Conklin’s Lodge LLC, (207) 528-2901 CVF Services, (207) 538-6260 Debbie’s Deli and Pizza, (207) 528-2012 Eastmill Federal Credit Union, (207) 528-6222 Ellis Family Market, (207) 528-2457 Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, (207) 532-4216 Hangar Pizza, (207) 528-2555 Inner-Tite Corp K&C Quik Stop & Service Center, (207) 528-4401 Katahdin Embroidery & Katahdin Welding, (207) 356-9533 Katahdin Lodge, (207) 528-7731 Katahdin Trust Company, (207) 528-2211 McNally Farms, (207) 528-2110 Michael A Hanson Trucking, (207) 463-2501 Miss Theresa’s Day Care, (207) 538-8536 Mt View Daily/Weekly Rentals, (207) 356-5126 Outdoorsman Lodging Patten Drug Co LLC, (207) 528-2244 Richardson’s Hardware, (207) 528-2235 S.C. Woodharvesting, (207) 592-2836 Savage Paint & Body, (207) 991-0092 Sheehans, (207) 528-2402 Spruce Street Business Services, (207) 528-2804 PEABODY, MA Provencher Van Lines Inc, (978) 774-6989 PENOBSCOT Penny’s Custom Embroidery & Sewing, (207) 326-9383 PERHAM Rustic Retreat Lodge, LLC, (207) 930-5935 PHILLIPS Edmunds Bros Market, (207) 639-3721 Gordon Boys Land Management, (207) 500-9414 Morgan Camp Care LLC, (207) 339-9491 Robert Brisard Property Management, (207) 232-0742 TRH & Sons Trucking & Excavation, (207) 754-6543 PITTSFIELD Burky & McCarthy Attorneys at Law, (207) 487-2431 Huff Powersports, (207) 487-3338 Richardson Property Services, (207) 487-1113 RJD Appraisal, (207) 487-5005 PITTSTON CW Repair Inc, (207) 582-2330 Usher’s Painting Service Inc, (207) 446-0389 PLYMOUTH Complete Hydraulics, (207) 257-2518 Galen Hopkins Construction, (207) 355-1921 POLAND DL Carpentry, Grand Falls Mortgage Corp PORTAGE Aroostook Real Estate, (207) 391-9911 RCR Grading, (207) 907-0250 PORTAGE LAKE Acadia Federal Credit Union, (207) 834-6190 All Travel, (207) 227-3014 Aroostook Technologies, (207) 762-9321 Coffin’s General Store, (207) 435-2811 Collins Rentals, (207) 227-6231 Coramish Rentals, (207) 869-8584 Crabbie Inc, (207) 975-7855 Dean’s Motor Lodge, (954) 249-3070 Jacksons Lakeshore Rentals, (207) 521-1451 M Rafford Construction, (207) 540-4048 Mark Flint Logging, (207) 768-0307 Modern Roofing, (207) 227-0700 Norstate Federal Credit Union, (207) 728-7555 Northern Plowing, (508) 330-9466 Panther Run Marina, (207) 400-4020 R. Belanger & Sons Farms, (207) 576-5845 Shamrock Holding Co, (207) 435-6444 Geyer Construction, (207) 408-1940 RC McLucas Trucking, (207) 625-8915 SB Propane Services, (207) 205-0283 SC Day Carpentry, (207) 625-7394 William Day Jr & Sons Logging, (207) 625-8181 PORTLAND BH Milliken Inc Dobson Roofing, (207) 772-7710 Fresh Approach Market, (207) 774-7250 Green on the Hill Properties Machu Picchu, LLC, (207) 415-8300 WH Demmon’s Roofing, (207) 797-7468 PRESQUE ISLE Big V Powersports LLC, (207) 554-6349 Boondock’s Grille, (207) 554-7155 Bradley’s Citgo & Car Wash, (207) 764-6130 Cam Manufacturing, (207) 764-4199 Carroll’s Auto Sales, (207) 764-3114 Chandler Farms Inc, (207) 764-5228 Crown of Maine Motors, (207) 768-0741 Katahdin Trust Company, (207) 764-8000 Maine Farmers Exchange, (207) 764-4433 Northern Lights Motel, (207) 764-3473 Perry’s Mini Mart, (207) 764-4561 PNM Construction Inc, (207) 