NOMINEES WANTED • NOMINEES WANTED • NOMINEES WANTED GET YOURS IN NOW Clubs, businesses, dealers, groomers, snowmobilers- We need nominations! Let’s shine the spotlight on all those that deserve it!
E ach year at the annual meeting, MSA recognizes a club, a dealer, a groomer, a business, and a snowmobiler of the year with an award and a plaque. In the past few years we have seen nominations for these awards decrease. Why is this hap pening? MSA has 283 clubs across the state and over 13,000 family and business members each year. With those num bers it would be nice to receive one nom ination from each club in each category! These nominations can come from any one and clubs, you can nominate yourself for club of the year. We all must know a club, someone, a business, a dealer, or a groomer who should be recognized and let everyone else know in the state how much they do for snowmobiling in the state! We also recognize individuals with a Hall of Fame award. The Hall of Fame committee welcomes nominations for this award and again anyone can nomi nate someone. How to nominate? It’s easy! Go to the MSA website: mainesnowmobileassoci ation.com, click on membership, scroll down to MSA forms, and then go to MSA recognitions, contests, Hall of Fame. All the nomination forms are right there. Fill it out, include as much supporting info as you want such as letters of support, news articles, community projects, etc. and send it to MSA. What are the categories? Club of the Year- Any snowmobile club affiliated with MSA can be nominated for this award. Individuals from the club or another club can fill out the form and sub mit it. If your club does charity work in the community, makes donations to those in need, has been growing memberships at a good pace, etc. or just plain is fun to
be a member of- nominate. May be the neighboring club has always stepped up to help yours out when needed such as grooming if yours breaks down, sup porting your fund-raising events, sharing info, etc. Nominate them. MSA Supporting Business of the Year- Every club in this state has business members. These businesses can be big or small. They join your club year after year because they want to support what you do. They might donate items to your club for raffles, meals, or trail work. Maybe they even do trail work for you. They support snowmobiling in your area by providing parking areas, give snow mobilers discounts if they ride in by sled, promote your club, allow you to sell raffle tickets and/or memberships at their busi ness and so many other ways. Whatever the way- show them you appreciate what they do by nominating them. Dealer of the Year- Does your club have a dealer you do business with on a reg ular basis? Does the dealer support your events and encourage people to join your club? Do they help the club or individu als out when something breaks or needs fixing? Dealers across the state do many things for snowmobilers and clubs over the season. What better way to recognize what they do than to nominate them. The Lexington Highlander’s 2023 Snowmobile Club of the Year
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