
From The Executive Board

Stay tuned and watch your club mailbox for an invite if I can get others scheduled. December means the Super Raffle draw is happening. So many clubs have requested additional tickets through out the selling period it seems this was a good year to sell tickets. Hopefully your club took advantage of this fund raiser that only costs you time and man power to sell the tickets. Let’s face it, all clubs can use a fundraiser that doesn’t cost them any money, but brings it in to the club. The Eastern region will be hostsing the Feb ruary MSA directors meeting and this year we have asked Lincoln Snowhounds to put on a meal and be the club to hold the event. It will be on Saturday Feb. 25th. Please note -we have changed the date slightly as it will be the fourth weekend in Feb. not the third. If con ditions are right, we will also do a showcase ride near there to give people a chance to see a different part of this region. Watch for more details as the time gets closer. I want to say I am extremely proud of the Eastern Region clubs for the way they hustle and send in memberships early in the season. As of Nov 18th, the following Eastern region clubs were in the top five in the state for the number of memberships they had submitted: Moosehead Riders, Blue Ridge Riders, and Northern Timber Cruisers. Penobscot SC was close behind at number six. Through November 18th (when I am writing this) the region led the state in total number of memberships submitted with 1,561. Way to go all of you!! Getting those memberships in early means your members continue to receive the MSA paper and everything else your club offers to them. Until the New Year! If you are riding, PLEASE do so carefully. The first rides of the year are always a little challenging as we tend to forget how to ride and need to watch for changes and obstacles in the trails. Happy New Year! See you on 2023! Eileen

Eastern Region VP

management activities and new development happen all over and all the time. A big THANK YOU to the new landowners and club volunteers for making re-routes & connections happen to keep our communities & businesses connected to the trails. Watch for signs as the trail may not be exactly where it was last season. Clubs are putting their calendars together; many neighboring clubs work together through this process and ensure they are supporting each other’s events. It is great to see collaboration between clubs and areas within Aroostook County work together towards a common goal. Check out club websites, MSA newspapers & facebook pages to see what’s going on so you can plan a trip up and get in on the excitement. The Northern Region Showcase ride this winter will be March 18th. Plans are in the works, final details being nailed down, watch for an announcement soon so you can get your rooms booked & plan to join us. These regional rides are a great way to explore a new area and meet people who you may only have connected with by phone or social media. We will have a ride during the day & MSA Directors meeting in the evening. If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email under my photo. Matt Stedman Speaking of signs, I attended a Trails Work shop in Minot on October 17th. MSA had a great crew there to convey all things signage and safety. A great group of clubs had rep resentation there with clubs from Fryeburg, Dixfield and Lewiston to mention a few. Great questions and discussions about a variety of issues. One issue that stood out was Dog Sleds on the snowmobile trails. By Maine law, our snowmobile trails must be open to the public for non-motorized traffic such as dog sleds, walkers/runners, cross country skiers and fat bikers (may be others I’m not thinking of). These groups, while able to use our trails, may not be familiar with the speeds and sounds of our machines until a “situation” unfolds. Non-snowmobile users most probably will not hear you approaching and may not be in a suitable place to be passed. With that said, we should always ride with the assumption that someone is just out of sight and does not know we are coming. Today’s 4-stroke sleds are also much quieter than the sleds of just a few years ago, making them harder to hear to other user groups. Please ride with extra caution in areas known to be used by non-motorized groups. Hopefully, they have posted or the local snow mobile club has posted signs, noting what group you might encounter. I attended the MSA meeting in Lexington in October. What a great group and cozy club house. I thought I had the “I drove the fur thest” award until a gentleman from Caribou stole my thunder. A great meal and meeting with a hard working group quietly getting the job done in western Maine. Thank You Lex ington Highlanders! Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hopefully, you won a Super Raffle prize for a present. We are down to days, maybe a couple weeks and we’ll be riding. Think Snow (and Cold), Mike We realize some of you desperately need them and we will expedite them to you. G reetings Happy Holidays!! I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving, as I write this snow is falling in parts of the state; temperatures are cold to freeze the ground and thin layers of ice on the ponds. Soon the groomers will be rolling! Congratulations to all Super Raffle winners. Once again thank you to all volunteers for your dedication and hard work. Your efforts make Maine the best place to ride. Think snow and be safe out there., Dave David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com

