Chebeague Island Council Calendar Don’t Miss... Chebeaugue Island Council’s ANNUAL HEALTH SCREENING See our ad on Page 4 for details
#4 | April 2023
The deadline for submissions for the May issue is noon on April 20. Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $70, ½ page, $35; ¼ page, $20; 4-line classified, $5; 6 to 8 line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission. ISLAND HANDYMAN “No Job is Too Small” Jeff Wescott Chebeague Island Council Calendar APRIL 2023 • Issue #4 Cover We are very excited to once again offer the Chebeague Island Council’s Annual Health Screening on April 8. Please see our ad on page 4 for details in addition to the cover, . About the Calendar The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. It is available on-line at Chebeague Island News (www.chebeague.org) or www. chebeagueislandcalendar.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submissions is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (247 South Road), left at the Council office (on 247 South Road) or emailed (cheabeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given up to a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charged at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is enough space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.chebeagueislandcalendar.com .
Contents Annual Health Screening Clinic
4 5 6
Chebeague Island Library From The Town Office
CTC News
7, 8, 9
Island Commons
The Recompense Fund 10 Chebeague Island Historical Society 11 Chebeague Recreation Center 12 April Calendar 14
Publisher Chebeague Island Council
Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Kristen Dyer Buxbaum, Deb Hall, Denise Hamilton, Tricia Haines, Sarah Hopkins, Kathy Kuntz, Ann Thaxter Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com
Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: 247 South Road
Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office, 247 South Rd
Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphicsolutions.com
Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com
40 South Road 207-400-6533 kaileedog@aol.com
Peggy Akers, RN plans to be here April 12 th and the 26 th 9AM-11:30AM at the Wellness Center. Blood draws need to be done before 10:30 so come early. No appointment needed. Wellness Center
Elizabeth Doughty, PT, DPT, GCS, CDP is a physical therapist who provides in-home physical therapy services right to your home. Whether you have just received a total joint replacement, concerned about falls and want to improve your balance, or having increased pain in a specific joint or muscle and wish to become a stronger, Elizabeth is able to assist by coming right to your home. By evaluating and working together, a specific plan of care will be established to meet your individual goals. She received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Ithaca College and is Board Certified Geriatric Specialist and is a Certified Dementia Practitioner. Most insurances accepted, including Medicare. Please feel free to inquire using the email or phone number above. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Coveside Physical Therapy, LLC BY YOUR SIDE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! Phone: (508) 735-7507 Fax: (207) 846-1696 covesidephysicaltherapyllc@gmail.com https://covesidephysicaltherapy-llc.com/
Dr. Larson comes to the Wellness Center on the 1 st and 3 rd Friday of the month. You do not need to be a Direct Primary Care patient to be seen. Please call her at 233-2502 to schedule an appointment. She will see urgent care, walk in patients as time allows. She does not accept insurance, including Medicare. If you are not a Direct Primary Care Patient there is a fee of $100.
560 US Route 1 • Scarborough ME, 04074 207.289.6005 www.gomendhealth.com www.scarboroughmainechiropractor.com To schedule your appointment go to: http://gomendhealth.janeapp.com/ 1. Click on the blue “book an appointment at Chebeague Island Resident” 2. Select a treatment and click on the blue “Chebeague Island travel visit” 3. This will bring up the monthly calendar to select a time for treatment. Or call our office at 207-289-6005 At the Wellness Center 2 nd Friday of each month!
