From The Town Office
Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM. We will be closed to the public on Tuesdays and Wednesday. As always, call for an appointment if you are unable to make it in during regular business hours.
Shellfish Licenses- 2023 Shellfish Licenses are available at the town office.
Volunteering Opportunities- The town has some newly formed Ad Hoc Committees. If you are interested in joining the Ad Hoc Climate Action Team or Ad Hoc Solid Waste Committee , please go to www. townofchebagueisland.org for more information or stop by the town office for an application. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Town Office; 846-3148 or email townadmin@ townofchebeagueisland.org
The town office will be CLOSED Monday, February 20 th for President’s Day.
The Transfer Station is in its winter schedule. Monday: CLOSED, Tuesday: CLOSED, Wednesday: 1:30PM-400PM, Thursday: CLOSED, Friday: 1:30PM 4PM, Saturday: 900AM-400PM, Sunday: 900AM-4PM.
Dog Licenses- Last day to register your dog without $25 fee is January 31 st .
Best, Vika Wood, Town Administrator
Tie Up Stickers- 2023 Tie up stickers are available at the town office.
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