50 th Anniversary of Dysart’s Snowmobile Ride-In to benefit Pine Tree Camp
Dear Maine Snowmobiling Friends, “It’s her heaven on earth.” This is how one mother described what Pine Tree Camp means to her daughter, one of our returning campers. Over the summer, Pine Tree Camp was thrilled to welcome campers back after a two-year hiatus due to covid-19. Our 2023 summer season offered three weeks of over night camping sessions for adults with disabilities, three weeks for children with disabilities and sev eral additional weeks of specialty programming. As always, our Open Door Policy was firmly in place, meaning no camper has ever been turned away regardless of their abil ity to pay. We could not do this without our generous supporters and special events. As you may have read last month, the 50 th anniversary of Dys art’s Snowmobile Ride-In to benefit Pine Tree Camp will be happening in 2023. We will be celebrating this anniversary with a full line-up of events in February and would love
for you to join us in celebrating the anniversary. Our current schedule is included below, and we expect more events to be added in the com ing months! Thursday, February 2 nd – WABI Tele thon and Dysart’s Spaghetti Dinner Friday, February 3 rd – Ride-In Auction Saturday, February 4 th – Q106.5 Celebrity Egg Ride & Pine Tree Poker Run Returning celebrity riders will include Jared “Jedi” Baker from Maine Cabin Masters, Ski-Doo Ambassador John Gibbs and the Nite Show’s Dan Cashman and Christie Robinson . Over the past fifty years, the
Ride-In has raised over 4 million dollars to support our Open Door Policy. We are looking forward to celebrating all that the Maine snow mobile community has done to help us keep this event in motion through the years. Please reach out to me if you’re willing to help in some way; whether through hosting your own event that we can add to the calen dar, becoming a sponsor, helping to secure auction items, joining us for the Egg Ride and Poker Run, or even just helping to promote the events in general. I can be reached at aking@pine treesociety.org or (207) 386-5915. We thank you in advance for your
support of our campers. Happy camping! Adria
Jared Baker from Maine Cabin Masters
John Gibbs Ski-Doo Ambassador
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