MSA Club News
by one causing great inconvenience to many. The Christmas Party potluck is still planned for December 10th at the Duff’s. Give atten tion to our Facebook page for location confirmation. Yielding to Mother Nature, we hope for fro zen ground and reasonable snowfall this win ter. Ride Right and Ride Smart!! Your Cub Reporter Hi Y’all The days are continuously getting shorter, and our snow season is getting closer, so we have been diligently working on the new trail to Kingfield, that we opened last year. We have already spent many hours clearing brush and removing stumps and boulders from the trail. For this I would like to extend my thanks to all who have given their time and effort, every Saturday and NOW Sundays, during hunting season, to undertake this monumental task of getting this trail cleaned up before our season actually begins. The trail is definitely show ing much improvement, but still has a little way to go. If you find you have some time on your hands and you’d like to pitch in, we meet every Sunday at the clubhouse for 9 am trail maintenance. We will be hosting our First Game Night on November 6th at 5:30 pm, come and join in on the Fun and Games. The monthly meeting is on the 11th at 7 pm and on November 24, we will be hosting our 2 nd Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner at 2 pm. We will have a signup sheet at the club house, so members can let us know who will be attending and what items they will be bringing. Looking forward to seeing you all at one of our upcoming events. Stay informed by checking us out on Facebook. See you all out on the trails! WORKING NOW SO WE CAN ENJOY LATER!!! With much appreciation! Lori Nunes VP, safety officer and club reporter Lexington Highlanders snowmobile club “The little club that could!” LEXINGTON HIGHLANDERS sc Lexington Township, ME Hello everyone, we had our October meet ing and election with only 6 members present. The quorum is 5 members. However, the low turnout only shows that we need more mem bers to come to the next meeting. It will be held back in the Rome Town Hall as they have fixed the floors. The RTP Grant is moving along with all bridges and some of the culverts completed. Membership is at the lowest I have seen at this time. So if you plan to take advantage of the IMPROVED trails this year JOIN THE CLUB. It is not only the money it is the sup port at meetings and help with improving the trail, you know trimming the trails. There is no change in Club Officers, Lin coln Nye President, Doug McCosh VP, Hal Garnett Sect.& treasurer. Scott Chapman Trail Master. The C-4 Trail Map will again be published and available in December. Come, join, and help keep this 49-year-old club make it to 50. We need your ideas, and help with the trails. Hope to see some of you at the next meeting. Hal Garnett, Secretary Rome Ruff Riders ROME RUFF RIDERS PO Box 575 Belgrade Lakes, ME
Coastal Region VP
want to take this job on let Nick know (227 0837) and he will get the tickets and informa tion to you. A big Thank You to Dr. Nicholas for the many years and many tickets he has sold to support both the Central Aroostook S.C. and MSA. We wish him well and better health in the near future. Hope everyone gets their fall chores done and can maybe spare some time to help the club with some of our chores when the time is here. Then we all can start looking forward to snow and riding. Watch our Facebook page, Central Aroos took Snowmobile Club, for news and updates. Nick Bailey- Secretary Hey Gang, The Snowgang is going in high gear as of this date, with a lot of projects going on, but before I get into them I need to tell you of an event that happened over Labor Day that I totally forgot, and I have no excuse because I was there! This all happened at the Twice Around Labor Day Parade in Sherman. Several club members wanted to put a Snowgang float in the parade, which had a Hawaiian theme. So, to mess with everybody, they had Hawaiian dancing girls mixed with old & new snowmobiles. The guys found an old Yamaha Bravo on Jim Qualey’s stone wall and used that as the “old”!! And of course, you have to have a Bravo Man so that would be Benedicta’s own JOSH QUALEY!! Dressed in a long wig, short,short,short cutoff jeans, open luau short, and a darkened helmet, he BRAAAPPPED his way around the parade 2 Times, and even after on the grounds! Long story short, the float won 1st place in two cat egories,and we had some great fun. We were even featured on the WAGM Presque Isle news that night. A big shout out to the follow ing: President, Keith Sanford for hauling the float ~~ and letting me ride shotgun, Randy and Nadine Bates, Chris and Naomi Smith, Josh, Lacy, Micah and Josie Qualey, Denise and Morgan D’Amboise, and “super organiz ers” Kim and Pat Joyce~~~~ a job well done by all. Both drags have been repainted and I believe the plows on both groomers also so they are ready for snow. The new parts/sign shed has been stained and looks great; The first club meeting was held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and was well attended, with a lot of discussion and some new ideas. Trail work is in high gear with crews going out as much as possible. Our problem lately has been rain, and a lot of it. We have received over seven inches in the last two weeks. Thank for Lord potato harvest is over!! The hunting seasons, are all going well, with a lot of everything being seen and har vested. Well, I guess that pretty well gets us up to speed, so will close wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving to you, and we will see you on the trails soon. Jim Splan Reporter @ Large P.S.~~ Lacy, your a saint!! P.SS.~~ Time for the longjohns Charlie!! P.SSS.~~ And the Yankees get the broom!! P.SSSS~~ Anyone seen Tom Qualey!! O CHAPMAN RIDGE RUNNERS sc Chapman, ME Well, it is finally cooling off and we are all getting ready for snowmobiling. The crews have been working on completing the mow ing, and doing a small reroute around an icy spot on the trail. Summer grants are all done and the winter grant is ready to go. We are preparing for the delivery of our new groomer and hope to have it up and ready to go before mid December. Maybe we’ll have enough snow to groom! We are hoping that we can have our Thanks giving Landowner Supper this month and/or a combination supper and Christmas gift swap, BENEDICTA SNOW GANG Sherman, ME
