MSA Club News
NORTH FRANKLIN sc North Franklin, ME Find us on Facebook
ORRINGTON TRAIL RIDERS Orrington, ME www.orringtontrailriders.com
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enough, and we would love to see you there! Until then, stay safe, think snow, get ready for snow, dance for snow, pray for snow! Respectfully submitted Libby Nilsen, Club Reporter
Hello, Well, the snow dances have finally paid off. Last week we had a storm that gave us two feet and after a day of settling the groomers were serviced and then Trail Master Billy and a couple of other volunteers took the groomers out for packing. Unfortunately, the snow had not settled enough and could feel the big rocks along the trail. then this past Friday we had high winds, warm temperatures and a lot of rain. so now we have swollen rivers, a lot of water where we don’t want it and a lot of trees blown down in the trails. So with that said this week we will be out cutting up blow downs and con tinue on with trail maintenance. We still have a base so that’s a good thing and hopefully going forward we will get more snow. If anyone is interested in helping out meet us on Sunday mornings 8 AM at 132 Miles Square Road Phillips George Berry’s garage. On a lighter note, our last meeting we had our Christmas gathering good time had by all. That’s it for now, be safe and think snow.
Winter is here and the holidays are behind us. We hope everyone is well. We have been working in earnest on trail improvements through the fall and will continue to do so indefinitely. Your riding experience will bring much enjoyment and safety even during low snow depth times. Some folks have yet to renew memberships but we aren’t alarmed as we know more will come in once the snow flies. Also welcome to our newest members! You can easily renew or join right in our website listed above. Efforts are gearing up for our Annual Vin tage Snowmobile Ride In and Show for Sat urday February 25th 2023 so mark your cal endars! Watch for more as we get closer. This also functions as our Landowner Apprecia tion. We would not exist without them! If you are a business in our area, we are looking for door prizes for this year’s event. Contact us if you have something in mind that you would like to donate. Now for some basic information. Our club house is located at 262 Long Hill Road in Orrington. Our mailing address is PO Box 202, Orrington, ME 04474. Our contact phone number is 207-852-8000. You can also find us on social media. Our website has a Face book feed right there on the home page. That’s where you will get the most updated informa tion on our goings-on. Our meetings typically take place the first Tuesday of each month through April at 6:30pm. All are welcome. Thank you and see you soon! Laurie La Violette, Treasurer and Publicist Hello snowmobilers hoping that your hol idays were great and that you got all of the new sleds and gear that you were wishing for. The club is in full swing with meetings and director meetings. Meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Come to a meeting and see what we are all about. Lots of stuff being discussed. Trail work is under way, remember many hands make light work for everyone. Want to let everyone know that the Pine Tree Camp is celebrating their 50th year this year. They are starting with the telethon Thursday February 2 at Dysarts the Hermon location. Friday the 3rd they are having a live auction at the Carmel Snowmobile Club. Sat urday will be a poker run and the EGG RIDE starting from Dysarts, after the poker run the eggs will be added to the riders suits at the Penobscot Snowmobile Club. Sunday a Radar Run will be held at the Penobscot Snowmobile Club the cost is $5.00 per run with all of the money going to Pine Tree Camp. If you ride a sled, consider joining a club, your membership helps your local club with trail maintenance, updating equipment, etc. Every club throughout the state of Maine could use some help. We are all just volunteers that provide your Trails for your riding enjoy ment. Volunteering is rewarding it is a great way to meet people in your community and maybe even meet some new friends. Ride right, Ride safe, SLOW DOWN Club member Deanna PENOBSCOT sc Hermon, ME
Hi there! We have some REALLY good news to tell you today! The Rock-O-Dundee Riders showed up in big numbers last night at our monthly meeting. Not only did we have a record number of people at the Rec Hall.....we had some YOUNG people willing to work on the trails with the crew! I have to tell you...... this is HUGE NEWS! Some of them joined the club for the first time, others renewed their membership while they were there. We couldn’t have been more thankful for the new interest. Trail work is ongoing. Seems as though we are going to be able to ride on trails that have been rerouted or repaired. We just need some really cold weather now and then snow.... LOTS OF IT! When we do get the snow and you are riding....please ride safe and remember to be respectful of the landowner’s property. The Oxford Hills area clubs organized the January MSA Directors dinner meeting in South Paris. We attend 90% of these meet ings all over the State....The “POT OF GOLD” is worth $400 now. If the director is at the meeting, that club will win the money. WE are keeping our fingers crossed! Terri Major, Secretary As December is coming to an end and Christmas is just a few days away we want to wish all of you far and near a safe holiday season. We had a bit snow up this way, just 21 to 24 inches!! It took a couple of days to dig out. Can’t wait for the trails to be packed and groomed. What a time for our tucker to be down. It seems like some mice thought our joystick was their home for the summer, they chewed through all the wiring! Waiting on parts to get here! SNOW VALLEY SNO-GOERS Andover, ME
