From The Executive Board
From the President
it was a successful day for the Lexington Highlander’s and the Kingfield Snowanderers they each had half of the raffle prizes the trailer and Polaris to show and sold a good many tickets! We went to Limerick for our monthly directors meeting. An excellent time! We met some determined snowmobilers in this Maine town. A huge turnout from Dave’s Coastal region was a welcome site. Matt and his club are doing it right. One-step at a time. We talked a lot after the meeting, they have a vision and I’m confident they’ll make their goals! In addition, the food was excellent! Well lets head up the Interstate to Benedicta, I think I gained five pound after Keith’s pig roast! Wow what a following these folks have! A nice groomer barn along with a new garage to store the supplies. John and Mel Monk came along to a full house. Another successful great time, old friend and made new ones! This what we’re all about! Thanks to Keith and his crew for a wonderful Saturday afternoon. Heading south, I stopped at the Glenburn SC. Another landowner supper! Wow sorry I was still full from Keith’s pig roast! This little club outside Bangor has been around a long time. Marion Pinkham past MSA President and her family of friends make it happen here. Thank you! Pejepscot Snow Chiefs in Lisbon Falls. A Sunday afternoon trip took Harvey Chesley and I to this little clubhouse. More great eating steak, lobster and all the fixings! Wow! Another great club getting it done. With nearly or over 40 miles of trail this small group has it together. What an awesome team. Met new friends and saw old ones! Thanks for all you do! THANKS to all of you that make snowmobiling in Maine a worldwide destination. Every club is very important you’re a piece of the big puzzle that makes us the best place to ride! Hope to see you at the snowmobile show! Appreciate everybody’s passion and love for a great sport. Al
Off we go to Madawaska, The club held a big landowner appreciation supper at their groomer barn. A wonderful time and wonderful people! It was worth every mile to get there my wife and I had a great time and made some new friends! The Kingsbury Club is located near Kingsbury Pond. A beautiful place indeed! This is a small club and they get it done! A cookout out at the dam parking area was another big success with a large turn out to support them. They sold MSA raffle tickets t-shirts, bread along with some great tasting food for a Saturday afternoon Thank you! Let’s go to Rockwood, yes the Blue Ridge Rider’s annual Pig Roast. Oh my goodness what a meal up there and a club raffle with some fancy prizes, lots of food, great friends, made new friends excellent time as always! Dottie’s last year making it all happen. She’s leaving it all up to a new young lady that I know will do a great job. Thank you! I think I gained 5 pounds after this weekend, But, it’s not over yet. Lexington Highlander’s here we come. Was joined by Mark Chinnock the EVP and Lori Hemmerdinger the lady that does it all! A chicken dinner, few club raffles and the MSA raffle helped the Club of the Year have a profitable Sunday! It was a huge success, with over 350 dinners sold! The Happy Horseshoe Campground once again hosted the event out front supplying the tables and whatever else they needed! Another awesome time! Thanks! Off to Ripley, their annual auction was another stop on the MSA tour. And what an auction it was, this year had some incredible donated items that help this little club that has enormous pride and passion. Past MSA President Ken Ingalls helped me out selling MSA raffle tickets for the club. It is always a fun time with Kenny he is a great friend. Thank you. And thanks to the Ripley SC Mr. Jeff Hanson is the new President for inviting me! The North New Portland Fair was well attended the rain held off until Sunday but A.C.F. Snowmobile division, as both contain important documents that are time sensitive and require action, taking note also that some of the application deadlines have changed. As for the MSA, I can tell you that we have been on the move from attending open houses, landowner events, grass drags, as well as a number of crucial Trail related meetings, not to mention our monthly Director’s meetings. Traveling to some of these events as well as holding our Director’s meetings at various clubs around the state definitely has its advantages, as in the number of like-minded people that you meet and talk with. We have the opportunity to meet some interesting people and to be able to have great snowmobiling conversation. I love it! You see that there are people all over from within our snowmobiling community that have the same passion for the sport as we do and the energy resonates from person to person and club to club, I guess that’s what helps keep us going. I would like to totally change directions for just a minute and not preach but more to remind people to ‘Watch your stuff” and by that I mean making sure that your belongings are safe. I was earlier this month an unfortunate victim and had my 4-Place enclosed Snowmobile trailer stolen, it was taken in broad daylight and without consideration of any consequence. I was fortunate enough to have surveillance video and with the overwhelming help from social media and local PD’s I was able to retrieve my trailer 9 days later and bring it back home unharmed. I am sharing this because I don’t want anyone of you in my Snowmobiling community to be next! I’m afraid that as the economy weakens and people get more desperate it probably is only going to get worse. So please don’t be like me. Make sure that all of your insurances are up to date and at TODAY’S values. Also, take extra precautions when parking or storing your valuables, lock them up and if you go away, if nothing else park something in front of them, at least let’s make them work for it! I didn’t think it would happen to me but it did! Once again thanks for reading and until next time stay safe and Think Snow! Respectfully Mark Chinnock, Executive Vice President.