764-8365 Powers Property Management LLC, (207) 551-7898 Presque Isle Inn, (207) 764-3321 Riverside Inn Restaurant, (207) 227-3978 Smith’s Farms Inc, (207) 768-1311 SureStay by Best Western, Presque Isle, (207) 769-0111 SW Collins, (207) 764-2720 Theriault Equipment, (207) 764-4405 United Insurance Hayden Perry Agency, (207) 764-6161 PRIDES CROSSING, MA Benevento Companies, (978) 569-5200 PRINCETON Calais Motor Inn, (207) 454-7111 Diffin’s Bait, (207) 214-8641 Smith’s Farm Inc, (207) 768-1311 United Insurance, (207) 551-7363 Weeks Custom Builders, (860) 307-1180 Windham Rental Center, (207) 831-5144 PORTER Diffsonline, (800) 219-0485 Dustin White, (207) 227-8756 Gil’s Sanitation Inc, (207) 769-0711 Hampton Inn, (207) 760-9292 Harry’s Motor Sports, (207) 764-7180 Irish Setter Pub, (207) 764-5400
Barrett Made, Blue Flame Gas Co & Rangeley Fireplace, (207) 864-8008 Bosebuck Mtn Camps, (207) 670-0013 C&M Distributing Co, Inc, Carolyn Smith, Realtor, (207) 491-5800 D.M. Kolodziej Trucking, Inc, (508) 932-1567 Dallas Hill Construction, (207) 864-5297 Dave’s North Country Modular Homes, (207) 864-9998 Dead River Company, (207) 864-5105 Dom’s Auto & Jeep Repair LLC, (207) 864-3494 Elmes Property Management LLC, (207) 670-5277 Furbish Brew House, (207) 864-5847 Ivers Electric, (207) 864-2022 Koob’s Garage, (207) 864-3737 Kutting Edge Property Management, (207) 864-2367 Lakes Region Power Systems, (207) 864-3437 Lakes Region Power Systems, Lakeside Convenience & Marina, Inc, (207) 864-5888 Loon Lodge Inn, (207) 864-5666 Lyons Lakeside Cabins, (207) 864-5899 M&H Construction, McManus Electrical Contractors Inc, (845) 620-9729 Moose Alley, (207) 864-9955 Morton & Furbish Insurance, (207) 864-3334 Morton & Furbish Real Estate-Rentals, (207) 864-9065 Northeastern Property Management Solutions, Northwest Forest Management, Noyes Real Estate Agency, (207) 864-9000 Oquossoc Marine, (207) 864-5477 Propane Plus Corp, (508) 252-3359 Rangeley Building & Remodeling, (207) 864-3925 Rangeley IGA, (207) 864-3346 Rangeley Lake Resort, (207) 864-2180 Rangeley Lakes Builders Supply, (207) 864-5644 Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, (207) 864-7311 Green Thumb Landscaping, (207) 864-2786 Grenier Construction Co, Inc, (508) 846-4280 Hight Family of Dealerships, (207) 474-3334 Berry Water Solutions, Inc., (207) 383-5153 Brake & Exhaust Center, (207) 655-3037 Lake Region Monitor, (207) 627-2260 Sunset Variety, (207) 655-3131 READFIELD Edgar Clark & Son Pallet Inc, (207) 685-4518 Weathervane Restaurant & Lounge, (207) 685-9410 Webb and Sons Property Management, (207) 441-4733 REED PLANTATION Maine River Lodge, (207) 557-1243 RICHMOND Enbridge - M&N Operating Co M&N Operating Co, (207) 650-4085 Mainely Power Sports, (207) 453-7278 ROCKLAND Machias Savings Bank, (207) 596-5864 ROCKPORT PRB Excavation & Building Contractors, (207) 596-0574 ROCKWOOD Lucky Duck Lodge, Misty Morning Cottages, (207) 534-7357 Moosehead Area Rentals dba Rockwood Cottages, (207) 418-7299 Misty Morning Cottages, (207) 534-7357 Moosehead Bait & Tackle, (207) 534-2261 Moosehead Pontoon Rentals, (207) 717-9646 Moosehead Sled Repair & Rental, (207) 534-2261 Morrell’s