We had our Christmas dinner earlier this month on a Saturday night, it was a great turn out, about 35 people come out to join us. We had a little cake for our Presidents wife Car olyn she wouldn’t tell us how old she was but I heard she was 3/4 of a century. We were happy to see some new faces, and we heard some good stories from the past! We had a short meeting after in which a lot of the people stayed to listen. Thank you all for joining us.. We have been working on the trails, we fixed the washed-out bridge on the Loop Trail and did some brushing. (thank you Wade for the use of your tractor). I hope you all have been checking out our new Web site. www.snowvalleysno-goers. com. If you have any question or comments as to anything you might want to see on our page, just drop a line at snowvalleysno-go ers@yahoo.com We are still working on getting our warming hut up and running this year, it is coming along slow but sure. We’ve had a couple of setbacks but hoping to get through them. Stay tuned to for more information regarding upcoming events! Our plans currently are to have the hut open on Saturday & Sundays from 10am to 2pm. We are also looking to have it open on Christmas and February Vacation for the kid-Os to enjoy a place to go. :::A friendly reminder::: TRAIL CLOSURE NOTICE EFFEC TIVE IMMEDIATELY due to an active log ging operation, from Sawyer Notch to C-Pond (route 15) and Moody Mt to South Arm will be closed for the season. The roads will be plowed from East-B Hill to Moody Mt & Sable Mt., there’s no reroute available. Administrator Sherry Donovan Greetings all, As I sit here on December 23rd, the white Christmas I was dreaming of has melted away with the heavy rain and warm temperatures. I hope that won’t be the trend again this year - a good snow storm followed by rain. The heavy, wet snow storm of last week left many trees and broken branches in many of the trails, very similar the 1998 ice storm. It will take all hands on deck to get them opened up for win ter riding, The usual handful of Sunday work ers will not be enough to get the job done. So, if you are a snowmobile rider, please get out on the trails and help get them cleaned up, That would be greatly appreciated. It was great to have such a big turnout for the holiday potluck. Lots of great food and also lots of leftovers. Everything was deli cious as usual. It was also nice to have some of the wives in attendance who don;t always come to the regular meetings. Wishing all our members and fellow snow mobilers a healthy and happy 2023. STREAKED MOUNTAINEERS sc Buckfield, ME
David Greely Vice President
GRAND LAKE sc Grand Lake Stream, ME
Les and Ace Mechanic Kenny changed the oil and filter on the Snow Rabbit. I heard one of the sleds got in Kenny’s way so he changed the oil on that one also. Alvin went down later to check up on them both.
Brad picked up more Reese trailer hitch’s so all club equipment will have similar hook ups. The club bought another drag and it’s ready to be picked up. It will be for the new sled. Check in with Les for any planned work and then you can join right in the fun. The club plans to have its Early 2023 Raffle on Feb 8 th . The items include: ION 8” Elec tric Ice Auger, Jet Sled, 2 Special Trap’s, and I heard more. All the items are things you can use this mid-winter. West Grand Lake opens that week for ice fishing. The store and our members will have tickets. If you plan to work on our trail system, always check in with Les well ahead of time. He will know current trail conditions, like if there is a downed tree, or any other emer gency. He may want you to handle it. Plus, Les assigns club work snowmobiles and knows the vacancy schedule, like if someone else is later scheduled to use that snowmobile for club work purposes that you are about to grab without planning with Les. PINE TREE STORE: Hours 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, 796-5027. NON-Ethanol Gas. Always remember, “You can’t go wrong at The Pine Tree Store”. HELP NEEDED: Call 796-5027, Les, Brinda, or store worker. TRAIL PROBLEM: Call 796-5027, Les. He will solve or assign the problem. LODGING: Call 796-5027, Les, Brinda, or store worker. Please ride our trails and make our friendly little town a stop on your snowmobile adven tures. I guarantee you will come back. mikere millard@mgemaine.com Trail Master Les, Snow Rabbit and equipment and are ready to go
EASTERN MAINE SNOWMOBILERS Holden, ME EasternMaineSnowmobilers.com Find us on Facebook
We just had our Annual Christmas party/ gift exchange meeting at the Club and we now have snow!!! Had a good turnout for the pizza meal and desserts (homemade by members) and the gift exchange is always fun! Just got our first snowfall of the season and was heavy and wet. We had to cancel trail work for the first time since we started at the beginning of
Leah Frechette, Club Reporter
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