Trails Committee Chair Report

Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com H appy Holidays Everyone! Please enjoy them safely with family and friends. WOW! December already! It sure feels like the years go by way too fast the older I get, but the good news is snowmobile season should be here or at least very near to being here now. It’s mid-November as I write this and Buffalo NY is getting four FEET of snow!! They are even using snowmobiles to rescue people because the roads are not passable. Closer to home today, parts of The County have received 6-10 inches of snow so it is coming. It sure needs to freeze and freeze hard to take care of all the standing water issues and wet areas clubs are finding as they hope to finish up trail work. By the time you read this hopefully there will have been an Eastern Region meeting held in Holden. It has been too long since we have held regional meetings and given clubs a change to get together and discuss whatever they want with their neighboring clubs. If all goes well this will have been one of a few that I would like to have around the region. Western Region VP

Mike Grass, Jr., 207-368-2316 249 Condon Rd, Plymouth ME 04969 mgrassjr@gmail.com D ecember is here and the 70 degree days of early November are long gone with some parts of the state having a pretty good amount of snow (hopefully they still do). Riding sea son is just waiting for Santa Clause to give way to New Years and we’ll be on the trails again. Here’s hoping you all get/got what you wanted/needed for your sled and/or gear so that you’re ready to hit the white ribbon in style and safety. The Trails Committee has had its Eastern and Northern mapping meetings already with those crews ready to check ITS trails in their respective areas. Mark and Jack won’t be far behind with the Western and Central regions being ready before things get going. ITS Signs? Well folks, Joe Higgins put in the sign order for his office and MSA back in September and still no signs for either of us. Talked to him the other day and he is beyond frustrated. If you are waiting for ITS signs, which I know some of you are, we will ship them out to you as soon as we receive them.

Northern Region VP

Central Region VP

Matt Stedman 207-557-1921 (call or text)

PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.matt@jdirving.com H ello fellow snowmobilers, It’s the end of November in the County, and we have snow on the ground, but it is not frozen underneath yet. This always presents challenges, but I know our clubs and volunteers will be ready when its time. Signs are going up around the County, field markers are present, road crossings marked & clubs posting on clubhouse signs and social media for work days. Please make time in your busy schedule to help physically or financially. You will see some changes, as always, in the trail footprints in Northern Maine this season. Landownership changes, plans for timber

James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Rd, Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com H ello Everyone, Here we are getting the holiday season under way and snowmobile season is right around the corner. Remember to check in with your local club or where you ride for reroutes follow the signs. If at all, possible help do trail work or support clubs by donating or buying a raffle ticket or two. This is going to be a challenging year with the price of fuel so every bit counts and appreciated. From the clubs I’ve been in touch with it’s full steam ahead on trail work bridges and of course groomers. It takes a lot but we always seem to get it done. I thank you all and our great landowners. So let’s bring on the cold weather and then the snow. Enjoy your holidays and stay safe. Jim

Jack Lord Home: (207) 672-3915 / Cell: 207-717-7131 17 Dinsmore St. Bingham, ME. 04920 Email: jacklord5256@gmail.com Trail work is well underway; there will be some rerouting of trails. Read the signs please, I would hate to hear that someone got lost. While out working to get the trails ready for the season please be safe. After all the work you put in for everyone to be able to enjoy the trails we want to see you out there having a good time also. Please remember if you need me feel free to contact me. You can also use any of the following information to send me the information we need for my book. KEEP SMILING, Jack Lord H i Everyone,

Coastal Region VP

CLUB MEMBERS Once grooming begins submit your trail reports to: EDITOR@MESNOW.COM Please include your name and club affiliation


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