified 17 different returning banded loons (63%). This matched the results from 2021. A return rate over 60% is very good. Eleven of these banded loons occupied a territory, compared to 12 in 2021. Of the 17 banded loons identified, six occupied the same territory where they were originally banded (35%), and five others occupied different territories. Nest Fidelity (same pair - same nest territory) is typically a strong indicator of reproductive success. Little Sebago seems to be somewhat lacking in nest fidelity. (More about this in a moment).


Sebago Loonacy

loss. In one instance (Brigg’s Island Cove), it is believed that the constant presence of a third adult in the territory may have caused the nest to be abandoned. It may also be that these territorial aggressions are playing a role in our low nest fidelity rate. The initial findings reinforce the importance of collecting this data in future years to monitor trends over time. It’s important to note that the 2022 reproductive productivity was greatly aided by the human intervention of trained Loon Rangers. Two chicks were rescued during attacks from intruding loons, most assuredly saving their lives, and thereby altering the outcome of the breeding season. Both chicks were released back onto the lake after successfully being reared in captivity. You can see more about these rescued and released chicks in last fall’s newsletter archive. One of the two chicks survived to fledge. Both were counted as fledged, however, since they had both passed six weeks of age when they were returned to the lake. Without the survival of these two chicks our reproductive success rate would have been at a worrisome third year of low numbers. Another accomplishment and enhancement to our program in 2022 was the construction and launching of four new floating nest rafts. It is our hope that these nesting rafts will aid in protecting

nests from water level fluctuations from weather events, and from wake disturbances. Only one of our rafts have been used by the breeding loons thus far but it often takes a few years for our territorial pairs to acclimate to the new structure and put it to use. Looking forward to 2023 we are excited to announce that we will be launching a live stream “Loon Cam”. We will set up this Camera on a frequently successful nest site so that we all can watch and learn about nest building, incubation, and hopefully witness the hatching of one or more eggs. Watch for an announcement on our Little Sebago Loon Watch Facebook page sometime in late April or early May with a link on the Lake Association website to watch the live stream. A huge thank you to the Loon Preservation Committee of New Hampshire for their help in making this happen. Lastly, I’d like to thank all those of you who watch and love our Loon families, and to applaud our Loon Rangers for their continued dedication and hard work. Feel free to reach out through the Little Sebago Loon Watch FaceBook page to share loon adventures or if you see anything of concern. Sharon Young, Program Coordinator Little Sebago Loon Monitoring & Conservation Phone & Test: 207-632-0075 Email: syoung0252@gmail.com

Sand Island Mom and chicks


Surface / Sub-Surface What’s Happening

Algae-Natural Occurrence-Keeping a Watchful Eye

Algae lurks in the sub straits of the water column giving poor Secchi disc (clarity) readings. When the water warms and the sunlight becomes strong the trapped gases will cause it to float to the surface. Wind is another factor that contributes to where it occurs. It appears in various areas of the lake one year and in a different area the next. It can appear in a couple of days, typically last a couple of weeks, die and while decomposing sink to the bottom; if close to shore it appears as scattered brown residue. Weather seems to be a factor. Run-off caring phosphorus exacerbates growth. While the lake association is trying to grapple with how

Shoreline Light Pollution – Request from your lake neighbors Years ago, one could look south and see the bright lights of Windham. Now bright lights are more prevalent just looking across the lake. This not only makes it difficult to see planets and star gaze at night; glare also bounces off the water and can actually pierce into rooms making it difficult to see or sleep. The negative impacts are not only experienced by humans. Prolonged exposure to bright lights has the potential to cause damage to the eyes of owls by saturating their photoreceptor cells. Prey that uses night as cover are more vulnerable to capture. Nighttime glare can disrupt wetland frogs and toads that emit mating calls only at night, reducing reproduction. Bright lights also interfere with birds’ migration and disrupt insect food webs. The good news is – there are simple changes we can make to reduce our impact on the night. The general principles are: to remediate phosphorus overload, one way is to rake your beaches in the fall to eliminate decaying leaves which create nutrients for algae growth. If you find algae in the summer, use a pool net to scoop the algae and place it in your flower gardens, it has lots of nutrients for growth! So far, we have not experienced algae with bacteria. If you see areas of green growth, notify our water quality team by contacting info@littlesebagolake.com. The team will record where it is located, date the occurrence, and visit the site if needed.


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