From The Executive Board Secretary’s Report - Brad Barker 580 th Directors Meeting - The First Congregational Church - South Paris - December 17, 2022
S ecretary’s report M/S/C Treasurer’s report was read and placed on file at the office. President’s opening comments: Hopefully it’ll snow here in Maine, there is a lot of stuff going on. Sorry about the informal meeting last time. Maybe next year we can do the Raffle at a special date and not on an MSA meeting night, something to think about for the future. Executive Vice-President: Mark Chinnock - did a check in for all the different clubs represented tonight. There were over 50 people in attendance with many clubs represented. Thank you for being here tonight. Eastern Region Vice-President: Eileen Lafland - We’re in the water. We did get some snow but nothing’s frozen. There is a lot going on in the next couple weeks, Thursday night Eastern Reg meeting in Baileyville, Maine. There are 12-14 clubs over there. The February meeting will be in Lincoln. Hopefully there will be snow for the showcase ride on Sat Feb 25 th . Northern Region Vice-President: Matt Stedmen - via Zoom - It’s cool to be able to be part of the group and not have to drive all night to be there. We have snow. Almost all clubs are out grooming this week. There’s water under the snow so it’s still wet and we are still working on cleaning up the trails. There is an event every Saturday and every Sunday this season. Feb 18th there is a new rider clinic. Snowmobile racing in Island Falls same weekend. Snow drags… the list goes on. March 4, 5, 6 is the Snowball event in Caribou. (See the Snowmobiler’s Calendar in The Maine Snowmobiler or on the MSA website.) Coastal Region Vice-President: Dave Watson - We got snow but don’t have any cold. We got snow yesterday and it’s 46 degrees today. It is what it is. Go find the snow. Be safe. Keep doing the snow dance. Western Region Vice-President: Jim Boyce - Was out for 7 hours and did maybe 10 miles today. We are putting down pallets with canvas over the wet areas, trying to make it as safe as we can for all the riders. People are going to ride, just be safe. We are closing trails for safety not because we don’t want people out. Hopefully there will be some snow dumped
for the Snodeo this weekend. Feb 19 th is the breakfast in Kingfield. Executive Vice-President: Mark Chinnock We get a lot of questions - Where is the MSA? What has the MSA been doing? Al and Liz work together. Al is jack of all trades and is anywhere and everywhere running all over the state. Liz does so much with phone and clerical work. The Steering Committee was put together, there are 8 of us. Lori Hemmerdinger is the editor of the paper, does accounting, budget, guide, sometimes working up to 40 hours after work doing things for the MSA. The newspaper looks better than it ever has. Bob Flagg is the IT person working on all the technology including working on the new website. Larry and Eileen Lafland work with Liz a lot on the memberships. They are all over the region, too. Mike, myself, andAl have boots on the ground constantly working on trail issues, reroutes, landowner frustrations, working to keep the trails open all over the state. John Monk is the legislative guy if there is any legislation he’s on it. And always keeps snowmobiling as a top priority. Brad Barker is the secretary, stepping in for Lori when she stepped into the treasure position. Barry Ryan is assistant treasurer and the scholarship vice chairman and Gail Ryan is in charge of MSA hospitality. It doesn’t stop there. All the VPs, all the directors, and then all the clubs, everybody works together. If you’re missing a link the system doesn’t work. There are a number of us that are all over the state all the time and we all have a passion for snowmobiling. United we trail, divided we fail. Trail Committee Chair: Mike Grass Jr - It’s so good to see all the different clubs. Don’t have a lot of good news but there is some riding in the north. Carrabassett is still working on a lot of stuff. ITS 85 should be fixed today. ITS 80 and 82 are both closed to New Hampshire until they are done logging. ITS 92 is open to escort. Make sure you read the notes from the Allagash club. The only gas is in Canada. Be very, very careful. The ice is not safe. There is no update for Bingham but there is an ITS connection to get around town. You can get in through to The Forks to get gas but check because they run out! While I was in the County, I did some of my inspection route. Once again, signage is our biggest weakness. Intersections need clear markings and information. Just a quick thing, if you are standing in the middle of the inter section, you should be able to look 25-75 ft down each trail and see a trail marker that des ignates that trail number or name clearly. This leaves riders with no confusion as to which trail they are looking for. Kiosks are great, but sometimes lead to confusion if too much information is contained on the kiosk. The Trails Committee team will be out in most areas doing their safety inspections and contacting their clubs. They work hand in hand with the clubs to make sure Stop and Stop Ahead signs are in place as well as all the other signs from DOC and MSA (ITS). If you’re thinking of purchasing a new groomer or drag for next season and will be applying for a Capital Equipment Grant, this year’s application will have a new section. Any club applying must have their signage inspected. An MSATrails Committee member can do this for you or you can contact Joe Hig gins and he can arrange someone to inspect them for you. Your signage will be inspected and scored on your Capital Equipment Grant application. Hoping for more snow and cold for Feb ruary and March. Keep those snow dances going. Think Snow, Mike