but dates have not been set yet, waiting to check the calendar and hoping that the covid cases are down. We have had a few cases within the club. Watch our Facebook page for dates. The grooming crew has begun to meet on Wed. evenings at 6:00 at the “BullPen.” We will be placing our “replica Pisten Bully Groomer” around the area and are hoping that anyone who sees it will be willing to drop a few dollars into the groomer. The new groomer is not a small purchase for our club, but we are very excited and many have worked hard on securing grants and a loan. The Quilting Group has begun to meet again at the clubhouse on Wednesdays and it felt good to see everyone after 2+years. You do not need to be a member to attend-just show up at the clubhouse at 9:00 on Wednesdays and bring a project. It could be crossword puzzles, sewing, crafting, knitting/crocheting or mending! We eat lunch together and usu ally finish up by 2:00 or sooner if an attendee has to leave. Call Sue at 764-1236 if you have any questions. We also have a few master quilters who give excellent advice! Hope to see you! Here’s hoping we have tons of snow and that I see you out on the trail. Happy Holidays! Sue Maynard Secretary PORTAGE LAKERS sc Portage Lake, ME The leaves have fallen, the trees are bare. Snow is coming, and so is helmet hair! The Portage Lakers are looking forward to another season of awesome trails and to our first winter in the new groomer building. The crew has been working diligently on getting it buttoned up. There is still lots of work left to be done and the crew is getting worn out. So, if you have some free time on a Saturday or Sunday, please reach out to Bruce Laveway or Glenn Cusack to see what they have on the agenda. They will welcome any extra help. We would like to thank everyone thus far that has donated their time to get this project off the ground, the generous donations of materi als, as well as monetary donations. You should have received your membership renewals from Jen by now. If you have not, please reach out to her at portagelakersmem bership@gmail.com and she will get you what you need. Also, should you have any club related questions or would like to volunteer your time, let us know. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! President Dan opened our Club meeting on October 22nd with a moment of silence for Nancy McLean who has recently passed. Nancy held every position in the club since it was chartered in the 70’s. She and her hus band, Winston, were extremely strong sup porters of snowmobiling and outdoor access, having been MSA Landowners of the Year. Now she is enjoying her last ride. President Dan is happy to confirm the suc cessful reroute to the southern trail crossing East Shore Road is complete. This will open the access to Dunbar Hill and connect to the northern access to the rail-bed and ITS84 that was closed last year for multiple reasons. Also, receiving significant surface improvements, is the trail around Sand Pond. A summer long logging event and subsequent grading by the landowner and Dan and club members should improve your experience accessing the south ern access to the rail-bed and ITS84. That said, we will now direct our efforts to repair the damage to two bridges caused by oversized vehicles of some sort. Inconsiderate actions Tammy Kenney Club Secretary CENTRAL REGION EMBDEN TRAVELERS sc North Anson, ME Find us on Facebook
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com
H i To all,
NORTHERN REGION MOLUNKUS VALLEY SNO-DRIFTERS Sherman, ME Deadlines for club news is the 25 th of the month prior to the publications. Please submit articles to editor@mesnow.com Hello, I hope everyone had a great Halloween! now on to November- we lost a member David Stevens last month. The club sends its condo lences to his wife, Theresa & their family. A reminder the MVSD holds their Christ mas parade Nov. 27th in Sherman. All clubs are encouraged to participate. Always a fun time... New members are always welcome to join our MVSD CLUB. We have a great club and work well together. Waiting patiently to try our new Bombi out. The guys painted the drag pink as the club president is a Breast Cancer Survivor & other members in club have been affected by the nasty stuff! Til next time- keep on keeping on! Deb (Club PRES) Hi Folks, Well as I write this it is 55 degrees and foggy in Central Aroostook. We will be hav ing our first meeting of the season on October 27 th . There are some trail issues that need to be addressed. There is a bridge on ITS 81 in Westfield that needs to be re-decked and a cul vert washed out on RTE 70A that needs gravel put back over it. We will be discussing when we can get these done at the meeting. Other trail news is that the #9 Lake Trail will be closed for the beginning of the season until February, if all goes according to plan, due to a logging operation. Also, ITS 83 in Bridgewater will have a logging operation on it and be plowed for approximately 3 miles. The land owner of this section is allowing us to coexist with them provided the sleds travel at a reasonable speed and yield to motor vehi cle traffic on this section. Since we do not have the #9 Lake Trail as a way around this, we NEED EVERYONE to be respectful of the landowner’s request! Dr. Nicholas is not feeling able to do Super Raffle tickets as he has in the past. So if you CENTRAL AROOSTOOK sc Mars Hill, ME Happy Thanksgiving! Our riding time is almost here! As I look through social media, it amazes me all of the trail work being done across the state... Hats off to the volunteers, out there doing reroutes, trimming, building bridges, and getting trails ready to ride. Super raffle to be drawn Dec 13th have you bought your tickets??? Fantastic prizes again this year, don’t wait to buy your tickets. Start doing your snow dance.... Let’s hope for a great riding season. Be safe Ride Right.. Dave
We think about it all summer. Anyone who has done trail work of any kind, thinks about all that needs to be done to get ready for snowmobile season. And then, all the sud
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