USM Student Nurses will offer BP checks, Cholesterol screening, Blood sugar screening, skin cancer information
Ann Backus, MS, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health will do hearing screening
Sara Bozorg M.D., Ophthalmologist, will do vision screening and glaucoma checks
Take a chance on winning one of our AMAZING prizes! Prizes Donated by Garden Consult and rough plan sketch Tracy Ames Tote Bag Chebeague Island Library Otto’s Pizza gift certificate Otto’s Pizza 4 Lobsters gift certificate Hank Whetham 4 Lobster gift certificate Jeff Hamilton Red Studio gift certificate Island Commons 10 punch pool pass Chebeague Island Rec Center 2 dozen Oysters Chebeague Island Oysters Print Book Store gift certificate Print Book Store Harbor Fish gift certificate Harbor Fish Micucci’s Market gift certificate Micucci Grocery Store Standard Baking gift certificate Standard Baking Book of Guest Tickets Chebeague Transportation And more…. Company
Chebeague Island Library
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com Our Catalogue is online at: https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome Thank You “The Chebeague Island Library would like to give a huge shout out to all the folks who made our fundraising campaign a tremendous success thus far. The board thanks all the library lovers of all ages and all needs who support this unique and lively space on our island. It’s been a joy to see how many value this community resource where we read, meet, work and greet each other in such a warm environment. Now with your support, we are hatching great plans (or should we say “plots”?) for new outdoor workspaces with seating , electrical outlets and wifi. Meanwhile, come in and benefit from ALL our treasures - including Corie, Tracy and Norah!”
School House Seconds will start accepting donations May 1st. Please use the front door. Please, no bikes, furniture, or large appliances.
4th of July Theme needed. P lease email your ideas to the Chebeaguelislandcouncil@ gmail.com. The Winner will get a private, early bird shopping trip at School House Seconds!
From The Town Office
Heating Assistance: Cumberland County Gov ernment has allocated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for homeowners who are struggling to pay for heat this winter. The Town of Chebeague Island applied for a grant to assist its residents. The program runs through April 15, 2023. Please con tact town office for more information or go to the town website. Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM. We will be closed to the public on Tuesdays and Wednesday. As always, call for an appointment if you are unable to make it in during regular business hours. The Transfer Station is in its Summer Schedule. Monday: 9:00AM-11:00AM, Tuesday: CLOSED, Wednesday: 1:30PM-5:00PM, Thursday: 9:00AM 11:00AM, Friday: 1:30PM-5:00PM, Saturday: 9:00AM-5:00PM, Sunday: 9:00AM-5:00PM.
Nomination Papers- Available at the Town Office. One opening for the Selectboard and One opening for the School Committee. Nomination Papers due back at the Town Office by April 12, 2023 Tie Up Stickers- 2023 Tie up stickers are available at the town office. Shellfish Licenses- 2023 Shellfish Licenses are available at the town office. Volunteering Opportunities- The town has many volunteer opportunities, please go to www.townofchebagueis land.org for more information or stop by the town office for an application. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Town Office; 846-3148 or email townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org
Best, Vika Wood, Town Administrator
Broad Reach Realty
My purpose is to provide excellent service for my clients. Whether buying or selling, please call me for your real estate needs.
Sandra “Sam” Birkett
sandra.birkett @ exprealty.com 207.504.6716
Local • Loyal • Reliable
April 2023
CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY News from CTC! Here Come the Barge! The yard crew has been hard at work getting the Dovekie and barge ready for the upcoming season. The Dovekie needed exten sive work done, including replacement of quite a bit of steel plate in her hull, to make sure we can safely and reliably operate her for the coming season. Our goal is to start the season mid-April, but de pending on how work progresses and what kind of weather we see Make sure you are prepared to give full information to the office when booking barging including: vehicle make, color and license place number and whether or not you will be with the vehicle. Vehicles must have working brakes to be allowed on the barge. Vehicles without working brakes will not be transported. The CTC crew will not load and unload “junk” cars. The cus tomer must be present to do this. If you won’t be with the vehicle, leave the key in the agreed upon spot and leave a sign on the dashboard that states you name and BARGE in bold letters. Otherwise your vehicle may be missed. Leave the vehicle in the assigned spot (on Cousins). Make arrangements with the office for payment. We accept credit cards and prefer that barging is paid in advance. Annually, barging customers are required to sign the Barge Services Agreement prior to the first barge trip. The Agree ment can be found on the CTC website and is available at the Cousins parking lot and at the office. over the next few weeks, that may change. Our 2023 pricing schedule is shown below. Reminder on procedures
Winter Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm Friday 9am - 12:30pm
Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com www.ctcferry.org Passengers on the Barge Coast Guard regula tions permit the barge to carry a max imum of six passen gers. One passenger per vehicle may ride the barge free of charge. Space per mitting, more pas sengers may ride the barge at the Cap tain’s discretion. However, there will be a fee of $15 per extra passenger. April Birthdays Susan Campbell - 4/25 John Flaherty - 4/30 Happy Birthday!
