
MSA Club News

Center, started off at 6PM with 20 members enjoying the Fabulous Pot Luck Supper. Blaine Chapman, President, called the busi ness meeting to order at 6:45PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He reported the current membership is 98, plus 28 Business Members. Thanks to the Club Members who spent Sat urday mornings at Hayes True Value selling MSASuper Raffle tickets. As of early Novem ber, the Club had sold 1,200 tickets, versus 800 last year by that date. One generous pass er-by donated 50 Euros (worth $36 American) left over from his vacation trip to Europe! Volunteer work crews continue to at the Bridgton Walgreens parking lot on Sundays at 8AM. The work is usually done by noon. Thanks to the many members that show up to help! The bridge behind MacDonald Motors has been repaired, and as usual some trail prob lems are still being ironed out, For years, the Club has had the use of a flat bed trailer to transport the Tuckers. This year we re-planked the trailer bed and replaced the 4 tires. The owner of the trailer was so appre ciative of the Clubs efforts he donated it to the Club. Thank you so much! Bob Corthell (Vice President) attended the MSA meeting in September, which was held outside around a campfire, and in October he attended the MSA meeting by Zoom. He attended the Snowmobile Show in Augusta and reported it was a success. Bill Preis reported that information on the 2023 Lakes Region Snowmobile Trail Map has been reviewed and approved by the 9 partici pating Clubs and has been sent to the printer. We hope to see the new maps at our December meeting! The owners of SGS Graphics, who produce the map, and who have been excel lent to work with, have been invited to attend our December meeting/party/pot luck supper. The 2023 map shows some newly added trails in Sebago, Fryeburg, Waterford, Brownfield, Hiram, and Porter. Steve Emery reported updated information on upcoming Club Trips: 42 have signed up for Millinocket and 47 are signed up for Car ibou. Steve also updated the information on the S.O.S. GPS system that the Club discussed last year. This system allows emergency sat ellite communication, even where there is no cell phone service, can receive emergency dis tress reports, and can call first responders with an exact GPS location. It is being considered for use by Club members who are on Club trips to remote areas as well as for the Club Groomers. A motion was made and seconded to gather more information, and bring it to the January meeting for possible vote at that time. The Club discussed and approved participa tion in the Bridgton Festival of Lights Parade on December 3 rd . Kathy and Duane Hendrix volunteered to prepare a float, along with Brills, Corthells and Emerys. Thanks to all who volunteered. Our next Club meeting will be Friday, December 9 th at the Bridgton Community Center starting at 5:30PM for cheese and crackers; 6PM the Fabulous Pot Luck supper; 6:45 a brief business meeting, followed by the Christmas Party. The annual Christmas Party features the ever-popular “Yankee Gift Exchange.” Each Club member should bring a gift, valued at up to $20, marked “male” “female” or “either”. Each member then draws a number from a bag, that sets the sequence of the gift selec tions. When your number is called you select a gift and open it. You then have a choice to keep the gift or “Go Shopping” to exchange your gift with one already selected. It is amaz ing how many times some of the more popular items can change hands in one night! Hope to see you at the Annual Christmas Party! All are welcome. Bill Preis BER Club Correspondent

BURNT MEADOW sc Brownfield, ME

Check out our Facebook page for pictures of our dinner, upcoming events and updates to our club calendar. We are planning some Great New Ideas, so keep checking us out. You never know what’s coming. Our upcoming events for the month of December are: 10th at 5pm - Annual Christmas Party - remember this year we raised our Yankee Swap gift to $10! It’s always so much fun and lots of laughs! 16 th at 7pm - Monthly meeting 31 st at 7pm - New Year’s Eve Party- cock tails & hors d’ oeuvres. Hope to see you all at our club events - You’ll have a Great Time! Please come and experience our newly expanded clubhouse and all of our great Lexington hospitality! Lori Nunes, VP, sign & safety officer and club reporter Lexington Highlanders Snowmobile Club Hello everyone, we had our October meet ing and election with only 6 members present. The quorum is 5 members. However, the low turnout only shows that we need more mem bers to come to the next meeting. It will be held back in the Rome Town Hall as they have fixed the floors. The RTP Grant is moving along with all bridges and some of the culverts completed. Membership is at the lowest I have seen at this time. So if you plan to take advantage of the IMPROVED trails this year JOIN THE CLUB. It is not only the money it is the sup port at meetings and help with improving the trail, you know trimming the trails. There is no change in Club Officers, Lin coln Nye President, Doug McCosh VP, Hal Garnett Sect.& treasurer. Scott Chapman Trail Master. The C-4 Trail Map will again be published and available in December. Come, join, and help keep this 49-year-old club make it to 50. We need your ideas, and help with the trails. Hope to see some of you at the next meeting. Hal Garnett, Secretary Rome Ruff Riders www.cobbosseeconteesnowmobileclub.com November has been a busy month for us. Starting with breakfast for members on Sun day, November 6 th . Hearty breakfast served for all before trail work. Sunday, November 13 th we hosted our annual Landowner’s Appre ciation Supper. Disappointingly not well attended by landowners, invites out, posted in town paper, etc. They missed an outstanding spaghetti supper with Joe Morelli as our chef for the night. Huge thank you to Joe. Tuesday, November 15 th Annual Thanksgiving dinner held for members and we have some mighty fine cooks. Now that we have had our bellies full, on to trail work. Trail crews continue with trail work like most clubs. Meet at the clubhouse Sundays at 8 a.m. This year huge undertaking was updat ing bridge on 32RAlternate, goes over Grover Brook. Many, many man hours went into the bridge and it is awesome, something that will last for years. Thanks to all who have helped make this a success. Special thanks to land owner, Jason Ray, for allowing us to use his fields for access. ANSON-NORTH ANSON sc Anson, ME COBBOSSEECONTEE sc West Gardiner, ME

