
The Maine Snowmobile Association Announces New Partnership With BRP Go and Polaris Ride Command By Mike Grass Jr.

T he Maine Snowmobile Association was approached roughly 2 years ago about having the Maine snowmobile trails on their respective “trail map apps”. The MSA at that time was very concerned with landowner permission and “giving” a map layer to each company for their apps. We started having conversations with Joe Higgins from ACF, Snowmobile Division about the ITS layer and its possible use for these apps. Joe did some “digging” on his side and informed us that the ITS layer is actually the property of MSA and not the State of Maine, that we could poten tially work with BRP and Polaris. The MSA then took the necessary steps to see if it would work for MSA, Clubs and Landown ers without causing issues. MSA brought a proposal to the E-board, which was brought before a monthly MSA directors meeting for a vote. The result of that vote was to give Mark Chinnock, the MSA Trails Chairman at the time and myself, the MSA President at that time, permission to work out a partnership with each manufacturer for the ITS map layer.

We decided only to work with the sled manufacturers with the thinking that our relationship with them is important and beneficial to our sport. The goal was to have a beneficial partnership for both enti ties, with MSA hoping to receive sleds for the Super Raffle, which would help MSA and its affiliated Clubs who sell tickets. Conversations were started with Chris Gamache of Polaris and Austin Lavigne from BRP. They were both excited that we had a path forward now to make this happen. As always, with negotiations, the “devil is in the details”, so to speak. Covid 19 and all of its protocols, delays with parts, manufacturing and more, has made snowmobiles very hard to get. With that said, both conversations quickly ruled that out as an option. Monetary compensation was suggested by both Chris and Austin and an amount was agreed on, with the thinking that we could still use the “deal” to help us buy sleds for the Super Raffle and benefit the clubs and MSA. So, now you can go on either Polaris Ride Command or BRP GO and see the ITS trail

map layer. Why only the ITS trails you ask? The ITS map that is published by MSA is a map that landowners have already given permission for it to be published. Many of the other 10,500 miles of trail in Maine do not have this level of permission and some landowners will not give clubs this type of permission. Landowners are the reason we all get to recreate on their land and we must make sure not to jeopardize that relationship. The MSA has been approached by other GPS related for profit companies and part nerships with those companies were not fulfilled as the MSA only felt comfortable with relationships with the snowmobile manufacturers, citing their commitment to MSA, MSA clubs and Maine landowners. Now, snowmobilers who ride with the Polaris Ride Command app and the BRP GO app will have the Maine ITS map layer and the MSA is excited to work with both of these companies to move snowmobil ing forward to the next level of technol ogy. Thank You to BRP and Polaris from the Maine Snowmobile Association for this awesome partnership!

Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Snowmobile Safety Courses IF&W Recreational Safety Unit: 207-287-5220

An updated list of courses and options for online course registration are available at: maine.gov/ifw/programs-resources/safety-courses/snowmobile-safety.html Total Course = 6 Hours • Proper Operation and Safety (Riding Skill-Equipment-Maintenance) = 2 Hours • Laws = 30 Minutes • Emergencies & Survival = 40 Minutes • Map & Compass = 1 Hour • Self Help First Aid = 20 Minutes • Environmental/Landowner/Ethics = 1 1/2 Hours

Can’t find a course for your area? Contact the Recreational Safety Division Office at (207) 287-5220


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