From The Executive Board
Secretary’s Report - Brad Barker 577 th Directors Meeting - Sportsman Alliance of Maine - Augusta - October 18, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:37 PM. Al started us with the pledge of allegiance President’s Report Al stated Past President Dave Stevens had passed away the night before this meeting. Al asked for a moment of silence for Dave. Some MSA members went to the New Hampshire Grass Drags and Water Crossing show and manned a booth for MSA. There was much interest and many maps were handed out. Al told everyone he has been attending many meetings and has been many places. He went to Millinocket / Benedicta and got a good feeling about getting everyone on the same page trying to get the trails set before the last minute and not move them in the middle of the season if we don’t have to. Regarding the new land purchase in this area near Katahdin Woods and Waters, we have been assured by Senators King and Collins and it is in writing in the bill that our trails will remain. Brad invited him to landowners’ supper in Leeds. There was a whole wall of homemade food and everyone had a great time. The MSA Show is coming together nicely. There may be six vacant booths at this time and they will probably be filled by the time the show opens. There will be a Toyota Tundra on display and some of the trailers will be hooked up to other trucks. There are still some volunteer shifts that need people 12-3 Sunday ticket gate booth 7:30 on Friday is when vendors can bring in stuff. The 2022-23 ITS map order came in yesterday. Trail signs won’t be in by the time of the show so they will be late due to a state holdup. Super Raffle update The Polaris snowmobile has a recall on it and it’s being taking care of it. Alcom trailer will be picked up this week so it can be shown at the show. Fryeburg sold a lot of tickets at the fair this year but not as many as last year. There are more tickets available, just contact the office. We waiting for the Skidoo. The trailer will be ready before the show. There are still posters available. Al stated that he really appreciates what we do. We are one team and we all want the same thing. We have the best snowmobiling in the Northeast. We all work together. Every
club has a piece of the puzzle that makes us successful. We a all count on each other. There are obstacles in every part of the state. We came close in the western mountains. Those businesses count on the snowmobilers to get them through the winter and pay the high fuel bills. Executive VP Report Mark told everyone we do have maps now. They came in just in time for the grass drags in Epping. He thanked Liz and Al for working 24/7 on the show and it’s coming together well. BIW is going to make a bunch of signs for us like they did last year. About 900 Super Raffle tickets were sold at the NH show. Mark also mentioned he met Dan Gould the NH Snowmobile Association’s executive director. Mark told everyone to MAKE SURE YOU LOCK YOUR STUFF UP AND CHECK WITH YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE FULLY COVERED. Regional VP reports Jim Boyce- went to Bingham to meet up with big landowners and a bunch of clubs. They called on MSA to get the troops together to work things out. He stated Anson and Lexington are now on board with trash cans and how much landowners appreciate it. Kingfield/Sugarloaf, Lexington, New Portland clubs are getting it done. There has been a lot of rain so everyone is out checking their bridges. It’s a no go for Carrabassett trail this year. Lexington has been out with an excavator to get their trail up, so plan B is working. Eileen Lafland- Eastern region clubs are holding meetings, hosting landowner suppers, selling Super Raffle tickets and getting memberships out. Eastern region clubs are submitting memberships at a good rate. Keep up everyone! PineTree SC has a new to them groomer which was purchased with a capital equipment grant. They can’t wait for snow so they can get it on the trails. Thanks to Glenburn Lakeside Riders for hosting a ten-club meeting and thanks to Mike Grass and Barry Ryan for attending this meeting. Also, thanks to Larry Lafland and Barry and Gail Ryan for attending letter of credit and deduct that amount from what you owe. Some people who join at the show are renewing their membership and have chosen to do it there for a few reasons. One reason we hear is they haven’t received their renewal information from the club they were a member of last year. Another reason we hear is they live a great distance from the club they join and want to renew before going there to ride. Some people also choose to renew, but not with the club they joined the year before because they never heard anything from that club and are trying a different one. For whatever the reason, they are MSA members and are supporting a club so, please make them feel welcome. Membership total as of 10/25/22 Total family memberships - 2270 Total business memberships – 445 Break down by region Coastal- 57 clubs, 390 memberships, Central-56 clubs, 404 memberships Northern- 34 clubs, 479 memberships Western – 62 clubs, 482 memberships Eastern- 74 clubs, 949 memberships At this time, 141 clubs have submitted memberships and four clubs have over 100 memberships in the system. These clubs are Washburn Trail Runners, Moosehead Riders, Northern Timber Cruisers, and the Blue Ridge Riders. Keep sending those memberships in everyone!
