The Maine Snowmobiler is an official publication of the Maine Snowmobile Association
The Maine Snowmobiler Vol. 54, No. 2 October 2022 • ISSN-0195-2870
207-622-6983 • fax. 207-622-7669 mainesnowmobileassociation.com • msa@mesnow.com
To purchase Advertising Space in The Maine Snowmobiler, contact our Office Manager, 207-622-6983, mainesnowmobileas sociation.com The Maine Snowmobiler welcomes submissions from MSAmembers, including but not limited to, club news, calendar listings, photographs, letters to the editor, articles of general and technical interest. Submissions may be edited. Address to: Editor, Maine Snowmobiler, PO Box 80, Augusta, Me. 04332, mainesnowmobileassociation.com All opinions expressed by contributing writ ers in the Maine Snowmobiler are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication. POSTMASTER: Send address change to: The Maine Snowmobile Association, PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332 The Maine Snowmobiler (USPS #859-920) is published 7 times a year by the Maine Snowmobile Association, Inc., 7 Noyes St Place, Augusta, Maine 04330. Periodical postage paid at Augusta, Maine and additional offices. Seasonal subscription provided to MSAmembers as a benefit of their annual dues. $3.00 of the $15 membership fee is applied to the cost of the publication. Sub scriptions are available to non-members at a cost of $30/season. r r r r r
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MAINE SNOWMOBILER CLASSIFIED AD Deadline: the 15th of the month preceding publication
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3. Circle the months in which the ad should appear: September October November December January February March April (first 20 words) + additional # words x 30¢ subtotal = x # months requested Payment = $ 6 $ $ Classified ads are prepaid. The per month rate is: $6 for the first 20 words, 30¢ each additional word. Checks payable to: MSA 4. Determine the cost of your ad:
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6. Mail to: Maine Snowmobiler, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332 Ads charged to a credit card may be faxed to 207-622-7669
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