From The Executive Board
From The Membership Corner
steady pace. Liz, in the office, has been entering them as they come in and by the looks of the numbers as of Sept.22 nd , her fingers have been busy. Keep up the great work everyone! We have been asked if a club needs to send the pre-printed cards to the office if they are doing a transmittal form. The answer at this point is, YES. The preprinted cards have a bar code on them and thanks to Bob F. we have a scanner unit that can read that code and enter a member into the system much quicker than typing everyone’s name and ID number. Totals as of Sept.22 nd With sixty-four clubs sending in memberships as of this date, we have 708 members and 126 business members for a total of 834. Totals by region
Eastern Region clubs, that is the number one request they had: “How do we get more peo ple to join and help? We are getting tired and there is no one to step up and take our places.” I also heard from a couple clubs that with only 3 or 4 members they can’t keep going and will not be operating this season. If this keeps hap pening, we could find areas where the trails are not brushed, marked, or groomed, and then safety becomes an issue. So go out and find that one new person, family, or business and tell them why they are needed! Eastern region clubs are once again work ing hard and getting memberships back to the MSA as soon as they get them. Remember everyone- you will not receive the Novem ber paper unless your memberships are in the MSA office and entered the system. Clubs, please send them as soon as you get them. Membership suppers are happening weekly in this region and I am sure in the other regions as well, so renew and get in on the fun! If the amount of Super Raffle tickets that I have had requests for in this region are any indication of what the sales will be like, it is sure to be a great year. Clubs that haven’t taken advantage of this fundraiser in the past, what are you waiting for? The only “cost” to you is selling the tickets, since all the prizes, posters and tickets are provided to you from MSA. Then, once you sell the tickets your club keeps half the money you have taken in. It really is a great way to earn extra cash for your club, so get it on it today. As November approaches, more and more clubs will be holding suppers and breakfasts to raise money. Watch the local calendars and find one to attend. From my experience these club meals are the best food around, home made and homecooked and served, buy who else-volunteers! Watch for the cold temps to come, the ground to freeze and then snowflakes in the air as winter will arrive soon! Until November, Eileen
Eastern Region VP
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com
Coastal Region 76 memberships Central Region- 79 memberships Western Region- 83 memberships, Northern Region-183 memberships Eastern Region- 403 memberships
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com
T he 2022-23 membership season has begun and memberships are rolling in to the office at a
W elcome to October Everyone! The cool air is here, the leaves have changed colors, and the summer toys have been put away. Fall has arrived and snowmo bile clubs across the state are getting ready. Club meetings, membership drives, land owner suppers, raffle ticket sales, fundraising dinners and breakfasts, trail work days and everything else the hundreds of snowmobile club VOLUNTEERS do to make snowmobil ing in Maine the best it can be is all happening now. Clubs have received their memberships packets and are contacting members from last year to re-join. When you are contacted, here is a small challenge for all current mem bers- Try to find at least ONE new person to join your club. I bet we all know at least one person, family, or business that snowmobiles or benefits from snowmobiling that is not a member or a club. Convince them why they should join. After all the volunteer “trail fair ies” and club workers that are keeping the doors open and the trails in great shape would like a little time to enjoy their work and this can’t happen unless more people step up and offer to help. In delivering club packets to the
Central Region VP
Western Region VP
Jack Lord Home: (207) 672-3915 Cell: 207-717-7131 17 Dinsmore St. Bingham, ME. 04920 Email: jacklord5256@gmail.com H It is time to get serious about getting trails ready, cutting brush, making sure the trails are safe. Checking to make sure all equipment is serviced and ready to go. The snow is coming and we don’t want breakdowns to get in the way of our fun. It is a lot less work if everything is in working order. While you are out there working on trails, please be careful, work safe so you can be out on the trails with everyone having fun. Something else we all need to do is while you are completing the paperwork that goes back to the MSA make sure you have a good drop-off address and telephone number. We cannot deliver to a post office box. From the 58 membership packages, there were six I could not find valid addresses or telephone number. Well there again I find myself on my podium, Ok I’m off, that said, I hope to see all of you at the Snowmobile Show, I am going to try to be at the show as much of the time as possible. I would like to shake everyone’s hand and thank you for all you do. It is hard for me to get to all the clubs, but if you need me, please give me a call and I will do my best to get there. That is what I’m here for. I don’t know all the answers, but I know where to get them and I will work as hard as I can to get them for you. Keep Smiling, BE SAFE Jack Lord
James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Rd, Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com H ello Everone, With fair season behind us it’s time to get busy. Get your memberships in and register your sleds if the wooly bears, high bee nests and the almanac are all right we are in for a great riding season. Check in with your local club and see what you could do to pitch in. Remember from year to year, there is a lot of trail changes so please follow the signs and stay on the marked trails. As of right now Carrabassett trails are closed to all traffic respect the landowners wishes and stay off them and maybe one day we will have access again. Remember support all the clubs where you ride. Don’t forget the MSA show hope to see you there. Until next month THINK SNOW!! Until next month THINK SNOW!!! Jim
Coastal Region VP
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com
O ctober!!! Leaves have changed color and are falling, as are the temperatures. September’s MSA director meeting was held at Rt 11 streakers and it was a great job! Thank you Streakers. The Ossipee Mountaineers held their swap meet and did a great job. Clubs are kicking it up to get trail work done waiting for the WHITE GOLD to fall. It won’t be long. Thanks to all clubs for your continued support. Dave
CLUB MEMBERS Once grooming begins submit your trail reports to: EDITOR@MESNOW.COM Please include your name and club affiliation
H fellow snowmobilers, It’s the first day of fall, rainy & cool, typical fall day here in Aroostook County. It seems as soon as the local farmers start to pick potatoes the fall rains are right behind! A sure sign that snowmobile season is coming at us at a rapid pace is the MSA snowmobile Show on the horizon. We can all get together, have a chance to check out sleds, groomers, trailers, gear & accessories and attend workshops on grants put on by the State snowmobile program. I hope to see you there. Have you purchased super raffle tickets this fall? There are many great prizes and your dollars support both the local club and the MSA. Clubs have been hard at work all summer behind the scenes raising funds, securing trail permissions from landowners, doing machine maintenance, filling out grant forms and the
Northern Region VP
list goes on, all so folks can enjoy a great time on a snowmobile. If your club has a need, please reach out to me or one of the Northern Region directors and we will help you in any way we can. We may not have all the answers but will work with you to help resolve your questions/ concerns or needs. We are here to support you and your clubs. Most clubs’ have had the first meetings of the season and schedules of events are being set. If you have not been contacted yet, do not wait, please reach out and see what you can do to lend a hand. Don’t be afraid to step up. If you are not quite sure how you may fit it in to the club, just be up front & ask. Clubs and their dedicated membership are what make it all happen, without them we cannot continue to ride.
As a club, share your success and challenges with the surrounding clubs, feed off each other and what we can learn from or leverage from others will make the whole even better. And finally, your club should have been emailed a link to a survey from the MSA, we are trying to gather data to find ways to better assist the clubs and this information is a way to do that. If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email below. Matt Stedman
Matt Stedman 207-557-1921 (call or text)
PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.matt@jdirving.com
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