the Bradford SC meeting and explaining the grant process and answering questions they had. Jack Lord was at the meeting and reported on the Central region. The meeting they attended with Weyerhaeuser was constructive and some of the landowners understand what the snowmobilers do for the town and the businesses around. One large landowner doesn’t understand that you can’t lock the gate on Friday night and walk away. It is beginning to sink in how the whole thing works. Is it always going to work in our favor. There is a mess to clean up after the last two storms. ITS 87 will stay intact. If we can’t work things out, we will have to put up a ton of signage for directions because there isn’t a place to gas up. We must have signs so that people know to gas up before you make the run to Jackman. There is gas sometimes in the Forks but not all the time. Matt Stedman wasn’t on tonight Dave Watson Coastal Region- 4 inches of rain in the last couple days has clubs checking bridges. The winds caused blowdowns so they Al reported there will be a Safety course on Sunday at the show Put on by DACF. A few clubs have asked for trail checks for the upcoming season. Scholarship committee- Barry Ryan reported the following figures- CD at $60,037, and Savings $1251. Scholarship booth will be beside the MSA booth at the show and all shifts for the show are all filled. Donations from club to scholarship can be done. There will be MSA Scholarship supporter hats for sale at the booth, with proceeds going in to the fund. The Scholarship Application has been revamped to include involvement with snowmobile clubs. Beth Bowie - start thinking about the Hall of Fame people you want to bring to the front this year. Think of people that have made a big impact on your club and MSA. Feb 28, 2023 is the deadline for this. Contact info is in the paper and online. New members would be great on the Hall of Fame committee. If you have a little time, it’s not a huge commitment and it would be helpful for all the input in selecting recipients. are being checked for as well. Standing Committee reports
Let Beth know if you are interested. Membership- Eileen thanked Liz for working her fingers off entering memberships to this date, Total family memberships 1,665 total business memberships 404 broken down by region Northern 303, Western 285, Central 321, Coastal 312 and Eastern Region 838 Top four clubs as of this date Blue Ridge Riders, Moosehead Riders, Northern Timber Cruisers and Washburn Trail Runners Old business John Monk -Our letter has been sent to Russell Black to get our off-trail bill on the docket. After the show we are going to get the search for an Executive Director going again because we have a couple bills that are going in and we need someone to keep an eye on these and be a legislative representative. New business Pine Tree Camp ride in is Feb 2-4 It will start in Hermon head to Levant. They are hoping to have MSA on board this year. The East Branch Sno-Rovers in Medway are hosting a groomer rodeo on Jan 28th. Flowers will go out for Dave Stevens tomorrow Hospitality- Gail Ryan Has sent out cards to different people. If you have nay that need sending, contact her. It can be for happy events or anything. Trails- Mike reported there were boxes of the new map are at this meeting for clubs to take some. The Secretary’s reports from August and September need to be accepted. A motion was made and seconded to accept them as presented which was voted on and the motion carried. Treasurer’s Report Read a copy, placed on file at the office. This month’s paper should be this week The next Directors meeting will be in Lexington on Nov. 15th. They are located at 1343 Long Falls Dam Road, Lexington. Supper will be served at 6:30 PM with the meeting being held at 7:00PM. There was no more business to discuss so a motion to adjourn was made at 7:29PM which was seconded and passed. steer ok? Your manual should have a specific area with a checkoff list to help you along. Any breaks on the frame of your trailer? Check this carefully. Maybe you should buy new tires. It’s not much fun on RT 11 in The County changing a flat! Do all the lights work! Check over the trailer before colder weather gets here. Does your coat and snow pants fit ok? Boots, helmet, goggles and gloves? I know I’ve been eating it up at a few Landowner Din ner’s lately! Home cookin’ nothing like it! We have many great dealers in our state they are all qualified to help you with your sled and trailer. Be patient though their very busy. Watch for more IF&W snowmobile safety courses we’ll keep you posted. Let me know if you need me to talk safety at your town school or at a club meeting. And by the way if you’re out there doing trail work make sure your wearing blaze orange on account of hunting season. Also, check your home smoke alarms and change the batteries plan an escape route out of your home or cot tage with the family. Extra smoke alarms save lives and their cheap money. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Ride Right Be Safe Out There! AL
From The Membership Corner
Safety Committee
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com
Alan Swett, 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com Hi Rider’s, Well November is here. A good time to check over your sled(s) and trailer. Your snow mobile should be in tiptop shape before the season starts. By doing this a potential break down can be prevented. Have a skilled dealer ship or a mechanic who knows how and what to look for. You can check the carbides on your skis and slides on the rear suspension for wear. Maybe there could be a bad bearing in a boogie wheel or two. Do your lights all work? Have you changed the oil if you own a four stroke? Any rips or tears on the track? Does it
O ctober was a goodmonth for memberships coming in to the office. Please remember your last season’s memberships have run out and members who have not renewed by now are not receiving their MSA paper. Memberships paid at the MSA Show in October are processed by now and those people are recorded. If your club receives a letter from MSA stating someone joined your club at the show and you have credit, please do two things. First, acknowledge the member who joined you by welcoming them to your club. Second, the next time you submit a membership transmittal form include the
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