Hardware, (207) 695-2897 Rockwood Bar & Grill, (207) 534-0202 Rockwood Convenience Store, (207) 534-0204 The Birches Resort, (207) 534-7305 ROME Carter’s Marine & Storage, (207) 495-2852 Central Maine Motors, Inc, (207) 872-5591 Gilbert & Gilbert Contracting, (207) 612-6258 GPS Trailmasters, (603) 493-5474 New England Trail GPS, (603) 263-4730 P&B Remodeling LLC, (207) 776-8344 ROXBURY Boss Power Equipment, (207) 864-5343 Central Maine Powersports, (207) 768-9234 Concord River Fabrication, (207) 357-3412 Gallant’s Discount Furniture, Inc., (207) 545-2442 Glen’s Service Center, (207) 926-6024 Jim Hart & Son Home Improvement, (207) 576-3348 Nick’s Skidsteer & Land Services, NWP Lawn Care NWP Lawncare, (207) 418-5771 Oquossoc Marine, (207) 864-5477 Portage Tap House River Bend Property Management, (207) 418-0371 South Arm Select Straight Line Roofing and Siding, Sundown Construction Inc, (207) 754-1837 Thomas Aviation LLC, (207) 369-9585 RUMFORD Adley Auto Sales & Services Inc, (207) 364-3700 Advantage Insurance Services, (207) 364-8293 Best Western Plus,, (207) 440-7576 Community Quick Stop, (207) 364-8984 Fitch Company Lakeville Wood Boiler Peaks Tarps Russell Appraisal Services, (207) 364-2726 Shaker Hill Outdoors, (207) 998-5390 The Fitch Company Worthley Pond Rentals, (207) 357-3837 SABATTUS Ames Outdoor Powersports, (207) 212-0083 Boilard Builders Sabattus House of Pizza, (207) 375-4504 Uncle Moe’s Diner SACO Aquaboggan Waterpark, (207) 282-3112 Berube Builders Casey Construction, (207) 590-6968 DCB Properties, (207) 283-8012 Rangeley Saddleback Inn, (207) 864-3434 Rev-It-Up Sport Shop, (207) 864-2452 Rev-It-Up Sports Shop, (207) 864-2452 RKH Tile, (207) 864-2829 Sarge’s Sports Pub & Grub, (207) 864-5616 Snow Diva Boutique, (774) 217-1667 Suspension Wholesales/Tactical Solutions, The Rangeley Inn & Tavern, (207) 864-3341 Tina Falasco, LMT, (207) 864-5805 Town & Lake Motel, (207) 864-3755 RANGELEY/EUSTIS Mountain View Adventures RAYMOND
MSA Business Members Support Maine’s Snowmobile Trails Thank them by using their services
Fournier Contracting & Masonry, (207) 283-8779 Grant Family Farm, (207) 590-1053 Hobson & Company LLC, (207) 283-0023
DuBois Construction, Inc, (207) 272-9643 Hammond Lumber Co, (207) 474-8122 Hight Ford, (207) 474-3334 Ken’s Restaurant, (207) 474-3120 Long Drive Acres Maple, (207) 778-9618 Marshall’s Automotive Machine, Inc, Motor Supply Co, (207) 474-3327 Paint It Right Painters, (207) 399-9441 Provost Pools, (207) 474-2820 Rinaldi & Sons Auto Repair, (207) 474-2611 Shields Construction, (207) 431-2242 Skowhegan Equipment & Tool, (207) 474-6573 Snack Shack Tracy Builders LLC, (207) 474-0213 Whittemore & Sons, (207) 474-2591 Your Designs Unlimited, (207) 474-67599 SMITHFIELD Chesley Property Care, (207) 649-5072 D&L Country Store & Redemption, (207) 465-3439 Everett’s Tire LLC, (207) 634-3300 Hight Chevrolet, Buick, GMC Inc, (207) 474-3371 Mainely Power Sports, (207) 616-0605 Morrows Garage & Auto Body, (207) 362-4161 Power Equipment Plus, (207) 547-4114 Rick Labbe Constuction, (207) 465-5500 Three Lakes Storage, (207) 465-5500 Tri Pond Variety, (207) 362-2300 SMYRNA Lilley Farms, (207) 694-0707 RC