Freight on the Bus and Ferry In serving the island, CTC transports great quantities of both per sonal and commercial freight. We would like to remind our customers of some of our freight rules and regulations. On the Bus. The buses are used to transport personal freight only. Commercial freight should be delivered di rectly to the wharf or shipped on Casco Bay Lines. Passengers who have large amounts of personal freight should deliver it to the wharf and then return to the parking lot for the ride on the bus. Federal regulations prohibit the transportation of any type of fuel or anything that has - or has had - fuel in it. Transporting vehicle, marine batter ies, and electric bicycles are s also prohibited. On the Boat. CTC can transport up to ten small gas powered appliances on the stern deck of the Islander. CTC cannot transport gasoline con tainers of any size if they contain gasoline. Kero sene, diesel and home heating oil can be trans ported. CTC cannot transport liquefied natu ral gas or propane in any size, even if the tank is empty.
Crew members Amanda, Lisa and Jere my preparing to abandon ship!
Key: Key:
April 2023
m CREW ASSISTANCE UNAVAILABLE 0..2780183 0..2390516 0..334338 0..4126771 0.051.504 0..589338 0..612815 0..656637 0..679078931363636373 0..767048 0..801215 0..834338 0..889548 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:15 7:15 8:00 9:15 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:15 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:30 7:30 8:15 9:30 Morning trips Afternoon Trips Evening Trips
depart Cheb:
Date dep Cousins: 4 - 1 Saturday 4 - 2 Sunday 4 - 3 Monday 4 - 4 Tuesday 4 - 5 Wednesday 4 - 6 Thursday 4 - 7 Friday 4 - 8 Saturday 4 - 9 Sunday 4 - 10 Monday 4 - 11 Tuesday 4 - 12 Wednesday 4 - 13 Thursday 4 - 14 Friday 4 - 15 Saturday 4 - 16 Sunday 4 - 17 Monday 4 - 18 Tuesday 4 - 19 Wednesday 4 - 20 Thursday 4 - 21 Friday 4 - 22 Saturday 4 - 23 Sunday 4 - 24 Monday 4 - 25 Tuesday 4 - 26 Wednesday 4 - 27 Thursday
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Fuel & Medication Assistance
The Foot Doctor
Dr. Rybka will be at the Wellness Center on Wednesday, April 19 th . 9:00 to 11:30a.m. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.
Please call Kathy Kuntz at 846-1496 if you need help with fuel or medication assistance. All requests are confidential.