Another year at the Fryeburg Fair is in the books, if you missed it then you missed one of the greatest events New England has to offer. Despite still loaming covid and high prices everywhere, that did not discourage folks from all over the country from attending Maine’s Blue-Ribbon Classic. One of the reasons they all come, is to play Burnt Meadow Snowmobile Club’s “Dice in the Dish” game. This year we spoke with snowmobilers and folks from Fort Kent, Car ibou, Pittsburg, N.H., Canaan, VT., Syracuse, N.Y., just to name a few. The couple that really stands out though, was the folks that were in a mandatory evacuation area down in Florida. They decided to evacuate to the Fryeburg Fair and forget their worries at the Dice in the Dish game. They played for hours without a care in the world. I am amazed at just how popular our Dice in the Dish game has become. There are folks who’s only reason for attending the Fair is to play our game. There are folks who save their winnings from the previous year who return with coin to play some more. There are folks who purposely put savings aside all year long just to visit our booth. What else can I say, ask anyone who has ever played they will tell you, “It’s the most fun you can have at the Fryeburg Fair”. I would like to thank all of our new and returning patrons, it is you that makes the game so much fun. Granted the odds are in the house’s favor, but have you ever had so much fun making a donation. We appreciate you each and every one you. THANK YOU! Most importantly though I want to thank the volunteers who man the booth, without you this fundraiser would not happen. Thank you, Ernest Perreault (86 years young), for being there every day from start to sometimes till finish, and to Nancy (his lovely lady friend) for stepping in on a couple of the busiest days of the week and making change like a pro. THANK YOU BOTH! Thank you to Alice & Jim Fitzgerald, new members who helped kick off opening day and handled themselves like they had always been there. THANK YOU! Thank you, Shawn Waite, for stepping up last minute. There were some worrisome holes in the schedule until you came forward, but you came to the rescue and we made it thru a very busy Friday night. THANK YOU! Thank you, Scott Moulton with your new job commitment we really appreciate the 2 days you were able to give and I really appre ciate you taking over calling duties and giving my voice a badly needed rest. THANK YOU! Thank you, Mike Wollmann, it has been several years since you have been available to help out and it sure was nice to have you back in the booth. You always bring fresh energy with you, which motivates and keeps things hopping. THANK YOU! Thank you, Phil Johnson for giving up a couple of your evenings to help out. The nights are when things can get crazy, and it is greatly appreciated when there is enough staff to handle the craziness. THANK YOU! Thank you, Stacy Holden, wrong place, wrong time, good heart. Just because you are the presi dent’s neighbor. Thank you for giving us an afternoon shift and some much-needed relief to the everyday tiring staff. THANK YOU! Thank you Ron & Diane Barrett for sit ting thru the worst traffic of the week to come in and help out both Saturday and Closing Sunday. THANK YOU! And most importantly I would like to thank all of you for donating your time and giving Ernest and I the relief we needed to get to the end of another successful year at the Fair. THANK YOU ALL!

Reminder to respect the trail you ride, a landowner has given permission for us to use it not abuse it. They can easily shut it down for misuse. Slow down as never know what is around the next corner, groomer, snowmobile, deer or people walking on the trails. Christmas party will be held Friday, Decem ber 16 th starting with supper at 6 pm followed by gift exchange. MSA Ticket sales are up this year. Hope fully we have sold a winning ticket, time will tell. Appreciate all the support of those who purchased from us and special thanks to Four Corners Store for supporting us in selling tick ets at their business. Club meets 1 st & 3 rd Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m., 3rd Tuesday potluck supper is held at 6:15 p.m. with meeting to follow. Did I mention we have some mighty fine cooks/ bakers? Any high school student in need of commu nity service, contact Dave Cogley, Trailmas ter for dates/times to help. Get out into the outdoors, help your local snowmobile club, dedicated volunteers and gain the community service you need. Charlene McFarland Club Secretary The pre-season work is mostly done. Signs are up, bridges are repaired and trails have been widened. We are waiting for freeze up and some snow cover to get to the hard-to reach places. Trailmasters are special people. They have the vision to see the path through the trees. Give them all the support you can, they are the ones that keep the improvements going. We are looking forward to the new rail trail. Our new park and ride is ready. It is on Rt. 8 between Smithfield and Norridgwock. It is at the ballfield on the flats next to the salt shed. Do not enter the salt shed, there will be no pas sage between lots. If the roads need attention yield to the plows. They do not want to play “dodge the snowmobilers”. Many thanks to the town of Smithfield for granting this con venience to the snowmobiling community. Hans Rasmussen hanseieio@gmail.com Cobbosseecontee Snowmobile Club updated a bridge on 32R Alternate over Grover Brook. Thanks to all the members who put many, many hours into the update. SMITHFIELD MOONSHINERS sc Smithfield, ME


Greetings Snowbunnies! It’s going to be a great season; our officers have been working hard to increase our mem bership and get all the info needed out there to our new and old residents!! We are working trail maintenance on most Sunday’s and have meetings on the 3 rd Tuesday of the month. We look forward to a great winter; check in on our Facebook page for any and all info!

BRIDGTON EASY RIDERS sc Bridgton, ME Bridgtoneasyriders.com See us on Facebook.

The November 11 th meeting of the Bridg ton Easy Riders, at the Bridgton Community

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