Logging Supplies, (207) 757-8691 SMYRNAMILLS Brookside Inn, (207) 757-8456 RC Logging Supplies, (207) 757-8691 SOLON Griswolds, (207) 542-8640 Griswold’s Country Store & Diner, (207) 643-2771 The Evergreens Campground & Restaurant, (207) 643-2324 TNT Auto Glass, (207) 474-0688 SOUTH BERWICK Quality Fire Protection, (603) 817-5308 SOUTH CHINA CLT, (207) 445-3151 SOUTH HIRAM Locklin’s Campground, (207) 625-3121 SOUTH PARIS Colby’s Arctic Cat, (207) 743-0886 DOE’s Inc, (207) 739-2575 J Palmer & Son Plumbing & Heating, (207) 890-8776 SOUTH PORTLAND Hannan’s Electric, (207) 929-3813 Maine Roofing Inc, Rave X Brothers LLC SOUTHWEST HARBOR GT Outhouses, (207) 244-0144 SPRINGFIELD Chalmers Enterprises, (207) 266-3035 Houghton Cedar Mill Inc, (207) 731-7185 Smith’s General Store, (207) 738-2171 White Glove Drug & Alcohol Testing, (410) 458-8276 SPRINGVALE Big Boys’ Toy Box, (207) 324-3003 ST ALBANS A.E. Robinson Oil Co. Inc, (207) 564-8131 Brock Leavitt Gordon’s Grog, (207) 949-2205 Holt’s Apiary, (207) 277-3143 Pelletier Restorations, (207) 416-2667 S&S Energy, (207) 416-4300 Snowman’s Construction, Inc, (207) 938-3263 Wave Lengths Hair & Body Works, (207) 938-2400 ST AGATHA Lakeview Restaurant, (207) 543-6331 Ron Bragg Carpentry Inc, (207) 299-4214 ST FRANCIS Neilson’s Sport, (207) 629-9163 STACYVILLE Bates Fuel, (207) 365-4292 STANDISH Atlantic Masonry, (207) 205-4647 KML Painting Services, (207) 776-4063 Shaw Earthworks Top Fuels STOCKHOLM Cabin on the Hill, (860) 786-7545 David Buzzell, (207) 896-3489 RSD Properties dba Cabin on the Hill, (860) 978-3719 The Rail Bed and Bunk House, (410) 490-7073 STOW Stow Corner Store, (207) 697-2255 SRATHAM, NH AudiblEvents STRATTON Absolut Garage Flagstaff Rentals, (207) 246-4276 Fotter’s Market, (207) 246-2401 Spillover Lodging Inc Stratton Plaza Hotel & Lounge, (207) 246-2000 T&L Enterprises The Coplin Dinner House The Looney Moose White Wolf Inn, (207) 246-2922 STRONG Central Maine Powersports, (207) 689-2345 Glenns Garage, (207) 491-7414 Moosehorn Sportshop, (207) 491-3117 Sandy River Self Storage, (207) 684-2990 Strong Hardware & Lumber Inc, (207) 684-4101 The White Elephant, (207) 684-3611 Mark’s Complete Automotive Service, (207) 858-0123 Mark’s Complete Automotive Service Inc, (207) 858-0123 The Beverage Mart, (207) 474-2312 TNT Auto Glass, (207) 474-0688 TNT Glass Co, (207) 474-0688 Towne Motel, (207) 474-5151 Backstrap Bar & Grill Flagstaff General Store
Homestead Legacy, (207) 283-8012 KVM Incorporated, (888) 951-7283 Leary Farm, (207) 807-2839
LST Landscaping, (207) 671-0811 Nor’ East Electric, (207) 284-2710 Regional Property Maintenance, (207) 229-9940 Rinaldi Energy, (207) 571-4231 Riverwinds Farm & Estate, (207) 410-2110 Webb Law Firm, (207) 283-6400 SAINT AGATHA All Seasons Lakeside Cottages, (207) 543-6600 Cozy Log Cabin Rentals, (207) 493-0202 Ken L Electric, (207) 543-7807 Lakeshore Properties, (970) 209-3715 Lakeview Restaurant, (207) 543-6331 Long Lake Motor Inn, (207) 543-5006 Marquis Tree Works, (207) 316-3384 Roy’s Variety, (207) 543-2075 SAINT ALBANS Indian Lake Market SAINT DAVID Long Lake Country Club, (207) 895-6957 Connors Trucking, (207) 398-3548 Joe’s Country