Lori Hemmerdinger (207) 890-5455 544 Plains Road Poland, ME 04274 Treasurer@mesnow.com Treasurer’s Report
Alan Swett, 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com
H i Folks! Welcome Snowmobiler’s, Season’s changing summer is gone!We’re coming up on another Maine winter. October is a big month; clubs are preparing trails, holding landowner appreciation cookouts along with first of the year meetings with yes, more food! The Super Raffle is moving along smoothly. We’ve had lots of tickets and posters made for you. The Snowmobile Show at the Augusta Civic Center in late October is filling up. That’s a good sign! “Team MSA” has been all over the state attending many club events. The Portage Lake and Ashland Snowmobile Clubs held the Ashland Grass Drags with a large turnout of racers, vendors and spectators. It was a great time. Mike Grass, John Monk, Barry & Gail Ryan and Brent Spaulding manned the MSA tent with lots of success! People from all over New England attended. A big thank you goes out to these two clubs it is a big money maker for them that helps during groomer season.
Respectfully Submitted, Lori Hemmerdinger, Treasurer
Monthly Income Monthly Expense
$ 35,346.40 $ 17,746.05 $ 17,600.35 $215,606.02 $ 76,467.80
Net Revenue
Checking (9/30/22)
DedicatedAccount (9/30/22)
Pay Pal (9/30/22) - Special EventsAccount (9/30/22) $ 4,987.53 Credit Line (9/30/22) $ - Building Fund (9/30/22) $ 53,906.28 BrianWass Safety Fund (9/30/22) $ 1,285.27 $
Scholarship Committee
From the Executive VP
Safety Committee
T he Scholarship Committee is planning to meet more regularly this year and develop plans to increase donations and more impor tantly get the word out that there are two MSA scholarships given each year to quali fied recipients. With the passing of the former leader of this committee, Dick Peck, a few years ago and then COVID taking over for the past three years, things at the Scholarship Committee level have fallen behind. Current Chairperson Harvey Chesley and Co-Chair person Barry Ryan along with rest of the com mittee are committed to making the scholar ship program strong again. One of the goals of the committee is to get information into the hands of clubs so they can promote members to appy. Anyone can submit an application; it doesn’t have to be just a high school senior. Applications from former winners are also accepted as well as graduate school attendees, Masters programs, vocational schools, etc. if you are going to further your education in any way, please con sider applying. There is also no age limit if the person has been a member of MSA for the previous two years and submits the required items with the application. The application is now available on the MSA website and we will have copies avail able at the MSA Show, Oct. 21st-23rd at the Scholarship booth. Please stop by, donate, buy some 50/50 tickets, and ask anyone work ing there to explain what the scholarship is all about. You can always contact any of the scholarship committee members as well. Harvey Chesley, Chairperson- harv.chesley@gmail.com Barry Ryan, Co Chair- skidoo6000ber@gmail.com Bob Lafontaine- bobiswim@gmail.com Gail Ryan- skidoo6000@aol.com Larry Lafland- L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com Eileen Lafland- L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com Mike Grass Jr- mgrassjr@gmail.com Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com
Alan Swett, 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com
Mark Chinnock, Vice President 207-754-9874 544 Plains Road, Poland, ME 04274 napadude66@hotmail.com
W ell October is here!, It’s a great time to check over your sled and trailer. Do it yourself or bring it to one of the dealers in your area. It’s that time of year for trail work, Remember don’t take short cuts wear your PPE. Protect your eyes, hand, feet and body. Noise is noise wear a set of ear plugs. Prevent long-term damage to yourself by wearing gloves good shoes/boots, eye pro tection and decent clothing. Sometimes those quick jobs turn out to be widow makers and we don’t want that. We want everyone safe out there. We have safety signs available; they are laminated so you can use them outside. Let me know and I’ll get some out to you. Snowmobile safety courses are available through IF&W watch for a date near you. We’re planning on having a course at the show October 23 rd - Sunday morning. Watch for more details online. In addition, if you would like a safety display and/or safety talk at your local school let me know. Thanks for all you do Be safe out there! Al
H ello Everyone, Welcome to the October edition of the Maine Snowmobiler, which means that we are knocking on the door of what is slated to be an Amazing winter season according to most of the more traditional methods of predicting weather patterns. Snowmobilers are a unique group when it comes to this, in that it doesn’t matter what happened the year before or the year before that, we are always more than excited, anxious and hopeful that this Winter is going to be THE ONE!, And for that reason this makes us the most passionate group of outdoor enthusiasts hands down. This is also the time of year, as we all know, that it is all hands on deck at the club and at the MSA level. By this time, most clubs have had at least a couple of meetings, and work details are a weekly routine. Touching base with our landowners is priority one and should be done sooner than later. It is a good practice to show respect to them and will pay big dividends in the long term. Make sure that someone in your club has eyes on both the MSA membership packet as well as the Grant packet that comes from Joe Higgin’s office at the Dept. of
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