Steering Committee Chairman: John Monk - We are seeing some snow. Good job on incredible work. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up. Of the 205 bills in legislation our snowmobile LD is not printed yet. He will keep us posted so check the MSA website for these updates. This LD is designed for southern clubs so wardens can ticket people that are off trail riding in restricted areas. Al - every one of you clubs make Maine a snowmobile destination. So proud to be part of it, you guys are second to none. Chris Gamash, the Trails Manager for Ride Command at Polaris Inc. (Ride Command is an app with over a million miles of trails.) He travels around North America and updates the trail maps for Polaris. He makes sure Polaris doesn’t cost you trails and keeps the maps current. Maps are free, clubs can have free accounts. He was heading up to Rangeley to update the maps before the Snodeo. If something is showing wrong please tell me so we can update the maps (chris.gamache@ polaris.com). It is the ITS trials for MSA but clubs can charge for advertisement space on the app and keep the money so it could be a good fundraiser. Find the app at: https://ridecommand. polaris.com/en-us/ Al - Raffle - above and beyond. Recognized clubs for high sales of Raffle tickets. Lexington, Anson-North Anson, Marion Pinkham, Bob-Bridgeton, Fryeburg, Wasburn, and Caribou. ITS maps are running low, only 4-5 cases left at the office A lot of clubs are getting together to make their own maps. That might catch on for some of you. Hall of Fame Beth Bowie - Thinking about next month, when the nominations are due, the Hall of Fame are due. People in the industry for a long time deserve the recognition. It’s on the website and she has paper copies as well. People who have made a significant impact, active in MSA in some way, who are in your club, you can submit on your own or as a club. Submit by Feb 28 th . Al - kick off weekend for a lot of clubs Matt - talked about a new club.- Proactive with local landowners and active with MSA. Allagash Headwaters Snowmobile Club. Had
their first day out with their groomers today. M/S/C “To Accept Allagash Headwaters Snowmobile Club intoMSA.” Congratulations to our newest club. Thanks to social media to make this happen. Augusta: North Country Trailblazers are a new club. Oxford: Rock-O- Dundee Riders is celebrating their 50th year as a club. Membership Eileen Lafland: reported as of today’s membership- Central Region-1479, Coastal Region-1145, Northern Region-1910, Eastern Region-2384, Western Region-2143. Total members 7344, Business members 1728, totaling 9072. Including all family members 14.546. Top Ten club membership Rangely 266, Moosehead Riders 204, Washburn 193, Fort Kent 163, Bridgeton 157, Northern Timber Cruisers 145, Caribou 138, Blue Ridge 137, Madawaska 131, and Penobscot 130. Al - Joint clubmeeting inClinton. Encourage more clubs to get together in bigger meetings Bob Cartel - Feb 18 Rally and Chinese auction snow or shine. Trying to change the club into a 501c3 club, running into roadblocks with the tax people. Asking for help and having a hard time with accountant stuff. Al - disaster relief grants through Joe Higgins website. If you need it, put in for it. Pine Tree Camp Ride In - Al will be having eggs in his suit from Dysarts to Hermon, hopefully on snowmobile. Scholarship Vice Chairman Barry Ryan-A club recently donated $250 - challenge all the clubs to participate in a donation. Download form from website to donate. Call the office if there is anything you need the MSA office to do. Hospitality Gail Ryan: Reid McLaughlin- new mom. Jay Emery/ Reggies lost his dad. Phil McTigue family. Troy Grass retirement. Allen Brown get well. Polly and Jeff Grass 1 st time grandparents. 50/50 raffle $115. won by BETH BOWIE. Pot of Gold - Westbrook Trailblazers!! DIRECTOR PRESENT!! $400 check will be mailed.
Meeting adjourned 8:05. Respectfully submitted, Brad Barker, Secretary
Trails Committee Chair Report
Mike Grass, Jr., 207-368-2316 249 Condon Rd, Plymouth ME 04969 mgrassjr@gmail.com F INALLY, those snow dances are working. We’ve had some snow in most of the state and yeah, some rain, but a lot of projects are finally up and running. The last week of Jan uary is supposed to bring some cold temps to hopefully sure up some of the water holes. I’ve been riding (up in the County) and they have plenty of snow from Houlton north. Other areas south and west are getting going as well. Check with local clubs wherever you plan to ride for the latest trail conditions because many logging companies have changed their harvesting plans due to the warm, wet condi tions of December and early January.
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