Store, (207) 398-4172 Taggettville Trucking SANFORD Curley Associates, (207) 324-8800 Robertson’s Power & Sports, (207) 324-5502 SANGERVILLE AE Robinson-Sangerville, (207) 876-3920 Crouse Building Construction, (207) 631-9587 Piscataquis Precision Machining Inc, (207) 924-5792 Richardson Rentals, (207) 343-1716 SCARBOROUGH Black Point Auto & Towing Inc E Robin Thurston, Insurance Flaherty Property Service, (207) 730-0232 Risbara Bros Construction SEARSPORT North Rhodes Taxidermy SEBAGO Autumn Lane Estate, (207) 671-7105 George Anderson & Sons Excavating, (207) 787-2195 Jordan Rentals, (207) 787-2442 Jordan’s Store, (207) 787-3866 Shea’s Auto Sales, (207) 787-2050 Sportsman’s Kitchen & Keg, (207) 787-5209 SEBEC Ames Construction Inc, (207) 279-0087 Powerline Construction Inc, (207) 949-6777 SEDGWICK Jon D Woodward & Sons, SHAPLEIGH Shawns All Season Sports, (207) 324-1874 SHELTON CT TM&K Partners, (203) 929-2547 SHERMAN Baxter’s Place Brooks Equipment Services & Sales, (207) 752-1027 C McDonald Trucking, (207) 267-4606 Charles Lane Inc, (207) 365-4606 Earl J Cummings Trucking, (207) 365-6106 Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, Jay E Moore & Son, (207) 365-7137 Katahdin Valley Motel, (207) 365-4554 Katahdin Valley Motel, (207) 365-4554 Katahdin Valley Wheelers, (240) 626-8879 Maine Way Transport McGraws Welding MDJN Enterprise dba Sherman Thriftway Gen Store, Mitchells Auto Body Mountain View, (207) 290-4119 Sherman Thriftway General Store, (207) 365-4538 Southard’s Mountain View Escape, (207) 290-4119 Taylor’s Katahdin View Gateway Shell LLC, (207) 365-4856 Wally’s Garage, (207) 365-4267 SHERMAN MILLS Three Oak Farms, (207) 592-9771 SHIN POND Wilderness Variety Store, (207) 528-2626 SHIRLEY Baker’s Maple Syrup, (207) 717-7372 Gagne’s, (207) 695-3886 Lindy Arey Logging & Trucking, (207) 695-3325 Lone Wolf Guiding Services, (207) 343-0486 North Pointe Farm & Garden, (207) 695-4455 Northeast Guide Service dba Northeast Whitewater, (207) 695-0151 Northeast Whitewater, (207) 695-0151 Pudgy’s Lawn Service, (978) 388-9585 Symonds Appraisal Service, (207) 695-3222 SIDNEY Annie’s Variety, (207) 547-5555 Manter Construction of Maine, (207) 547-4038 Middle Road General Store, (207) 547-3757 SINCLAIR 180 Seal Coating, (207) 596-7325 Lakeside Lodge, (207) 543-2129 Long Lake Camps & Lodge, (207) 543-6390 Mountain View Escape, (207) 290-4119 Sherman Self Storage, (207) 365-4021 Twin Peaks Lodge, (207) 432-9153 Twin Peaks Lodge, (207) 895-3490 SAINT FRANCIS B. Pelletier Logging,
Martin’s General Store, (207) 543-6422 St. Peters Country Store, (207) 834-5625 SKOWHEGAN Abnaki Machine, (207) 474-2600
Johnson’s True Value, (207) 454-2551 Princeton Food Mart, (207) 796-2244 Towns Auto Body, (207) 454-7053 RANDOLPH Randolph Poly Clean, (207) 582-9852 Randolph Redemption Center, (207) 582-8366 The Upfit Shop, (207) 242-7200 RANGELEY
Al’s Pizza, (207) 474-6621 Bigelow Brewing Company,
Butler’s Car Wash, (207) 798-9044 Central Maine Septic, (207) 474-7216 Central Maine Septic & Portable Toilet Rentals, (207) 474-7216 Decato Construction, (207) 431-2382
(Continued on Page 26)
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