Key: Key:
May 2023
m CREW ASSISTANCE UNAVAILABLE 0..2780183 0..2390516 0..334338 0..4126771 0.501.504 0..589338 0..612815 0..656637 0..679078931363636373 0..767048 0..801215 0..834338 0..889548 0.9407.9931765667 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:15 7:15 8:00 9:15 10:30 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:15 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:30 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:45 Morning trips Afternoon Trips Evening Trips
depart Cheb:
Date dep Cousins: 5 - 1 Monday 5 - 2 Tuesday 5 - 3 Wednesday 5 - 4 Thursday 5 - 5 Friday 5 - 6 Saturday 5 - 7 Sunday 5 - 8 Monday 5 - 9 Tuesday 5 - 10 Wednesday 5 - 11 Thursday 5 - 12 Friday 5 - 13 Saturday 5 - 14 Sunday 5 - 15 Monday 5 - 16 Tuesday 5 - 17 Wednesday 5 - 18 Thursday 5 - 19 Friday 5 - 20 Saturday 5 - 21 Sunday 5 - 22 Monday 5 - 23 Tuesday 5 - 24 Wednesday 5 - 25 Thursday 5 - 26 Friday 5 - 27 Saturday 5 - 28 Sunday 5 - 29 Monday 5 - 30 Tuesday 5 - 31 Wednesday
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Consider us for your all of your graphic needs... Sharkey Graphic Solutions 207.655.8668 graphics@sharkeygraphicsolutions.com sharkeygraphicsolutions.com
Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com
Now is the time for our Chebeague Island nonprofits to imagine how The Recompense Fund can support their missions. Our Rapid Response Team stands ready to provide coaching and feedback for grant applications. Preliminary applications may be submitted anytime until April 8 for review and feedback, with the final application due April 30. Please visit https://www.recompensefund.com/
for information and guidance on the application process, and if you have any questions about your submission please contact any member of the RRT: Abby Julien ( abigailjulien125@gmail.com ), Chip Emery (westwinds5@ mac.com), Betts Mayer(bettsgmayer@gmail.com), Meredith Beaupré ( merebeaupre@gmail.com ) or Toby Webb ( tobywebb1947@gmail.com ).
Welcome Spring!
Contact us for a confidential conversation about selling or buying, on the mainland or here on the island.
Karen Thompson 207.329.6729
Jodi Federle 207.215.4006
Jane Leonard 207.831.9951
APRIL 2023 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 7 2 11 12 13 14 CCC Worship, 10am Palm Sunday 3 10 15 8 1 9 Dr. Larson, at the Backgammon 7pm Rec Ctr Story Time Middle School Night Story Time 10:30am Library April Fool’s Day Passover Begins Annual Health Screening 11:30am at the Hall Fitness Class 8-9am Rec Ctr If you would like your event listed on this Calendar please email the Council at Chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com by the 20 th of the month. 18 19 20 16 Pickle Ball 3-5pm Rec Ctr 17 30 21 22 25 26 27 23 24 28 29 CCC Worship,10am Pickle Ball 3-5pm Rec Ctr Patriot’s Day Wellness Center 9-11am Good Friday Dr. Larson, at the Wellness Center 9-11am Teen Night - Rec Ctr Teen Room & Gym 7-9pm Game Night - Rec Ctr Craft Room 7-9pm Backgammon 7pm Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr Backgammon 7pm Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr Dessert & Discussion 1pm-Rec Ctr Backgammon 7pm Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr Dr St John/Mend 10:30am Library Story Time 10:30am Library Intro to Res Electrical 9-10:30am-Rec Ctr Story Time Story Time 10:30am Library 3:30-6:30pm Library Mahjong - 1pm Rec Ctr Pickle Ball 5-7pm Rec Ctr CCC Worship,10am Easter Sunday Pickle Ball 3-5pm Rec Ctr Dr. Larson, at the Wellness Center 9-11:30 am Mahjong - 1pm Rec Ctr Pickle Ball 5-7pm Rec Ctr Dr. Larson, at the Wellness Center 9-11:30am Mahjong - 1pm Rec Ctr Dr. Rybka, at the Wellness Center 9-11:30am Mahjong - 1pm Rec Ctr Pickle Ball 5-7pm Rec Ctr Passover Ends CCC Worship,10am Pickle Ball 3-5pm Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr Fitness Class 8-9am Rec Ctr Family Fun Night 6-8pm Rec Ctr 10:30am Library Spring into Gardening 10:00am-Rec Ctr After School CIS/KP 3-4:30pm Rec Ctr
Pickle Ball 5-7pm Rec Ctr
CCC Worship,10am Pickle Ball 3-5pm Rec Ctr
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